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Minuteman's Dry Orgasm Guide

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  • Minuteman's Dry Orgasm Guide


    Male urogenital system
    Male pelvic floor anatomy:

    This guide is for attempting to dry orgasm solo. But all the knowledge here transitions well into sex.

    Responsibility: By reading this guide, you and you alone bear the responsibility for attempting exercises, techniques and methods that are described or mentioned in this guide, so you attempt all this at your own risk, you have been warned.


    Somewhat motivated by the current rise in interest about Dry Orgasms and even though a lot of information about this I everywhere in Premature Ejaculation Forum (and in this topic also), I decided to create one post that I will reference from now on as one complete guide for Dry Orgasming (it turned out to be more than one post tho). Any feedback is welcome on the quality of this guide.

    But I am mostly motivated to do this in desire for people to avoid possible injuries while attempting DO and because many when attempt DO for the first time are mostly (and understandably) demotivated to pursue MMO further since the results of that DO where bad. I was lucky to to have one of my first DOs be a clean one because that proved to me that one can attempt DO and suffer absolutely no discomfort when done right.

    I used DO itself as one of the first tools in order to overcome premature ejaculation, and while I was actively doing it I was able to with relative ease, but I stopped since I had no partner and decided to pursue other more traditional ways of fixing premE, simply because there will be always time were doing a DO will be to hard due to various distractions and what not, in doing so I learned a lot.

    In this first part of the guide I will introduce the basic definition and elements in order to clear any confusions with terms and also to clarify many points.

    In the second, third and fourth part I will go in depth for each of the elements needed for a successful DO.

    In the fifth part I will describe the whole DO process with the things leaned from the previous parts and some other tips.


    Note: I assume you know what terms like: edging, ballooning, kegel, reverse kegel, root lock (back kegel) , reverse root lock (reverse back kegel) mean, if you don't know educate yourself on those terms first (by visiting PremE FAQ) then come back here. The reason I don't want to describe them here is because then this guide would be a book. And you will agree that it is long enough already.

    1) WHAT IS DRY ORGASM? - differentiating between medical terms and MMO terms.

    If you google around a bit you will read from most sources that dry orgasm and retrograde ejaculation is the same or that one leads to another, since nothing comes out of your penis, but in MMO terminology dry orgasm is different.

    Retrograde ejaculation happens when the path for sperm to come out of your penis is obstructed or the bladder sphincter is not functioning properly and since your sperm doesn't have anywhere to go now it goes into your bladder.

    Dry orgasm in this medical term
    is the feeling that occurs when retrograde ejaculation happens, this is why most of the time when one refers to dry ograsm it refers to retrograde ejaculation also when speaking in non MMO terms. Just to be clear these medical terms are valid in their definitions but since mmo uses the term dry orgasm it can become a confusion.

    Other type of medical dry orgasm occurs in younger males that have ejaculate so many times in small amount of time that since testes are unable to produce enough sperm just the spasm occur with nothing to ejaculate.

    In MMO terms Dry Orgasm is when you have an orgasm without ejaculation but during the time you should be ejaculating. This is done by stopping the expulsion part of ejaculation with kegel holds, reverse kegel holds or some other ways (that are not explored or suggested in this guide since the safety of those isn't defined).

    This guide here is to teach you how to properly preform a Dry Orgasm with little or no risk of injury.

    2) STRENGTH, TECHNIQUE, TIMING - the essential parts of DO

    These three elements are the ones that make the DO either good or badly performed, in order to have a DO the way it is ment to be (or at least that is my firm belief) you must learn how to be proficient in all three of them, the better you are the better type of DO you will have.

    STRENGTH - The strength of the kegel hold needed to shut down the spasms that occur.
    TECHNIQUE- The proper way of moving your kegel in order to make your hold more effective.
    TIMING- The correct time when you should hold your kegel in order to preform a DO.

    For now I just defined those terms to that the types of DO become more logical.


    There are three bad and two good types of dry orgasms. The bad ones here are just for identification the goal here is to learn how to do the two good ones.

    Bad DOs

    1- Dribble Ejaculation - This one happens most of the time when your kegel hold is not strong enough to attempt a DO, in a way this one is the most harmless one of the bad ones since in the end all of the sperm goes out albeit very slow. Note that dribble ejaculation can also occur normally when you pelvic floor is disbalanced in a way that reverse kegels are stronger then kegels, or your kegels are just weak. After dribble ejaculation everything heppens as with regular ejaculation.

    2- Partial Ejaculation - This one happens when your timing is off but so just part of your ejaculations get out, the other either goes into bladder (Partial-Retro) or doesn't and just reabsorbs (depending on both your technique and strength). Depending if the retro was included or not you will go flaccid very fast (and most of the time unable to retain both arousal and erection) as before, if without retro I will feel slight disconfort but lose little of erection and arousal, even though those might feel "good enough" avoid having this ones and do not settle for them, it might seem like a good idea at the time but it isn't.

    3- Retro Ejaculation - This one happens when your technique is not good enough and is the one most people get and is the one you should avoid at all costs, since it can injure you. You will have a huge drop in both arousal and erection and your penis might even turtle a little, and you will feel discomfort (most of the time). In order to check if you have in fact had retro ejaculation, after you attempt a DO try and urinate in a cup and see how cloudy it is, if it is too much cloudy (you will spot it at once) you have retro ejaculated, if there is little to no cloud that usually means there was some of sperm or precum in the urethra. You can also while urinating in a cup look for when does the cloudiness occur in the stream and the cup (although it can be a little hard to see).

    Good DOs

    1- Clean DO (or just Dry Orgasm) - is the one you want. Clean DO happens when your strength and timing is right on the spot, and the technique is good enough. You will feel no discomfort during this one, your erection will drop just a little due to the kegel hold but your arousal and desire will remain as they where. It is up to you if you want now to take it slow, or ejaculate or do another one. You will have around three or less spasms of decreasing strength occurring. The first spasm is the one that you will turn into a kegel hold, the second one will happen and if your hold is strong enough it will be of much decreased stength (you will barely feel it) and the third one will be almost non existant, any more that and it will most usually result into retrograde ejaculation, or some other bad types. The feeling of a good DO is very unique even though it is "just and orgasm without an ejaculation" and most of the times you will know exactly if you have done it.

    2- Perfect DOs - the best form. the ideal DO when you have a kegel hold activated in specific way (technique) and specific strength (strength) and at a specific time (timing) that it STOPS all other spasms stop after the first one, in other words you completely stop the ejaculation. You are left with orgasmic feeling, no erection drop at all and your arousal is intact. That is what anyone who is practicing DO should aim for after clean DOs. You are left a little bit before PONR. But in essence this one is all technique, people with premature ejaculation might even encounter this one by accident while preforming start and stop with a kegel hold. But it is bad practice to rely just on technique, since in order for this one to occur all the time you have to have all three parts good.

    Now that we have laid the groundwork (foundation) we will move in more depth about every aspect there is to cower in next parts of this guide.

    4) THE REVERSE KEGEL HOLD DRY ORGASM (and why I haven't included it here).

    As you will notice while reading this guide there is no mention of dry orgasms achieved by reverse kegels even though you might have run into people mentioning them in this forum.

    Here are some reasons I won't be "teaching" how to RKDO"

    - I am not able to do it: This is the first and most important reason why. The whole point of this guide is to crate a safe and well defined environment where you can attempt DO with little to no risk. If I don't know about details of RKDO I am not going to give you some half-hearth explanation. That is alway the reason this guide is so long, it cover anything I can think of connected to dry orgasms done with a kegel hold.

    - Not every rk hold you do and ponr is a RKDO: This is the same as that not every kegel hold is a DO even if you are near ponr, because you are not stopping spasm kegel but just an involuntary one. But due to now knowing those details people usually proclame that they are able to RKDO. Until you are able to constantly produce similar results under the same circumstances you should not be sure of it.

    - Against the natural flow: Reverse kegeling the kegel spasm goes against the normal flow of the ejaculation process. In a timing mastery I do tell you to hold the kegel but in a way it can (and will) be overpowered by a spasm kegel so that you can get the timing down. And there you can feel and see that it is the natural flow.

    Full stopping a spasm kegel after a long and high-aroused session is like waiting somebody to punch you full force in the face. While turing a kegel spasm into a conscious kegel hold is like avoiding that punch and using the inertia to make it stronger, in that way you end up with a very strong kegel hold, but in order to fully use that strength you have to be conditioned.

    So while there are people who swear by it, I can't with clear conscience recommend you something like that.

    In that light also I just want to warn you to always use your own judgement, do not follow or trust this guide or me blindly, even though I have done everything I could to protect you from many problems that may occur and that I have also followed the basic ideas while I was learning how to DO that doesn't mean that there is not something I am not even aware about. So if doing the routines or mastering other aspects you feel or find that something is fundamentally wrong with that, then you should not do that.


    In time you will gain the ability to have an DO. To some ejaculation might start to seem pointless, since when you experience the first DO in a session you don't feel much need to actually ejaculate and in a way feel satisfied, this mostly happens in the beginning stage of DOing, when the brain is still mixing the signals from ejaculation with dry orgasming.

    The thing here is that ejaculation is a process that does many good for the body itself, but one of the most important things is that it cleans the "pipes" and the prostate, in long term men's health this is very, very important. If you just keep having DOs and no ejaculations you will in a way get clogged and many of the secretions will be in your prostate, and that can cause problems.

    But one the other side, too frequent ejaculation might not benefit you or simply make you to tired.

    So how to know how frequently to ejaculate? Well the most basic way of determing this is to simply stop ejaculating for a while and notice if you have any wet dreams, then if you notice that you have them determine how much days of abstinence do you need for this to happen. If it is 4 days, then try and ejaculate every 3rd day. This is in the case of regular masturbation and edging without do. For people who don't have wet dreams (it will happen either do to the stress, or age) you should ejaculate at least once a week.

    If you are DO ing, things change, you should ejaculate in span of 2 to 3 days maximum after a DO session in order to force the fluids that generate (mostly precum) out. For people who just started dry orgasming this should be a rule.

    For those that are DOing for a while now, they should ejaculate at the end of every session or the next day. Also keep in mind that you should not always DO, having a normal mastubation or sex that doesn't involve DOing at all is very recommended, mix it up so to speak.

    If you had a DO and you feel a sort of preassure or fatigue in your testacles and are hard enough to ejaculate, you should ejaculate since it would decrease the fatigue or eventual pain (the "blue balls").

    Also abstinence (meaning no mastubaton, and no arousing to mastubation) is different from the DOing constantly is because of the secretes that generate during the process of erection (from precum to others), so DOing isn't the same as abstination.


    To protect you - An alarming amount of people will try to preform DO when they are not conditioned enough and sometimes even injure themselves without even knowing. And most are later on not even interested and not even see the point of DO, especially because they didn't preform it right, and who blames them, most often then not we have to find our own way to learn DO, this guide is made in order to make that as easy as it can be.

    To make you confident - By having DO in the right way first, second or even third time you will gain much confidence in your sexual ability, since now you will always have some foundation to go back to. It might not sound as something right now, but read this once you have had your clean DO and you will find yourself nodding.

    To condition you - DO is for many and entry point for MMO. By learning how to do this the right way you open the door to many advanced experiences and many of them will come naturally later on. Even for premE problems this way of conditioning will make you well prepared to utilise any premE techniques with much better understanding and ability then that of a beginner.

    Do not fool yourself! - MMO requires A LOT OF WORK AND DEDICATION, some might be lucky or innate and be able to achieve this with less or no problems, but for most it isn't that easy... but at the end it will seem very easy, and that is the reason.


    This guide is this long and detailed because here is an very active community that tires to both overcome premature ejaculation and to become MMO (together or separately). Most, if not all the ideas and techniques here aren't mine as much as it is a collective effort, I just organized and archived (and tested it etc).

    In order for this guide to be validated further (or invalidated, both are good in essence) user feedback is of utmost importance. That means that if you are reading this guide and using stuff from it, you should return the favor by posting here and telling us/me your opinion about it and even more importantly your experiences while using some part of this guide, so that I can in due time make this guide even better, in that way you are contributing to this guide and helping others the way I may have helped you.

    Even though I have tried my best to cower all the bases, that is nigh impossible without feedback because, some things I forget to mention and to others it didn't even occur to me they are of that much importance.


    Even thought this guide tries its best to warn you (probably much more than it is needed) and, via exercises and preparation, tries to protect you from any injuries and accidents that may happen, you and you alone bear the responsibility for attempting exercises, techniques and methods that are described in this guide, so you attempt all this at your own risk.
    Member of the Month March 2013.
    Last edited by Minuteman; 02-24-2014, 12:57 PM.
    premE FAQ

  • #2

    In this part I will write about everything relevant in attaining proper strength needed for DO and by doing that I will also address some common problems and confusions, when it comes to kegel routines (or more precisely pelvic floor routines) in general.

    The routine layout itself is in the next post for the sake of readability.

    1) INTRO - Proper Kegel Hold explanation, and the importance of Pelvic Floor Balance

    The first element of DO you will start to condition is strength. Strength in broader sense refers to PELVIC FLOOR BALANCE and in more precise sense to the ability to preform a strong stable kegel hold for a minimum 30 seconds (optimum one minute).

    Just to get the feeling about what I'm talking about try and hold a kegel for 30 seconds. You will notice several things:

    Firstly, if you hold it too hard you will start to feel uncomfortable (even somewhat pained) that means even though you can hold it strong you are not used to it, or more precise your muscles are not used to it, or even more precise your pelvic floor isn't conditioned. This can bring problems, or even injuries when something as intensive as DO happens.

    Secondly, you will notice that your hold is getting weaker and weaker so you need to reapply it, sometimes you won't even notice it going weak if you don't re-hold it. So you need to be conscious that a 30 second kegel hold isn't the same as 30 seconds re-hold kegel hold. You can't re-hold during a DO, doing will likely result in retrograde ejaculation, which we want to avoid.

    Thirdly, you won't be able to hold it with same proficiency in different positions, take a mental note about that also, when you try out DO for the first time picking the position you find it most easy to preform will mean much, it is somewhat more easy to do it in other positions when you preform DOs several times.

    Having this things in mind you will be able to have a 30 second kegel hold when you can achieve the noted points with ease.

    But just training kegels over and over wont be of much help, because by keeping at it to much you are affecting your pelvic floor balance, which in return will cause worsened premature ejaculation, so hitting the balance here is important, but not extremely crucial. To clarify, the more your pelvic floor is conditioned the less the different strength of specific muscles affect your balance.

    Also when training kegels you can achieve diminishing returns, where even though you increase time and reps generally your benefit is not that big. You can fix this by including new forms of exercises that will make your exercise increase in quality rather than quantity. You will be amazed as just how fast kegel muscles develop and how fast will many exercises seem trivial.

    2) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "What is your routine?"

    You noticed by now that most of the time the question around the forum is "what is your routine" and most of the time when asked for it you will get an answer that might not satisfy you, that is mostly because all of us have a different way of doing a routine, somebody gets to much or reps but to little on holds. Also just because his routine is good for him, doesn't mean it will be good for you. Not to mention that people in different "levels" of conditioning will not be doing the same, for people in the beginning it is more useful to do reps and later on to switch to holds, then to jump right on holds, it is always about quality and proper use of everything in specific time/progression. If a person that is a beginner tries out some more serious routines he will get fatigued faster than he can develop, but if he switches to lighter exercises he will develop faster than getting fatigued until some point.

    In that light I will outline only the progression of your PF routine rather than too specific numbers from total beginner to high level.

    3) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "Views on Ratio"

    I put this specific part here because in this forum there are different and equally respected views on how ratio should be applied.

    Weighted routine view, dictates that people with premature ejaculation should have higher ratio of reverse kegel-based exercises (rk, r root lock) than kegel exercises in hope that higher ratio will help it equalize faster and bring it to equal ratio. In that light people with delayed ejaculation should have more kegels than rks.

    Only routine view, dictates that kegel exercises should be totally canceled while you keep going with reverse kegels only. While this view has been helpful for many in fixing premature ejaculation, in this guide for attaining DO it should be avoided since kegel exercises are most important ones when DO is concerned.

    Equal ratio routine view (my view), dictates that exercises should be always kept in equal ratio for the hope of balancing the pelvic floor since even though by number you are doing same, by quality you exercise your weaker muscles more. Therefore if your progression is good and you only progress when you feel all exercises are done with relative ease you are not contributing do dis-balance.

    But one thing has to be noted right now, In course of developing pelvic floor for DO your kegels will always be stronger than your reverse kegels (not by much), balance plays the bigger importance in the low-mid part of the progression of the routine. Because the more your overall pelvic floor is developed the less will it be hurt by you doing more exercises aimed at kegels.

    So for this guide I will hold the equal ratio view for low-mid progression and on higher level I will focus on a kegel wighted routines in order to have enough strength for DO.

    4) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "Involuntary and spasm kegels, the difference you should be aware of"

    Although in the post here there is enough info about IKs it doesn't hurt to clarify a few things here

    As noted there are two main types of IKs the synchronous ones (SIK) and asynchronous ones (AIK).

    AIK happen when there is a major pevic floor dis-balance and they mostly occur to people with premature ejaculation or/and during extreme anxiety during sex. They are eliminated by balancing your pevlic floor with exercises (kegel, rk, root lock, rrl).

    SIK form usually as habit, or are a part of the reflex. They are usually the ones that you have every time you thrust or your pull your foreskin all the way to the base, or rub the underside of your penis, those are habitual ones, the reflex ones are when you are very near the ponr and they clench more strongly as you stroke or thurst and most of the times there is no way to make them stop but stoping the motion. Those sometimes act up when the body gets somewhat confused and wants to ejaculate.

    While SIK can make you ejaculate prematurely they also can be eliminated, or avoided (or in the case of soft wave orgasms used, but that is the topic for another time and another guide). So they are not so problematic to PremE as AIK but it takes time getting used to them

    On the other side we have spasm kegels that people tend to confuse with those stronger SIK ones. Spasm kegels are those you have to turn into a kegel hold in order to have a DO. If you try that with stronger SIK ones you will actually start to ejaculate because you have held that kegel hold to strongly and won't have enough strength nor time to re-hold for DO. Sometimes they may overlap, but almost always the difference obvious once you know for what and where to look.

    Spasm kegels, to be even more precise, are those that carry the sperm out, and almost always the first one (and sometimes even the second) isn't carrying any sperm. Learning to differentiate them (strong SIK ones and spasm kegels) takes time but just being aware of the difference is a progress. (This is what you learn by continuously and carefully observing yourself while edging and ejaculating).

    5) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "The importance and confusion of isolation"

    Being the control freak that I am, most of the time I would value isolation over everything. But it is more important to understand that isolation comes with time and that isolation in the beginning should not be something so extreme, but only a conscious effort.

    Most people when you say isolation will think of it in the most extreme terms, what you need to know is that isolation can overlap and that that is normal even in advanced levels. What is important for learning how to properly isolate is your attempt.

    Let me explain it in a example. When you are first learning how to do kegels you will most of the time do both kegel and root locks, but once you learn about the fact that they can be separated instead of trying to do it forcibly just try to move your attention from one to another, and in time you will separate them with ease, but you will always have one pull at least a little the other one, there in nothing wrong with that.

    The most easier way of learning how to differentiate from kegels and root locks is to do them one after another in cycling motion. So first do a kegel with the intention of moving only your either erect penis, or the place between testicles and anus, then do a root lock with the attention of clenching just the anus. If you continue to do them faster you will notice the slight difference, you will still move most of the muscles for both of them but your intention and attention will be more clear. And that is how you naturally progress toward isolation. Never be frustrated or annoyed by the fact that other muscles still move.

    Same goes for your lower and even upper abs, just focus on what you do and in time you will start to separate all those with ease.

    It is important to remember that you are still working them out even though you have not "properly " isolated them.

    6) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "PIs, Reps, frequency, time"

    Physical/Psychological Indicators are excellent tools in determining amounts of reps how many times a day you should do and for how many weak/months and most importantly when to take a brake.

    You pelvic floor should feel like you have worked out but not painful. If you notice things like painful erections, or bad erections or anything that isn't like it usually is, even the changes in mood, taking a break is recommended.

    You plevic floor muscles don't suffer that much from the down time, and are quick to develop. In fact it is very easy to overwork them so, use common sense.

    7) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "2way vs 4way vs no-reverse vs left-right balance"

    2 way balance theory - people who do their routines while focusing only on kegels and reverse kegels, in this forum it is since and probably the most popular way. The idea is that they are the only important when it comes to pelvic floor balance

    4 way balance theory - mostly used by me, represents a reasoning that all four types of movements (kegel, rk, root lock, rrk) are instrumental for a proper pelvic floor balance and that one of the problem is to much focusing on kegels and reverse kegels. This reasoning is used here when designing routines, if you find that you are better of with 2way you can simply discard those that involve root locks and reverse root locks.

    no-reverse balance theory - another one by me, the reasoning behind this is that reverse movements are just stretches and than the problem of balance is inbalance between kegels and root locks mostly. But since this is somewhat included in 4way theory i don't pay much attention to it.

    left-right balance theory - something I read somewhere on this forums but I am not sure where denotes a possibility that the imbalance might be caused by the inbalance between right and left kegels (yes, as you advance you will notice that you can somewhat do a left or right kegel). However in this guide that theory is not used.

    8) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "Conditioning and Progression logic"

    The term conditioned is usually never fully explored in this forum, usually people will say to you not to attempt something until you are conditioned, this also has led to some confusions about it.

    To put is simply conditioned pelvic floor muscles when it comed to MMO are those that can take the added stress that comes with DO and bring it to bare minimum, by doing so you protect yourself from any extensive soreness and possible complications and injuries.

    So when I made this 4 level routine I payed special attention to the progress of conditioning in order to make the transitions between some phases easier.

    When you start out your the most important think for your pelvic floor is to become flexible rather than conditioned straight away. this may seem counter-intuitive but the reasoning is that doing condition exercises on not so flexible pelvic floor will just take more time. Of course in all the level you are conditioning yourself and becoming stronger as the result but the main focus is on becoming more flexible. This is Level 0.

    As you become more flexible, as noted your strength also increases and you get to be more conditioned. On the next level the focus now is still on flexibility but also on the stability. Stability here referes mostly to your holds, by doing low level holds and trying to make them less wavering you are increasing your stability. This is Level 1.

    By this point optimum flexibility needed for DO is attained now your focus moves to stability and conditioning for DO itself, in other words making muscles more resistant to tense situations. One way of doing that is by practicing stability on the mid-to-higher level holds and increasing the quality of your holds rather than quantity, conditioning here is much more pronounced now. This is Level 2.

    And finally, when your pelvic floor is stable enough, we move on to further conditioning and building strength needed for DO. Since you are flexible, stable and even more conditioned you are gaining more from the harder exercises and your strength increases even more. This is Level 3.


    I will put here 4 levels of progression and inside those levels I will describe the exercises you should do, I will try not to quantify them to much since as I said for every person it is different. These number and such are just meant to be guide lines.

    The main idea of those levels is to decrease the amount of fatigue you get from there exercises and to work on the proper progression.

    Each level is composed of several sublevels, with the final sublevel consisting of all the previous sub-levels in that level, and since the routine is designed to always keep a day reserved for the final sub-level routine of each level you are never forsaking any of the flexibility, stability or conditioning for strength.

    Many experienced users will also note that the final exercises do not go extremely far, that is because you don't need 10 minute kegel and what not for a clean DO. There is really no point and no need building pelvic floor muscles beyond this level. Not only does a too high level makes it harder to maintain over the time it brings problems such as pelvic floor dis-balance into question, because even though your conditioned PF suffers less from kegels being stronger than reverse kegels if you take it too far they will.

    This routine can be attempted by anybody regardless of their current conditioning or if they even had one. It will probably take a beginner around 4 months to really master all the exercises. Level 0 is usually passed pretty quickly by people who had some routine experience but even though you may feel the desire to skip the level 0 it will still be (and it should be) part of your higher level routines.

    Note: I am against doing your routine while doing something else, your mind has to be here, so no doing them in a bus, or at work or something like that, at least that is my suggestion. It is very important at least in the beginning that you are in private, and that your mind is fully focused on this.

    Note that this is just a guide line that is meant to help you not to constrain you, use your own judgement when you should advance or what should you include.

    Here is a link to the routine levels. I posted them separately in order to keep this more organized.

    10) PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - 'Keeping in shape'

    The as you have seen this is a pretty complete progressive routine and as such it will bring you to a high level, but the question is how to stay at that level. It is actually easy.

    Once you have finished with level 3. You have total 4 .5 sublevels that are the routines that have all the exercies for that level. So you can do them one per day, but making a pause each day in between so you end up with a week where the first day you do the 0.5 routine twice a day, then make a day pause, then 1.5 routine twice a day, then make pause then 2.5 twice a way, then make pause and them do 3.5 routine.

    After 2-3 weeks of this, instead of doing two per day settle for one per day. And to this for another 2-3 weeks. Alter on make a week pause betwenn and if you notice to much of a drop in performance you can always back it up. But the nature of those mucles is that you will really have no need.

    11) STRENGTH - "Conclusion"

    The strength part is what you will spend most time on. But since you can do others parallel by the time you finish this you will also be very proficient in other ones. Also this one will bring you most benefit in total, the probability for some extreme pelvic floor imbalance with this routine is small.
    Member of the Month March 2013.
    Last edited by Minuteman; 11-02-2012, 04:14 AM.
    premE FAQ


    • #3

      This routine flow represents an ideal situation which in itself requires a considerable conditioning level in both the pelvic floor area and in the general fitness, in most cases this will not be easily done in the way it is described here. This routine is also not optimized well since at the time of its creation I had much less experience in genral workout and the way muscles build and recover than I have now.

      For those that find level 0 to hard, it might be a better idea to focus on compound movement exercises ( for example squats) targeting pelvic floor, legs and core, before doing level 0.

      For example it is a better idea to exercise the same muscle group (in this case the pelvic floor) every second day (or twice a day every second day) rather than every day. This alone changes the routine allot, so have that in mind as well.

      The reason I have not updated this routine is because to do it I will have to actually go trough the routine as well, since just canging it up without first hand experience might not be a good idea, and it is not how I do things.

      In that light as well, for most people who do not plan to devote much of their time to become a MMO and just want to strengthen their pelvic floor level 0 should suffice. Level 3 is especially hard for many members simply because it focuses on the strength of the kegel movement needed for a DO.

      Also each level has a .5 sublevel wich contains every exercise in the level, in retrospect this might not be a good idea since a many exercises overlap, so whey you reach any .5 sublevel read trough the topic to see some suggestion on how it might be optimized.

      In conclusion do not blindly follow this routine and its flow instead think how it might best serve, especially when it you might be wondering if you are doing to much or progressing faster than your pelvic floor might handle it. Any sign of soreness or pain is a indicator that you should slow down, reduce, change or even quit the routine.

      If this is your first time seeing some of the exercises described be sure to read their entry in the kegel master list.


      PELVIC FLOOR ROUTINE - "Levels and exercises"


      Allowed states: Refers to the state of your penis (flaccid, erect, pre PONR,PONR, ejaculation, after ejaculation). You can of course do what you want but you should follow this. Also most of the time flaccid will be the option for doing , and not after ejaculation. The other positions are mostly for people that try to experiment and learn about their arousal and the effect of the kegel exercises done in different states. However useful, while training for DO you should be focused on your goal.

      Level_number.sublevel_number - means sub level, do not disregard the duration the sub levels, having a 3 weeks per sub level is nothing strange (expecially on the later levels), you can make it faster but that is really up to you. The point of a level is that when you finish it you really can notice the advancement. Also If you so prefer you can only do certain sub levels and don't do other (this implies mostly if not only for level 3), the more you do the better you will be conditioned for what is to come.

      Increase: Points out when it should be ok to increse amount of reps, or the times you are doing them per day. Once you reach optimal for that sub level you should always do it optimally. The usual progression in the level 0 for example is that you should increase the reps once per day by a fixed amount until you get to the maximum noted for that sublevel then instead of increasing it more you should start doing it two times per day. Now, it is up to you if you want to gradually increase the reps for the second time or just jumping straight to the max.

      Next sub level: Denotes when you should advance to next sub level or when you are out of them when you should advance to a next level. This also describes what should be the optimal that from now on you should do whenever you attempt those exercises (and you will for each of the .5 sublevels). You should not go higher than optimal. NOTE: By optimal it means that you can do the sublevel two times per day (ideally in the morning and before bed) three times a week with a day pause in between.

      So in order to progress from sublevel 0.1 to sublevel 0.2 (or from sublevel 1.5 to sublevel 2.1 etc) you need to be able to do:

      MON: do sublevel 2 times that day
      TUE: rest
      WED: do sublevel 2 times that day
      THU: rest
      FRI: do sublevel 2 times that day
      SAT: rest
      SUN: res
      If you can do the sublevel like in the example and feel little to no soreness or any kind of bad PI you can proceed to the next sublevel.

      LEVEL 0 - This is meant for people that are total beginners, or recently out of reboot, or recovering from a long pause (by long I mean two moths or so, a 2-3 weeks of pause isn't that bad). This is a great level to get your technique down, work on your isolation, and understanding it etc. All exercises here should be done while flaccid.

      Main Focus is on the flexibility of your pelvic floor. Most of the time people thing that this is what it means to be conditioned. Conditioned means your pelvic floor can take up the added stress, increasing flexibility is here to prepare you to be properly conditioned.

      This level is also here to slowly introduce you to the isolation that is an important part of flexibility.


      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      (10-20) kegel flexes

      (10-20) reverse kegel flexes

      (10-20) root lock flexes

      (10-20) reverse root lock flexes
      Flexes should be held for a second or two, should not be fast nor forcible. It isn't important how strong they are as long as you do them. You should not do them too fast.

      Increase: Start of with doing 10 of each during the first day you attempt this exercise, then if you feel comfortable you should increase it by five for the next day, therefore doing 15 of each exercise (meaning kegels, reverse kegels, root locks, reverse root locks). Increase to 20 of each for the next day if you feel comfortable. After that you should not increase them further but rather you should begin doing them two times per day instead of one. It is up to you if you want to go for 20 of each right away of gradually during the second time per day.

      Next sub level: You find that you are doing them with ease two times a day and 3 times a week, 20 each, with no fatigue and your isolation is progressing nicely on the understanding level.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      10 kegel-to-reverse kegel
      10 kegel-to-root lock flexes
      10 kegel-to-reverse root lock flexes

      10 reverse kegel-to-kegel flexes
      10 reverse kegel-to-reverse root lock flexes
      10 reverse kegel-to-root lock flexes

      10 root lock-to-kegel flexes
      10 root lock-to-reverse-root lock flexes
      10 root lock-to-reverse kegel flexes

      10 reverse root lock-to-root lock flexes
      10 reverse root lock-to-reverse kegel flexes
      10 reverse root lock-to-kegel flexes
      Why this?: These are exercises which will help you in isolation and at the same time help you exercise the relations between those four types, and it will test if you are ready for this level. Strenght of a kegel here is not important. This will also give you some idea about your pelvic floor balance. You can fall back to this routine form time to time to recheck you isolation. Note that in beginning the "to" part does not need be fast, you can do them very slow, take your time. The better relations you establish now the easier will it be for you later on.

      Increase: Start with once per day, increase to two per day, if you feel confident you can increase the number by 5 till 20 but be sure to do them all and to increase all of them.

      Next sub level: Two times a day and 3 times per week, little to no fatigue. You switch "to" with ease. Remember flexes should not be fast nor forcible.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      (20-40) kegel-to-reverse kegel-to-root lock-to-reverse root lock

      (20-40) reverse root lock-to-root lock-to-reverse kegel-to-kegel
      Exercises in this sub level are to help you with reverse kegels mostly, you will notice while you are doing them that it will become much easier to do reverse parts.

      Increase: As always increase to the number pointed, also increase to up to two per day.

      Next sub level: Two times a day and 3 times per week, little no fatigue. Flexes are not fast nor forcible.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      50 kegel flexes

      50 reverse kegel flexes

      50 root lock flexes

      50 reverse root lock flexes.
      Exercises in this sub level are confirmation of your isolation and flex stamina. In this level you should pay particular attention to the execution of the exercises.

      Next sub level: Two times a day and 3 times per week, little no fatigue. Focus on execution, neither fast nor forcible.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      Sublevel routine 0.1

      Sublevel routine 0.2

      Sublevel routine 0.3

      Sublevel routine 0.4
      Yes, exactly your routine is all the sub levels before of this level in one routine. Pace yourself.

      Next level: Two times a day and 3 times per week, little no fatigue.

      END OF LEVEL 0:

      At this point your flexibility and endurance are much higher, and your control is more defined when it considers the four types. If you find that 0.5 is too much reduce the number of reps, but even if you do 10 of each you should go trough all of them. But you will notice that this isn't that hard, when you reach this.

      ================================================== =============
      ================================================== =============

      LEVEL 1 - This is meant for people who are confident in their isolation, flexibility and think they have a good stamina.

      Main focus is on making you more flexible and itroducing stability in your routine. As same as with flexiblity, stability is here to slowly begin the conditioning, by making your plvic floor muscles more stable when doing harder exercises, more stability means that you are getting more for your exercises.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      (50-100) kegel flexes

      (50-100) reverse kegel flexes

      (50-100) root lock flexes

      (50-100) reverse root lock flexes.
      Same like 0.4 but here you will try to up it till 100 reps. This is where diminishing returns start happening any more that 100 reps is in my opinion totally pointless.

      Next sub level: You do them with ease, two times a day and 3 times per week, little to no fatigue.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      10 (5-10sec) kegel holds

      10 (5-10sec) reverse kegel holds

      10 (5-10 sec) root lock holds

      10 (5-10 sec) reverse root lock holds
      Finally, holds! Do not be fooled by the relative ease of this sublevels, there are well meant here to offer you some relaxation. Kegel holds should be medium and not hard, but you should try to keep them constant

      Increase: From 5 to 10 seconds in any way you want. The point here is to keep your hold stable, strength here is not so much important, a mid level kegel hold is fine, because we are giving time for the muscles to get used to higher and higher intensity.

      Next sub level: As always, two times a day and 3 times per week little too no pains or/and fatigue.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      10 (3-5sec) Tri-point kegels

      10 (3-5sec) Tri-point reverse kegels

      10 (3-5sec) Tri-point root locks

      10 (3-5sec) Tri-point reverse root locks
      Now it is starting to get interesting.
      Tri-point kegels (or Triangle kegels from the master list) are kegel holds that have the three point of the same duration. So in order to do a 5second tri-point kegel hold, first you slowly clench your kegel for 5 seconds, then hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 5 seconds. So in effect it isn't 5 sec it is 15 sec. Pay special attention on the releasing part, you have to release slowly and not just let go.

      Remember again that your strength should not be high, this is much more about the control.

      Increase: From one per day to to sessions per day of this. You should aim for 5sec, here it is more crucial then on the other sublevels till now to do this as it should be done.

      Next sub level: 5seconds, two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      10 (3-5sec) Sine Front Hold

      10 (3-5 sec) Reverse Sine Front Hold <- Will help your timing conditioning!

      10 (3-5sec) Sine Back Hold

      10 (3-5sec) Bunker Hold <- Will help you with technique conditioning!

      10 (3-5sec) Flush Hold
      Sine Front Holds, are like tri point kegel and a tri-point reverse kegel in one, you will found out later on that they are pretty hard. Let me describe the way to do it. First 5 seconds slowly clench the kegel then hold for 5 seconds then release for 5 seconds BUT DO NOT STOP just continue to inflate the reverse kegel for 5 seconds hold the reverse kegel for 5 seconds then return to neutral position for 5 seconds. It is not easy at all, but will increase your strength in still balanced level.

      A reverse sine front hold will be very helpful to you so getting used to this one movement from reverse kegel hold to kegel hold is very beneficial for getting the timing down which will be described later on. With reverse since you start with rk and end up with kegel.

      Bunker hold is when you first clench your root lock (or your kegel you can chose to see wich one you prefer fist) for 5 seconds, then hold for 5 seconds then (without releasing the last one) you clench your kegel for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and then release both. Flush is the same but with reverse kegel and reverse root locks.

      Doing a bunker hold with kegel first will help you in learing the bracing to help you hold your kegel more stronger and better during a DO. So that is an important exercise to get used to.

      With bunker you will notice that by engaging the other one your hold becomes stronger but not in the forcible way but in the more "bunkered" way. With flush you will feel the bigger area inflate.

      Remember not to force it out to strongly while doing flush.

      This begins to condition your pelvic floor for stronger exercises, so that there is not that much fatigue when you start them.

      Increase: First increase to two times a day, then increase the seconds.

      Next sub level: 5 seconds, two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue.

      Allowed states for this level: Flaccid
      Sublevel routine 1.1

      Sublevel routine 1.2

      Soblevel routine 1.3

      Sublevel routine 1.4
      Yes, the same as with 0.5

      Next level: two times a day, two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue.

      END OF LEVEL 1

      At this point your ability to have a good stable holds in nicely defined, by doing 0.5 you also make sure that your flexiblity is here. You should have little to no problem with almost total isolation. This one should improve your erection while still retaining and fixing the pelvic floor balance. Note that in both level 0 and level 1 there is no accent on force, and yet you will be getting stronger and stronger.

      ================================================== =============
      ================================================== =============

      LEVEL 2 - This is meant for people with fine isolation skills, and who have no trouble holding their kegels and others for around 20-30 seconds of medium strength.

      Main Focus on this level is stability and conditioning. This is where the true conditioning starts, now that your pelvic floor is flexible enough and sable enough, you begin to do harder exercises that condition your pelvic floor for the stress that harder exercises and in the end Dry Orgasm itself carry. Note that stress may seam like a strong word, but having a DO on an unconditioned pelvic floor bring allot of stress, where on the conditioned and strong pelvic floor you have little to no stress, and that is the point.

      Allowed states for this level: flaccid
      5 15-20 second kegel hold

      5 15-20 second reverse kegel hold

      5 15-20 second root lock hold

      5 15-20 second reverse root lock hold

      As you can see, we increase the hold time but decrease the reps, as a good step towards increasing the quality over quantinty. A 20 second stable hold of medum-to-hard strength isn't a small feat. For reverse types focuse more and more on relaxment and less and less on it inflating, a good quality reverse kegel isn't one that over inflates but one that relaxes, this is hard in its own right.

      Next sub level: Two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue. Pay very careful attention to stability here and even more attention that your kegel strength is mid-to-high. As for reverse types pay attention not to over inflate rather bring full relaxation. There is a logical reason why after every kegel there is a reverse part in order to decrease the fatigue. Don't worry to much if during a 20 second hold your isolation isn't top notch because there in not that much need, but as muscles tire your isolation will be better.


      Allowed states for this level: flaccid
      10-15 5sec tri-step kegel holds

      10-15 5sec tri-point reverse kegel holds

      10-15 5sec tri-step root lock holds

      10-15 5sec tri-point reverse root locks
      Here is where we start to work on the strength of kegel holds.

      Tri-STEP kegel and root lock are done by increasing the strength of the hold every 5 seconds. First you hoild your kegel on mid strength form 5 seconds, then you increase to high strength and hold for 5 seconds, then you increase to even harder to 5 seconds and then you release. This one is made for making your kegel stronger, at first your last five seconds won't be as good but in time you will fin the way. Don't go linger then five seconds since there is no need.

      The reason why there are not tri-step for reverse is because there is no need for such strong reverse kegels, but this is up to you, it is better to use reverse kegels as tri-point exercise but I leave this to your own judgement.

      Increase: There is a increase of reps here since increasing the time here can be counter productive and be much more tiering.

      Next sub level: Ttwo times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue, you should feel a good increase in your overall kegel stenght. Be sure to pace yourself here, if you notice that this is making you too tired and fatigued you should stick to this level until you can proceed. As you are beginning to see, slowly more attention is given to kegel strength and reverse kegel relaxations, to some this point might be a problem because they will think that their pelvic floor will become disbalanced but the pelvic floor at this point is nicely conditioned so that this changes don't affect overall preformance much.

      Allowed states for this level: ERECT!
      10 3 second tri-point kegel holds

      10 3 second tri-point reverse kegels

      10 3 second tri-point root locks

      10 3 second tri-pont reverse root locks

      By this level you should not have no trouble having a good iron hard erection. Be sure you are fully erect during those exercises, if you go flaccid be sure to edge back to full erection. Edging while doing this exercises is also a good option, but edge slowly. Do not get carried away! It is easy to hold a too strong kegel hold but don't do that instead a medum-to-hard hold will be sufficient since your erection will make it even harder. Doing exercises while horny can lead to problem so stick to the plan, don't over work on overtrain while admering your iron hard erection getting even harder. This is a exercise that is here to make you used to kegeling under the erection, leave the advanced stuff for later. Do not do this near ponr since you will either ejaculate or get to horny and start to notice less and less pain. This is why most people say that erect kegels are for advanced only and that are dangerous. Notice also that you are not doing 3-STEP kegels byt 3-POINT kegels, do not even try to do tri-step kegel holds while erect because for now should not be used to it.

      Next sub level: two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue. Here getting used to holding under erection and mintaining the stability while the 3second hold part is crucial.

      Allowed states for this level: ERECT! and post ejaculation!
      10 (3-5sec) Bunker Hold

      10 (3-5sec) Flush Hold

      10 (3-5sec) Reverse Sine Front Hold <- Will help with timing conditioning!

      post ejaculation:
      10 5 seconds kegel hold
      10 5 seconds reverse kegel hold
      10 5 seconds root lock hold
      10 5 seconds reverse root lock hold
      Doing a bunker hold while erect is not a small feat it also trains you how to assist your kegel hold with root lock to make your kegel hold more stable. As with 2.3 This is done while you are fully errect. Edging while doing this is recommended, but edge very slowly, your goal here is not to ejaculate but to finish the exercises. If you find bunker hold too intense, after doing one do one flush hold, then back to bunker etc.

      You will the aditional 5 sec holds of medium-to-hard stenght after ejaculating. If you are ejaculating during those session you will do this, if you ejaculate on the unrelated occurrence you will also do them. This is to condition your muscles to be active even after ejaculatory spasms. This will help you with regaining you erection fast after DO, if any erection problems even occur (should not be happening with clean and perfect DO, but this is here to make double sure).

      Reverse Sine Front Hold while erect will help you with learing the timing for DO so pay attention to doing it properly.

      Next sub level: two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue. You don't need to ejaculate every time if you don't want to once in every 3 days is also fine. Also when you are doing this as two routines per day, you can ejaculate only on the last one, there is no need to ejaculate on both.

      Allowed states: flaccid, erect, after ejaculation
      Sublevel routine 2.1

      Sublevel routine 2.2

      Sublevel routine 2.3

      Sublevel routine 2.4
      As usual for now, you will do them as one session now.

      Next level: Doing two of them per day, every day (first, second day to their respective sublevels). Little to no fatigue.

      END OF LEVEL 2

      By this point you are at home with doing kegel hold while erect. You will notice that by now there is no flexes at all bar the respective .5 sublevel days. This is the point where you will also notice that you have more stamina and can last longer. This is also the point also where all those other techiques (start-top, 1-3 kegel hold, rk hold for eliinating involuntaries etc) will be much more effective.

      ================================================== =====
      ================================================== =====

      LEVEL 3 - Final level, on this level you will start to condition yourself for having DOs since you will probably master the other attributes by now at the end of this level you will be read to attempt (and probably succeed with no problems) to DO.

      Main Focus on this level is conditioning and strength. Finaly now we are able to really do the exercises that really increase the strength and at the same time do exercises that increases conditioning.

      Allowed states: Flaccid
      5 Kegel Minute Holds

      5 Reverse kegel minute holds

      5 root lock minute hold

      5 reverse root lock minute hold
      Your benchmark is here a minute hold. Like the name says you are to hold a mid (or mid-to-hard) kegel for a minute (60 seconds) as stable as you can. In order to do that your isolation must be top notch since you have to breath during those 60 seconds. Kinda gives a minuteman a new meaning.

      Reverse minute holds are also going to be hard, but not as hard as holds, remember to give priority to relaxation over inflation.

      Increase: Don't be surprised if you can't do this at first, it will take everything you have learned until now in order to master it. Don't go over minute there is not need, also be mindful of your PIs. If you notice that your body is not taking well that 60 seconds clench lover it to 30 seconds. Effectively you needn't hold your erect kegel for more that 20 seconds while DOing but since the intensity is much higher minute conditioning helps.

      Next sub level: Two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue.

      Allowed states: Near PONR!
      20 5 seconds towel raises

      10 5sec reverse kegel holds
      You are now conditioned to do a towel raise, you might be even conditioned far before this one but until this point your errection might not be sufficient.

      So towel raises are just that you put a towel on your fully erect near PONR (when the erection is the strongest) penis and hold a kegel that will lift the penis and to that for 5 seconds. Begin with a small towel size and work your way up, you don't need some giantic size. I will talk more about towel raises later on.

      Next sub level: This one should not be hard at all, I put it here because you EQ should be good by now and to give you some rest. If you find yourself that you are able to do more than 20 you can increase it. 50 should be max any more than that is pointless. Towel rises are much like tri-step but require even more strenght so you will definatelly gain strength here do not worry. Two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue.

      Allowed states: ERECT!
      10 30sec kegel hold

      10 5sec tri-point reverse kegel

      10 30 sec root lock

      10 5 sec tri-point reverse root lock
      This is not an easy one, a 30 sec kegel hold mid-to-high strength while edging, same goes for root lock. Tri-point reverses here are to relax you and drop your arousal from PONR. Your edging speed should be sufficient enough to keep you erect.

      Next sub level: Two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue.

      Allowed states: Near PONR
      20 10 second towel raises

      20 5 sec tri-point reverse kegel
      It might not seem as much but 5 seconds towel raises and 10 seconds towel raises are a totally different beast. Most might not even be able to to them in full, so don't be annoyed. This exercise here is for building strenght but it also fro something that will be discused later.

      Next sub level: It deppends but if you can pull this one once per day 3 times per week you are ok.

      Allowed states: Flaccid, Erect, Near Ponr
      Sublevel routine 3.1

      Sublevel routine 3.2

      Sublevel routine 3.3

      Sublevel ruutine 3.4
      The final exercise, there is no next level you should stop when you can do them two times a day and 3 times per week little to no fatigue, but probably even much before that.

      END OF LEVEL 3

      By this level you really should not have any problems in "strength" department at all, maybe even before this one. It might seem far fetched as you read this now without even passing level 0 but this gets easier and easier
      Member of the Month March 2013.
      Last edited by Minuteman; 06-11-2016, 03:16 AM.
      premE FAQ


      • #4

        In this part I will talk about the proper way to preform a kegel hold for a dry orgasm and how to train it. In difference to the strength part this one will not be even closely long.

        Technique is the most crucial of the three. While if you have a strong and balanced pelvic floor you have a leeway when it comes to timing (meaning the window to actually hold your kegel gets wider), and with good timing you can afford to have a weaker pelvic floor (because you can optimize your strength), there is no substitute for the technique, making it the most crucial of the three.

        One of the problems I noticed with myself and other is noticing that even though we hold the kegel it just isn't working as it should even though kegel hold holds on. Sometimes even though we think that we are focusing on a kegel hold in fact, because of the high intense situation, we might be holding a root lock.

        Around the time of my first DO I was trying out a lot of different kegels and making my first kegel master list (update one is here), of all of them towel raises where the one I like the most since they just felt right and I noticed that even though I did just 3-5 per edging session that my kegel strength didn't increase as much as the hold was more complete.

        After I had my first DO I noticed that holding a kegel hold for stoping a DO is very similar if not the same how I hold my kegel to raise that towel.

        So in essence in order for you to develop proper technique for a DO you only need to do towel raises.

        The only problem you might run it to is that your erection is to weak for a towel raise or that your pevic floor is too unconditioned. Towel raises are not for beginners and it is recommended that you first properly condition your pelvic floor for this feat (hence the importance of strength).

        This is why towel raises only appear on the level 3 of the PF routine. But doing one or two from time to time when you are near PONR and fully erected will not do you much harm., but don't get carried away sonce if you do them to much you might end up to fatigued to do your regular routine, or sometimes if you do them to much your erection quality and libido will also suffer, not to mention potential injuries.

        The thing you want to focus on is the way you muscles activate to raise that towel. When trying out first do with the towel on then with the towel of and try to match the feeling, the closely you match it the better for you.

        And that is it. It is that simple to get the technique down, but many do not because they don't know how. Well now you know.

        Bunker hold that starts with kegel here is good for learing how to brace for more strength, for more detail about the exercise visit the description of the exercise in Part II.
        Member of the Month March 2013.
        Last edited by Minuteman; 03-23-2013, 03:51 AM.
        premE FAQ


        • #5

          Timing has always been the trickiest part of the three. I mean you can get the technique sometimes even without towel raises, and even strength to many (or at least they think so) poses no problem. Not to mention that you can when you have a good timing you can afford to have less pelvic floor strength (although it is best to have all three in top shape).

          But most questions come in a form "When should I hold my kegel?". And mostly the answers are vague simply because there is no easy way to describe this apart from saying "just are you about to ejaculate", but that "just about" can be a long period.

          So rather than covering all the scenarios (which there may be infinite) it is best to create one fixed situation that almost never varies, and you can do that with proper usage of reverse kegel. Then once you get the feeling down (and it is all about the feeling with DOs) you will know exactly when to in almost any situation even without reverse kegel.
          So, you should try to preform this only when you have mastered the strength and technique element, because many of you will be drawn to preform a DO and usually end up with a bad DO (in worse case retrograde ejaculation) and this is what we are trying to avoid here.

          In the PF routines you have a reverse front sine hold for geting used to the timing and a bunker hold that starts with kegel that are useful to get used to so that this process is even easier. You have an option in routines later on to do them while erect also.

          The process is as it follows:
          ================================================== =======
          STEP 1. "Start edging and slowly bring yourself close to ponr."

          To make this even better some sessions before slowly edge and ejaculate and try your best to observe everything that happens. Also learn how to slowly edge yourself to ejaculation with full awareness.

          The reason for slowly edging is that you are able to control yourself better, and to note the specific moments.

          STEP 2. "Bring your self very very close to ponr and hold a medium strength reverse kegel while continuing to edge."

          As you bring yourself very close to ponr slow down the stroking as much as you can until you stop, then hold the reverse kegel medium strength, and continue edging.

          So what is this, medium strength stuff? Well that means you should hold the reverse kegel that is somewhere between low to hard in strength, but not too low strength and neither too high (so you should not push the reverse kegel as hard as you can, but just enough so that you can feel the kegel spasm that will hapen). As you get better in kegels and reverse kegels in general you will know exactly what I mean.

          If you are unsure hold a low strength kegel during edging and when at some point IKs start happening you will noticing that some IKs may overpower your reverse kegel hold, that might help when determining the intensity of the reverse kegel hold, since you don't need a reverse kegel hold that would be overcame right away but at the same time if you hold a too strong of a reverse kegel hold that will prove problematic as well.

          STEP 3. "As the spasm kegel overides your reverse kegel, release it but instead of doing nothing do a kegel hold along that spasm."

          In nature, no matter how balanced your pelvic floor is that kegel spasm will override any reverse kegel hold, the only instance where it won't is where a reverse kegel is much much stronger, do not confuse this for the reverse kegel that cancels an involuntary kegel that occurs near ponr and that by canceling it drives you away from ponr, we talk about the kegel spasm that starts the expulsion part of ejaculation, if you pay close attention and observe the ejaculation process you will notice clear differences between those.

          This is the trickiest part because you must switch between reverse kegel hold right into a kegel hold. A erect reverse sine front hold that is described in routine will help you switch more precisely.

          Since that first spasm does not have any sperm in it (it might have a good amount of pre-cum) but activates the ejaculation process that is the one you always want to kegel hold.

          Now if you are just testing out (or haven't mastered the technique and strength parts), after holding the first spasm release your kegel and ejaculate. DO NOT HOLD YOUR KEGEL IF YOU ARE NOT CONDITIONED! In most cases you will go straight to retrograde ejaculation even though you think you are holding that kegel strongly and properly.

          Think of this movement as turning your opponents attack into your own (for example in judo it is a punch to hip throw), where you use the momentum of your opponents attack in your favour. In this case you are using the starting strength of the kegel spasm to turn it into a sufficiently strong kegel hold which should not allow any other kegel spasms after that one to happen.

          ================================================== =========

          After several sessions of ejaculating like this you will know exactly when to hold even without reverse kegel (or with a very slight one).

          People that are conditioned in strength and timing need not release the kegel hold, since they already know in what way and how strong to hold that kegel.
          Member of the Month March 2013.
          Last edited by Minuteman; 10-02-2015, 02:09 AM.
          premE FAQ


          • #6

            1) THE FLOW

            Now that you have conditioned yourself in all three aspects all that is left is preforming a clean DO.

            First start edging slowly, it is important that you edge for an increased amount of time so that your penis gets a good erection, don't rush even play around near PONR. If you feel under the weather or simply not aroused enough, if you notice that your erection is not top-notch do not force this, because it will only make it worse. The longer you edge during the session is the easier will you preform the DO. Your now balanced pevic floor with a bit stronger kegel will help you last longer.

            As you start getting near the ponr remember the timing and focus on the specific feeling you get and when the time comes hold that kegel in a way you learned via towel raises and with strength that you have from all those exercises.

            As you catch that first spasm and turn it into a kegel (the way you learned in PART IV, and with the some of the exercises in the routine), the next one will be strong but if you are properly conditioned not even close to strong the way it usually is when an uncoditioned person tries to do, the third spasm should be faint after that you should feel no more spasms and your erection should stay, but be careful not to be to vigoruous since you are still close to PONR but not that close. With proper breathing and pacing you will get out of it. You should feel very little much discomfort here, or even none at all.

            If for some reason you start to go flaccid, most of the time (because of the nature of clean DO) you will be able to get it right back up, the only reason you couldn't is if your mind gets to confused into thinking you have ejaculated (which happens more rarely with clean DO but it can occur).

            To be sure you haven't retro ejaculated, you can urinate in the cup to see if your urine is clear. Do note that it might be just a little (mostly like just a little part of it) cloudy, but you will clearly notice if there is any or lots of sperm.

            Every next DO during that session will be even more easier. For now just ejaculate after one DO (try to last at least five more minutes after first DO so that your body is used to the new sensations).

            If you how ever feel that your second spasm is to strong and your third also (and you start to get overstressed in the area between the testicles and anus) RELEASE YOUR KEGEL HOLD and ejaculate normally. In essence you should release your kegel on a 2.5 spasms for the best "save". I can't stress enough how this is important for learning to DO and protecting yourself.

            If you had this accident, and you have averted it by releasing you need more conditioning (probably in the strength compartment) do not despair, you have done the best option considering the results and rather then feeling like you have failed a DO fell that you have succesfuly averted retrograde ejaculation, believe me it matters.

            As you continue to do DO your timing and technique will rise even more, to the point where you unconsciously know the exact time and way to hold that kegel without even thiking (yes it is possible, that is how I do it now, but since my strength wasn't sufficient enough I had a bad DO last time I did it).

            But don't forget the strength, it might seem pointlessly easy with your expert timing and tech but if you keep your strength too much down and don't work on it you will end up having bad DOs.

            If you however keep at it soon you will be having perfect DOs where you only need one properly timed kegel to stop all the spasms, as I told you before you might even done it by accident a few times and it felt awesome, well just think how awesome it is when you do them consciously a dozen in a row. Doing that is Pegasus specialty, where mine is doing them unconsciously (via the soft wave) but both of us can attest to how good it feels.

            2) THE AFTERMATH

            Even with all three aspects mastered after preforming a clean DO you might run up to a problem. The problem is that your penis suddenly goes flaccid after a clean DO even though you didn't ejaculate, and while you can bring it up after some time it just kinda misses the point if you can't continue in a short while.

            The problem is that your brain still isn't accustomed to the dry orgasm and misinterprets the signals as you have ejaculated, while this mostly happens during the bad DOs it might happen to you even if you do a clean DO. With clean DOs this problem usually goes away after a few sessions (ten or so) of dry orgasming, but if you still notice this happening even after then that is mostly connected to your arousal build up.

            If you have a short session or your arousal isn't properly build up, after one dry orgasm you will lose the desire to edge since you are in a way satisfied in order to circumvent this you should practice longer sessions with a gradual arousal build up and DO at the peak of that arousal, since during the DO the arousal, if gradually build, stays you will remain hard (or in some cases due to the kegel hold your penis will lose about 5-10% erection but quickly regain it) and very slight disentitiesed (so slightly that most wont even notice).

            After you have a few long gradual sessions (again ten or so) you will have much decreased flaccid occurrence after a DO.

            For those that have problems building up the arousal here is a way to do it. First in the morning edge until you reach ponr and try to make it as long as you can (but not far to much) after that sometimes in the middle of the day bring yourself to ponr once again but don't pay attention to the duration, for some this will be enough to make they arousal well spread and one can attempt a DO here, however for the best results after you reach ponr in the midday later at night edge and make your session as slow as you can so that you can build up the arousal (you should be also ironhard by this point) after a clean DO (it must be a clean or perfect, but if you can achieve perfect DO then you almost certainly wont have this problem) you should stay erect.
            Member of the Month March 2013.
            Last edited by Minuteman; 11-18-2012, 02:18 PM.
            premE FAQ


            • #7

              I hope you find this guide useful and I hope you are going to be able to preform both clean and pefect DOs with ease thanks to the things you have learned here.

              Please note that this is not just my contribution but the contribution of many members of this forum (especially Pegasus) in many ways, some by asking interesting questions, other by having interesting theories and observations.

              Take your time reading this, there is ALLOT of information that seems overwhelming at first but it all ads up.

              This is not the work of a single man but of the community. I just patched it all together.

              ================================================== ======
              ================================================== ======

              UPDATE LOG

              - Posted all the content in their appropriate posts
              - Made the post more readable
              - Re-formated the PF Routine post to make it more readable and more presentable
              - I put the Main Focus in PF Routine post for every level so that you know what is the basic point of that level, of course that is only the main focus, that doesn't mean it discards the previous focuses.
              - Added clarifications on several topics trough the posts.
              - Added clarification on conditioning and terms flexibility, stability that are the focus of the levels in routine.
              - Added more details into PART IV: Timing
              - Added more details in PART V: Flow.
              - Added the Reverse Kegel Hold DO info and why I do not "teach" it in this guide.
              - Added the clarification about the difference between IKs and spasm kegels (in part II)

              Ok, this is about it for now I have added about everything connected to kegel hold DO and clarified stuff as much to make it more complete and understandable.

              All other corrections from now on (if any) will be grammatical in nature.

              Or if somebody spots something that needs more attention etc, or points out something I completely missed to add.

              Also if anyone has a better idea for routine layout (in presentation purposes and ease of read sense) please do contribute.

              - Added the feedback and responsibility details in the first post.
              - Added Exercises progress/flow overview, so members should be able to understand the pelvic floor routine better.
              - Added the importance of ejaculation.
              - Added the aftermath in part V.


              -- Clarified further and updated the legend "increase" part for the pelvic floor routine and the increase part for the 0.1 sublevel of pfr.

              === 2015-04-13

              - Added an important note before reading about the pelvic floor routine.

              === 2015-10-02

              - Corrected the timing description about reverse kegel hold from (medium-to-high) to (medium) also added "turning an opponents attack into your own" parallel in order to clarify the idea behind the reverse kegel hold to kegel hold movement.

              === To do in the future ===

              - Improve and optimize the pelvic floor routine.
              - Add the terminology and explanation about low level and high level balance.
              Member of the Month March 2013.
              Last edited by Minuteman; 10-02-2015, 02:12 AM.
              premE FAQ


              • #8
                Another great thread Minuteman. Subscribed. Repped.
                Retired Moderator
                Member of the Month Nov 12
                PEGym Hero
                Last edited by imac; 05-31-2012, 10:53 AM.
                On a break from the forum
                imac's Phallosan Forte Progress Log
                Pelvic Floor Balance
                Confusion With Reverse Kegels

                Reverse Kegel Breathing (Meditative Reverse Kegels)


                • #9
                  This thread is AWESOME! I haven't time to read completely, but just the first post.
                  If you allow me, I would like to translate this document to portuguese, keeping the reference to your name, to reach more people whowant to improove their sexual life.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KobraGreen View Post
                    This thread is AWESOME! I haven't time to read completely, but just the first post.
                    If you allow me, I would like to translate this document to portuguese, keeping the reference to your name, to reach more people whowant to improove their sexual life.
                    I am totally fine with that, and thank you for notifying me of your intentions.

                    A reference to the name and a link to the original topic/post is fine (unlike this guy ). Also do not put any copyright stuff on this (since this will and should remain free).

                    Just note that I'm still in the process of polishing some finer points and adding some parts. I will bump this topic with a "milestone" notice, and then you should begin your translation.

                    You are however free to do whenever you like I just though to spare you any repeated task. Also keep an eye out for this post since here is where I detail the updates on the guide itself.

                    Also once you have finished the translation put the link here so I can post it into the guide so that people that come here and speak portugese can just go there right away.
                    Member of the Month March 2013.
                    Last edited by Minuteman; 06-01-2012, 05:00 PM.
                    premE FAQ


                    • #11
                      Ok, this is about it for now I have added about everything connected to kegel hold DO and clarified stuff as much to make it more complete and understandable.

                      All other corrections from now on (if any) will be grammatical in nature.

                      Or if somebody spots something that needs more attention etc, or points out something I completely missed to add.

                      Also if anyone has a better idea for routine layout (in presentation purposes and ease of read sense) please do contribute.
                      premE FAQ


                      • #12
                        Great work.
                        Are you going to continue it into mmo ,particularly wave form?


                        • #13
                          Really good post. To be honest I didnt read it all, just the beginning (lol). I'm kinda lazy, and DO's are not in my target at the moment, but I know it will help anyone who wants to be in this track.

                          Good job as always Minute!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
                            Great work.
                            Are you going to continue it into mmo ,particularly wave form?
                            For now no, since I don't have enough knowledge to put it into a guide form (soft waves are really elusive both to have and to explain in a way somebody else can reproduce it without problem) and in order to try out hard waves again I will have to up return into condition that I had before I stopped doing kegels (before the all-rk routine) because now even attempting a DO will most likely result in a bad DO ( even if my timing and technique are top notch now my strength is to much down), and since I am now focusing on fixing premature ejaculation with more "traditional" ways and without any pelvic floor routine (and eventually making something similar to this guide, since almost 70% percent of the routine should be unchanged for attaining a balanced pelvic floor) that kinda makes it a conflict.
                            premE FAQ


                            • #15
                              This has been a big help

