DISCLAIMER: This topic documents my progress from a person with severe premature ejaculation to a male multi orgasmic (MMO) chronologically. In that light many of those first posts here display my way of finding the right way to battle premature ejaculation problem and also my reasoning, and in a way the evolution of my understanding of it all. So many discoveries made here, while useful and educational can be obsolete. If you are reading this for motivational value then you should read it from the first post onwards, if however you are looking for some specific new solutions checking out this topic form the last post backwards, or consulting some of the guides I made (listed in the premE FAQ, the link in my signature) might be a better idea. In order to preserve the originality I tend not to edit/update the posts I made here.
------------------INTRO--------------------------Seeing that I had great results in healing my premature ejaculation problems thanks to this forum, and that this is the topic where i have posted most of my thoughts, ideas and descriptions i have decided to rename this topic in order to bring more attention to it, because i think that these posts will help the reader with premature ejaculation in motivation and as a definitive proof that PREMATURE EJACULATION CAN BE CURED NATURALLY (i know it sounds as a lame commercial, but i'm not selling anything )
The way that i healed my premature ejaculation is just one of many ways. This way is to put it bluntly healing a premature ejaculation with start/stop technique and dry orgasm later on. It might sound weird because i'm not actually healing the problem but jumping over it with DO, but it doesn't work that way. The way i see the PE problem:
In the light of the quote Dry Orgasm will help you immensely in both sides of the problem, because it will boost your confidence and it will help you in retraining your reflex. Don't believe me? Try it and see And well, one you have dry orgasmed once it the road to MMO is open
I urge to use this topic as a motivation and as a good source of good tips how to overcome the problem. It is important that you read the topic in whole so that you can get the whole picture. DO NOT EXPECT THIS TOPIC TO MAGICALLY HEAL YOU PREMATURE PROBLEMS, BECAUSE IT WONT, BUT IT WILL HELP YOU. ALSO YOU WILL NOT MAGICALLY BECOME A MMO BY READING THIS TOPIC BUT BECOME MUCH MORE AWARE AND INFORMED.
Thanks to the support of the people that have posted (and will post ) in this thread. And very special "thank you" to the Pegasus who has been patient enough to help me correct my mistakes and answering many, sometimes pointless PMs. If he haven't been there to guide me i would not be able to progress this fast, and by many my progress have been a very fast one.
So basically not only have i healed my premature ejaculation i became an MMO (male-multi-orgasmic) and even got some gains in EQ (in other words, my dick became bigger for 2-3 cms, and that wasn't even a primary goal).
And now for a little beginning motivation for you premature ejaculationists
What you may not be aware is that having a premature ejaculation can help much in becoming a MMO, especially because we come to the PONR so much faster so that we actually have a good deal of head start, but we aren't aware of it until some point. In other words people with primature ejaculation (at least that is what i firmly believe ) can became MMO much faster than the rest, mostly because in most forms of premature ejaculation the pelvic floor muscles are more or less in a pretty good shape so you will have almost no problem with kegels (reverse kegels on the other hand will prove to be harder but are not needed much for the beginning stages MMO).
This topic is mostly for the people with ejaculation problem but might help gain more insight in anybody interested in MMO, also feel free to join the MMO group.
The rest of this post is the original first post that I posted when i came here desperate for some help and what came later
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Hello, I'm 25 year old and have a premature ejaculation. Since I'm still a virgin I haven't been bothering with this issue of mine, since I had no girl. But things have changed and now I have one and I really really want to make her happy (in bed).
For that purpose I read many articles and learned about the pc muscle. However, i noticed that i can feel two muscles down there, and learned a little bit of PC, BC and IC muscles. I also lurked here and gain knowledge of reverse kegels. So I have a few questions about it all and i would be very grateful if someone would answer my questions.
On with the questions.
1. What muscles actually help to heal pe? The pc, or mc ones?
2. When I clench my anus is that a pc muscle?
3. I can also clench some muscle just behind my testacles/balls, while the muscle around the anus moves very little, is that a mc muscle?
4. When I sit on the flat surface, spread my buttocks and try to lift my self up (trying to fart, or do the number 2) is that a reverse kegel?
5. When i was at the PONR i tried to clench my muscles and ejaculate and nothing came out, but mu pennis got limp like i ejaculated. Am i doing it wrong, where is my mistake?
6. When i'm at PONR what muscles should a clench or not to prevent ejaculating, or pe?
7. Isn't ballooning and start-and-stop bad for your prostate, since it leaves some fluid in your prostate?
8. I feel like the muscles just behing my testacles are cramped and hurt a lillte, did i overworked them? How can i relax them?
Well that is about it for now. I have deiced to stop any practice until I know exactly what I'm doing, in order to prevent any complications. I am certain that i'm not the first one to ask those questions, and i'm sorry if i'm asking the questions that are answered a thousand times, but i have searched and was unable to find answers to my questions, so please bear withe me. I hope I have posted in the right section.
The way that i healed my premature ejaculation is just one of many ways. This way is to put it bluntly healing a premature ejaculation with start/stop technique and dry orgasm later on. It might sound weird because i'm not actually healing the problem but jumping over it with DO, but it doesn't work that way. The way i see the PE problem:
Premature ejaculation had always had two sides of the problem, one side was the psychological and it is based on fear, frustration, anxiety and other was physical and it is based on habit and reflex.
These two sides are always present, but it is a question in which quantity is the psychological present and in witch quantity is the physical problem present. I for example had more of a physical problem that in return dragged the psychological part with it.
In this light, healing the psychological side will heal to some point the physical side of the problem, and vice versa.
Now looking at the problem from the psychological stand point, relaxation, immersion, whole body sensation and confidence are the cure.
On the physical side, kegels, reverse kegels, kegel holds and similar help discipline the muscles and retrain them out of the bad habits and reflexes.
At the same time the exposure to edgeing and kegeling gets you used to the sensation and tells your brain that ejaculation is not what you want at that point but more pleasure.
It is common mistake that calmness and "thinking about grandma and grandpa" is a psychological solution, when immersion and passion are a way to go.
These two sides are always present, but it is a question in which quantity is the psychological present and in witch quantity is the physical problem present. I for example had more of a physical problem that in return dragged the psychological part with it.
In this light, healing the psychological side will heal to some point the physical side of the problem, and vice versa.
Now looking at the problem from the psychological stand point, relaxation, immersion, whole body sensation and confidence are the cure.
On the physical side, kegels, reverse kegels, kegel holds and similar help discipline the muscles and retrain them out of the bad habits and reflexes.
At the same time the exposure to edgeing and kegeling gets you used to the sensation and tells your brain that ejaculation is not what you want at that point but more pleasure.
It is common mistake that calmness and "thinking about grandma and grandpa" is a psychological solution, when immersion and passion are a way to go.
I urge to use this topic as a motivation and as a good source of good tips how to overcome the problem. It is important that you read the topic in whole so that you can get the whole picture. DO NOT EXPECT THIS TOPIC TO MAGICALLY HEAL YOU PREMATURE PROBLEMS, BECAUSE IT WONT, BUT IT WILL HELP YOU. ALSO YOU WILL NOT MAGICALLY BECOME A MMO BY READING THIS TOPIC BUT BECOME MUCH MORE AWARE AND INFORMED.
Thanks to the support of the people that have posted (and will post ) in this thread. And very special "thank you" to the Pegasus who has been patient enough to help me correct my mistakes and answering many, sometimes pointless PMs. If he haven't been there to guide me i would not be able to progress this fast, and by many my progress have been a very fast one.
So basically not only have i healed my premature ejaculation i became an MMO (male-multi-orgasmic) and even got some gains in EQ (in other words, my dick became bigger for 2-3 cms, and that wasn't even a primary goal).
And now for a little beginning motivation for you premature ejaculationists
What you may not be aware is that having a premature ejaculation can help much in becoming a MMO, especially because we come to the PONR so much faster so that we actually have a good deal of head start, but we aren't aware of it until some point. In other words people with primature ejaculation (at least that is what i firmly believe ) can became MMO much faster than the rest, mostly because in most forms of premature ejaculation the pelvic floor muscles are more or less in a pretty good shape so you will have almost no problem with kegels (reverse kegels on the other hand will prove to be harder but are not needed much for the beginning stages MMO).
This topic is mostly for the people with ejaculation problem but might help gain more insight in anybody interested in MMO, also feel free to join the MMO group.
The rest of this post is the original first post that I posted when i came here desperate for some help and what came later
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Hello, I'm 25 year old and have a premature ejaculation. Since I'm still a virgin I haven't been bothering with this issue of mine, since I had no girl. But things have changed and now I have one and I really really want to make her happy (in bed).
For that purpose I read many articles and learned about the pc muscle. However, i noticed that i can feel two muscles down there, and learned a little bit of PC, BC and IC muscles. I also lurked here and gain knowledge of reverse kegels. So I have a few questions about it all and i would be very grateful if someone would answer my questions.
On with the questions.
1. What muscles actually help to heal pe? The pc, or mc ones?
2. When I clench my anus is that a pc muscle?
3. I can also clench some muscle just behind my testacles/balls, while the muscle around the anus moves very little, is that a mc muscle?
4. When I sit on the flat surface, spread my buttocks and try to lift my self up (trying to fart, or do the number 2) is that a reverse kegel?
5. When i was at the PONR i tried to clench my muscles and ejaculate and nothing came out, but mu pennis got limp like i ejaculated. Am i doing it wrong, where is my mistake?
6. When i'm at PONR what muscles should a clench or not to prevent ejaculating, or pe?
7. Isn't ballooning and start-and-stop bad for your prostate, since it leaves some fluid in your prostate?
8. I feel like the muscles just behing my testacles are cramped and hurt a lillte, did i overworked them? How can i relax them?
Well that is about it for now. I have deiced to stop any practice until I know exactly what I'm doing, in order to prevent any complications. I am certain that i'm not the first one to ask those questions, and i'm sorry if i'm asking the questions that are answered a thousand times, but i have searched and was unable to find answers to my questions, so please bear withe me. I hope I have posted in the right section.