Male urogenital system: http://i47.tinypic.com/2vjboue.jpg
Male pelvic floor anatomy: http://i46.tinypic.com/zk4m7k.jpg
Note: This guide is for attempting to dry orgasm solo. But all the knowledge here transitions well into sex.
Responsibility: By reading this guide, you and you alone bear the responsibility for attempting exercises, techniques and methods that are described or mentioned in this guide, so you attempt all this at your own risk, you have been warned.
Somewhat motivated by the current rise in interest about Dry Orgasms and even though a lot of information about this I everywhere in Premature Ejaculation Forum (and in this topic also), I decided to create one post that I will reference from now on as one complete guide for Dry Orgasming (it turned out to be more than one post tho). Any feedback is welcome on the quality of this guide.
But I am mostly motivated to do this in desire for people to avoid possible injuries while attempting DO and because many when attempt DO for the first time are mostly (and understandably) demotivated to pursue MMO further since the results of that DO where bad. I was lucky to to have one of my first DOs be a clean one because that proved to me that one can attempt DO and suffer absolutely no discomfort when done right.
I used DO itself as one of the first tools in order to overcome premature ejaculation, and while I was actively doing it I was able to with relative ease, but I stopped since I had no partner and decided to pursue other more traditional ways of fixing premE, simply because there will be always time were doing a DO will be to hard due to various distractions and what not, in doing so I learned a lot.
In this first part of the guide I will introduce the basic definition and elements in order to clear any confusions with terms and also to clarify many points.
In the second, third and fourth part I will go in depth for each of the elements needed for a successful DO.
In the fifth part I will describe the whole DO process with the things leaned from the previous parts and some other tips.
Note: I assume you know what terms like: edging, ballooning, kegel, reverse kegel, root lock (back kegel) , reverse root lock (reverse back kegel) mean, if you don't know educate yourself on those terms first (by visiting PremE FAQ) then come back here. The reason I don't want to describe them here is because then this guide would be a book. And you will agree that it is long enough already.
1) WHAT IS DRY ORGASM? - differentiating between medical terms and MMO terms.
If you google around a bit you will read from most sources that dry orgasm and retrograde ejaculation is the same or that one leads to another, since nothing comes out of your penis, but in MMO terminology dry orgasm is different.
Retrograde ejaculation happens when the path for sperm to come out of your penis is obstructed or the bladder sphincter is not functioning properly and since your sperm doesn't have anywhere to go now it goes into your bladder.
Dry orgasm in this medical term is the feeling that occurs when retrograde ejaculation happens, this is why most of the time when one refers to dry ograsm it refers to retrograde ejaculation also when speaking in non MMO terms. Just to be clear these medical terms are valid in their definitions but since mmo uses the term dry orgasm it can become a confusion.
Other type of medical dry orgasm occurs in younger males that have ejaculate so many times in small amount of time that since testes are unable to produce enough sperm just the spasm occur with nothing to ejaculate.
In MMO terms Dry Orgasm is when you have an orgasm without ejaculation but during the time you should be ejaculating. This is done by stopping the expulsion part of ejaculation with kegel holds, reverse kegel holds or some other ways (that are not explored or suggested in this guide since the safety of those isn't defined).
This guide here is to teach you how to properly preform a Dry Orgasm with little or no risk of injury.
2) STRENGTH, TECHNIQUE, TIMING - the essential parts of DO
These three elements are the ones that make the DO either good or badly performed, in order to have a DO the way it is ment to be (or at least that is my firm belief) you must learn how to be proficient in all three of them, the better you are the better type of DO you will have.
STRENGTH - The strength of the kegel hold needed to shut down the spasms that occur.
TECHNIQUE- The proper way of moving your kegel in order to make your hold more effective.
TIMING- The correct time when you should hold your kegel in order to preform a DO.
For now I just defined those terms to that the types of DO become more logical.
There are three bad and two good types of dry orgasms. The bad ones here are just for identification the goal here is to learn how to do the two good ones.
Bad DOs
1- Dribble Ejaculation - This one happens most of the time when your kegel hold is not strong enough to attempt a DO, in a way this one is the most harmless one of the bad ones since in the end all of the sperm goes out albeit very slow. Note that dribble ejaculation can also occur normally when you pelvic floor is disbalanced in a way that reverse kegels are stronger then kegels, or your kegels are just weak. After dribble ejaculation everything heppens as with regular ejaculation.
2- Partial Ejaculation - This one happens when your timing is off but so just part of your ejaculations get out, the other either goes into bladder (Partial-Retro) or doesn't and just reabsorbs (depending on both your technique and strength). Depending if the retro was included or not you will go flaccid very fast (and most of the time unable to retain both arousal and erection) as before, if without retro I will feel slight disconfort but lose little of erection and arousal, even though those might feel "good enough" avoid having this ones and do not settle for them, it might seem like a good idea at the time but it isn't.
3- Retro Ejaculation - This one happens when your technique is not good enough and is the one most people get and is the one you should avoid at all costs, since it can injure you. You will have a huge drop in both arousal and erection and your penis might even turtle a little, and you will feel discomfort (most of the time). In order to check if you have in fact had retro ejaculation, after you attempt a DO try and urinate in a cup and see how cloudy it is, if it is too much cloudy (you will spot it at once) you have retro ejaculated, if there is little to no cloud that usually means there was some of sperm or precum in the urethra. You can also while urinating in a cup look for when does the cloudiness occur in the stream and the cup (although it can be a little hard to see).
Good DOs
1- Clean DO (or just Dry Orgasm) - is the one you want. Clean DO happens when your strength and timing is right on the spot, and the technique is good enough. You will feel no discomfort during this one, your erection will drop just a little due to the kegel hold but your arousal and desire will remain as they where. It is up to you if you want now to take it slow, or ejaculate or do another one. You will have around three or less spasms of decreasing strength occurring. The first spasm is the one that you will turn into a kegel hold, the second one will happen and if your hold is strong enough it will be of much decreased stength (you will barely feel it) and the third one will be almost non existant, any more that and it will most usually result into retrograde ejaculation, or some other bad types. The feeling of a good DO is very unique even though it is "just and orgasm without an ejaculation" and most of the times you will know exactly if you have done it.
2- Perfect DOs - the best form. the ideal DO when you have a kegel hold activated in specific way (technique) and specific strength (strength) and at a specific time (timing) that it STOPS all other spasms stop after the first one, in other words you completely stop the ejaculation. You are left with orgasmic feeling, no erection drop at all and your arousal is intact. That is what anyone who is practicing DO should aim for after clean DOs. You are left a little bit before PONR. But in essence this one is all technique, people with premature ejaculation might even encounter this one by accident while preforming start and stop with a kegel hold. But it is bad practice to rely just on technique, since in order for this one to occur all the time you have to have all three parts good.
Now that we have laid the groundwork (foundation) we will move in more depth about every aspect there is to cower in next parts of this guide.
4) THE REVERSE KEGEL HOLD DRY ORGASM (and why I haven't included it here).
As you will notice while reading this guide there is no mention of dry orgasms achieved by reverse kegels even though you might have run into people mentioning them in this forum.
Here are some reasons I won't be "teaching" how to RKDO"
- I am not able to do it: This is the first and most important reason why. The whole point of this guide is to crate a safe and well defined environment where you can attempt DO with little to no risk. If I don't know about details of RKDO I am not going to give you some half-hearth explanation. That is alway the reason this guide is so long, it cover anything I can think of connected to dry orgasms done with a kegel hold.
- Not every rk hold you do and ponr is a RKDO: This is the same as that not every kegel hold is a DO even if you are near ponr, because you are not stopping spasm kegel but just an involuntary one. But due to now knowing those details people usually proclame that they are able to RKDO. Until you are able to constantly produce similar results under the same circumstances you should not be sure of it.
- Against the natural flow: Reverse kegeling the kegel spasm goes against the normal flow of the ejaculation process. In a timing mastery I do tell you to hold the kegel but in a way it can (and will) be overpowered by a spasm kegel so that you can get the timing down. And there you can feel and see that it is the natural flow.
Full stopping a spasm kegel after a long and high-aroused session is like waiting somebody to punch you full force in the face. While turing a kegel spasm into a conscious kegel hold is like avoiding that punch and using the inertia to make it stronger, in that way you end up with a very strong kegel hold, but in order to fully use that strength you have to be conditioned.
So while there are people who swear by it, I can't with clear conscience recommend you something like that.
In that light also I just want to warn you to always use your own judgement, do not follow or trust this guide or me blindly, even though I have done everything I could to protect you from many problems that may occur and that I have also followed the basic ideas while I was learning how to DO that doesn't mean that there is not something I am not even aware about. So if doing the routines or mastering other aspects you feel or find that something is fundamentally wrong with that, then you should not do that.
In time you will gain the ability to have an DO. To some ejaculation might start to seem pointless, since when you experience the first DO in a session you don't feel much need to actually ejaculate and in a way feel satisfied, this mostly happens in the beginning stage of DOing, when the brain is still mixing the signals from ejaculation with dry orgasming.
The thing here is that ejaculation is a process that does many good for the body itself, but one of the most important things is that it cleans the "pipes" and the prostate, in long term men's health this is very, very important. If you just keep having DOs and no ejaculations you will in a way get clogged and many of the secretions will be in your prostate, and that can cause problems.
But one the other side, too frequent ejaculation might not benefit you or simply make you to tired.
So how to know how frequently to ejaculate? Well the most basic way of determing this is to simply stop ejaculating for a while and notice if you have any wet dreams, then if you notice that you have them determine how much days of abstinence do you need for this to happen. If it is 4 days, then try and ejaculate every 3rd day. This is in the case of regular masturbation and edging without do. For people who don't have wet dreams (it will happen either do to the stress, or age) you should ejaculate at least once a week.
If you are DO ing, things change, you should ejaculate in span of 2 to 3 days maximum after a DO session in order to force the fluids that generate (mostly precum) out. For people who just started dry orgasming this should be a rule.
For those that are DOing for a while now, they should ejaculate at the end of every session or the next day. Also keep in mind that you should not always DO, having a normal mastubation or sex that doesn't involve DOing at all is very recommended, mix it up so to speak.
If you had a DO and you feel a sort of preassure or fatigue in your testacles and are hard enough to ejaculate, you should ejaculate since it would decrease the fatigue or eventual pain (the "blue balls").
Also abstinence (meaning no mastubaton, and no arousing to mastubation) is different from the DOing constantly is because of the secretes that generate during the process of erection (from precum to others), so DOing isn't the same as abstination.
To protect you - An alarming amount of people will try to preform DO when they are not conditioned enough and sometimes even injure themselves without even knowing. And most are later on not even interested and not even see the point of DO, especially because they didn't preform it right, and who blames them, most often then not we have to find our own way to learn DO, this guide is made in order to make that as easy as it can be.
To make you confident - By having DO in the right way first, second or even third time you will gain much confidence in your sexual ability, since now you will always have some foundation to go back to. It might not sound as something right now, but read this once you have had your clean DO and you will find yourself nodding.
To condition you - DO is for many and entry point for MMO. By learning how to do this the right way you open the door to many advanced experiences and many of them will come naturally later on. Even for premE problems this way of conditioning will make you well prepared to utilise any premE techniques with much better understanding and ability then that of a beginner.
Do not fool yourself! - MMO requires A LOT OF WORK AND DEDICATION, some might be lucky or innate and be able to achieve this with less or no problems, but for most it isn't that easy... but at the end it will seem very easy, and that is the reason.
This guide is this long and detailed because here is an very active community that tires to both overcome premature ejaculation and to become MMO (together or separately). Most, if not all the ideas and techniques here aren't mine as much as it is a collective effort, I just organized and archived (and tested it etc).
In order for this guide to be validated further (or invalidated, both are good in essence) user feedback is of utmost importance. That means that if you are reading this guide and using stuff from it, you should return the favor by posting here and telling us/me your opinion about it and even more importantly your experiences while using some part of this guide, so that I can in due time make this guide even better, in that way you are contributing to this guide and helping others the way I may have helped you.
Even though I have tried my best to cower all the bases, that is nigh impossible without feedback because, some things I forget to mention and to others it didn't even occur to me they are of that much importance.
Even thought this guide tries its best to warn you (probably much more than it is needed) and, via exercises and preparation, tries to protect you from any injuries and accidents that may happen, you and you alone bear the responsibility for attempting exercises, techniques and methods that are described in this guide, so you attempt all this at your own risk.