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Confusion with Reverse Kegels

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
    Ok I am worried about this.
    1. Let go of the push and breathe more deeply as you exhale. Let your penis relax, then take another deep breath and push out again. Make sure you are only focusing on the front of your penis; push out, hold for 10 seconds, then relax the muscles.
    2. Repeat this for 10 minutes to start with.The entire process will feel awkward at first, but it’s very important to focus on relaxation and keeping the muscles as loose as possible outside of the contractions.

    Firstly this may be too much work for an unconditioned guy. While rk are easier to recover from than standard k they can still be overworked .
    Secondly working front reverse while excludeing back reverse can cause balance issues.
    pegasus would you then focus on not isolating your BC, and doing an entire RK to the entire pelvic floor? or would you rather people also exercise their pc muscles with the same diligence in which they train their BC muscles in isolation.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Minuteman View Post

      That is more of an pevlic floor relaxation and it is very useful during a session, because for some people (like me) if I do an exercise variation I just bring myself to close to ponr, but if i do the relaxation variation I move away from PONR.
      I can follow you on this. I try to use RK`s to prolong the PONR, but every time it makes my head expand and more sensitive, so it don`t help at all. I therefore have had a hard time to see how people are using the RK, under stimulation, but this sounds promising. I`m gonna try this right now!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
        Firstly this may be too much work for an unconditioned guy. While rk are easier to recover from than standard k they can still be overworked .
        Secondly working front reverse while excludeing back reverse can cause balance issues.
        I would agree with you if I were talking about pushing out all the pelvic floor muscles which is what generally what people try to do and is much harder to do especially for beginners. What I'm talking about is targeting only the BC muscle. While isolating it at first can feel awkward the exercise is much easier to do and doesn't require you to push nearly so hard. I only use light pressure.

        I don't think the routine is excessive. That's the routine I used when I first started and it caused me no problems. Most likely because like I've said it's easier to do and doesn't need as mush pressure.
        When starting I don't think laying down for 10 min and relaxing while trying to isolate your BC and push out for 10 sec is too much at all.
        At first you may not make it to 10 sec and that's fine but in my opinion it's a good time to aim for.

        Secondly I'm not saying you should neglect the rest of your pelvic floor but by first learning to isolate the BC muscle you're targeting the muscle most useful for PE and sex. Once you've learned that relaxing the rest of the pelvic floor is easy. which like minuteman say is more beneficial for routine exercise
        On a break from the forum
        imac's Phallosan Forte Progress Log
        Pelvic Floor Balance
        Confusion With Reverse Kegels

        Reverse Kegel Breathing (Meditative Reverse Kegels)


        • #19
          imac, i differed from you in that for me a full bc/ab/pc reverse kegel done hard came easy but took weeks of training to learn to isolate my bc in a loose relaxed manner. it may be that i was holding so much pelvic floor tension though, and simply relaxing it was such a challenge.

          in it crazy to see how relaxing the bc muscle became so much easier. at first i could barely do 10 seconds now i can maintain a light stretch for near 2 minutes.

          i still cant automatically remove my abs from the equation. it takes about 15 seconds and 3 or 4 breathes before i can release my abs and completely isolate my BC


          • #20
            Originally posted by bigmoe5067 View Post
            imac, i differed from you in that for me a full bc/ab/pc reverse kegel done hard came easy but took weeks of training to learn to isolate my bc in a loose relaxed manner. it may be that i was holding so much pelvic floor tension though, and simply relaxing it was such a challenge.

            in it crazy to see how relaxing the bc muscle became so much easier. at first i could barely do 10 seconds now i can maintain a light stretch for near 2 minutes.

            i still cant automatically remove my abs from the equation. it takes about 15 seconds and 3 or 4 breathes before i can release my abs and completely isolate my BC
            Yeah I guess everyone's different I found it much easier to isolate first.

            I think people push to hard. the point after all is to relax the muscles which can get a bit counter productive when your straining.
            I much prefer light stretches I find they keep me nice and loose. While I'm getting dressed for work in the morning I sometimes maintain a light stretch without even having to think about it.

            The way I learned tense abs where never an issue.
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            Last edited by imac; 06-06-2012, 06:38 PM.
            On a break from the forum
            imac's Phallosan Forte Progress Log
            Pelvic Floor Balance
            Confusion With Reverse Kegels

            Reverse Kegel Breathing (Meditative Reverse Kegels)


            • #21
              my reverse kegel training now is always in motion. everywhere i walk.

              as for abs. they seem to initiate. i drive pressure downwards that starts my push, and then the bc takes over. its how i urinate too so its such a hard habit to break. but its only for like 5 seconds so its something i dont really mind


              • #22
                So I think I'm doing reverse kegels wrong...

                I've only been doing them for about a week. Right now, I don't kegel at all because my muscles down there are always pretty tense. I'm trying to loosen them up and have read a lot about them. I try to push out as though I'm trying to urinate more quickly—in doing so, I my abdominals become really tense as does my pelvis. Is this bad? It almost hurts to do them. I've read the above several times and just don't think I'm understanding the relaxing of the muscles, I'm not sure I can really feel which is which.

                Maybe I'm not doing very much wrong, but I feel as though my PE has gotten a little worse. I'm skeptical about continuing these exercises as making my PE any worse than it is would be the last thing I want. Can somebody please explain to me, if I'm doing anything incorrectly or just how to really locate the specific muscles. Thanks!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by manman View Post
                  So I think I'm doing reverse kegels wrong...

                  I've only been doing them for about a week. Right now, I don't kegel at all because my muscles down there are always pretty tense. I'm trying to loosen them up and have read a lot about them. I try to push out as though I'm trying to urinate more quickly—in doing so, I my abdominals become really tense as does my pelvis. Is this bad? It almost hurts to do them. I've read the above several times and just don't think I'm understanding the relaxing of the muscles, I'm not sure I can really feel which is which.

                  Maybe I'm not doing very much wrong, but I feel as though my PE has gotten a little worse. I'm skeptical about continuing these exercises as making my PE any worse than it is would be the last thing I want. Can somebody please explain to me, if I'm doing anything incorrectly or just how to really locate the specific muscles. Thanks!
                  First of it shouldn't hurt to do them.

                  1. Lay down and relax.
                  2. Visualise in your mind the muscle at the base of your penis
                  3. Now imagine pushing that muscle out. It can help to visualise it expanding like a balloon.
                  4. hold that for as long as you can even if only 1 or 2 seconds but not longer than 10 till you've mastered it.
                  5. If you feel around the base of your penis and perineum it should be nice and loose.
                  6. repeat for about 10 min if you can.
                  On a break from the forum
                  imac's Phallosan Forte Progress Log
                  Pelvic Floor Balance
                  Confusion With Reverse Kegels

                  Reverse Kegel Breathing (Meditative Reverse Kegels)


                  • #24
                    7. push lightly.... this isnt a strengthening exercise.

                    i would say your #1 is most important. it took me over a week before i could do a reverse kegel in any other position other than lying down flat, and standing straight up.


                    • #25
                      Gotcha, thanks a lot! I'll try this later.


                      • #26
                        I`m a bit curious.. When I`m doing rk`s, its always in front of the toilet, because I`m sure that I`m gonna press some pee out. Even several minutes in my workout. But you say that you are doing them when you are getting ready for work, and while performing your daily routines. That must mean that I`m not doing the right.. Right?
                        How are you Rk`ing without pissing your pants?!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by FireBoss View Post
                          I`m a bit curious.. When I`m doing rk`s, its always in front of the toilet, because I`m sure that I`m gonna press some pee out. Even several minutes in my workout. But you say that you are doing them when you are getting ready for work, and while performing your daily routines. That must mean that I`m not doing the right.. Right?
                          How are you Rk`ing without pissing your pants?!
                          keep practicing. at first i had that urge to pee. you may be pushing too hard. also focus on the relaxing of the muscles more than the sensation of pushing. the push initiates your bladder emptying but it isnt the whole thing. rk's should not make you pee, but they might make you feel like you have to at first.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by bigmoe5067 View Post
                            pegasus would you then focus on not isolating your BC, and doing an entire RK to the entire pelvic floor? or would you rather people also exercise their pc muscles with the same diligence in which they train their BC muscles in isolation.
                            Few guys can isolate front reverse kegel without training for some time. The starting point is training reverse kegels as a group. Later depending on existing front /back balance both should be trained. If there is a weakness that should be trained out . So for instance if back reverse kegel is weak relative to front it should get more work. Doing isolated work without some understanding of balance can cause issues.
                            Mind you few guys are capable of doing it ,so perhaps I am worrying about not much.


                            • #29
                              hold up when i successfully did a rk i held it for like 10min and then even further stretched it using my diaphram... i felt no pain only relaxing but in that post you said not more for 10 seconds? im not gettin this why is reverse kegels so damn hard


                              • #30
                                is there any other way to help the letting go feeling... i can relax but i cant let go.... i have once so i know what it feels like.. i have come to the conclusion that when i try to let go my muscles twitch... this would be because they are not use to letting go so the twitching is it holding it and trying to let go at the same time.... i think the pushing out would be after this feeling so it terms i would be trying to jump ahead which wouldn't do anything? right?

