The “Average Overall Arousal” Theory (AOA)
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how I came into my recent state of arousal normality. I believe the answer is surprising simple and possibly counter-intuitive for some people to imagine. Regardless, this worked for me and I am confident after some more research and help from the PEGym community we can formulate a way to remedy everyone’s Premature Ejaculation. This thread can be looked at as an extension of the Arousal Techniques, or a more precise explanation on how to follow through with the final step of the Arousal Techniques. It can also be looked at as the Anti-Arousal Techniques Program, as it is almost the exact opposite of the purpose of the Arousal Techniques program. Instead of techniques to counter arousal this theory takes the opposite approach. Regardless, following this theory gave me 80% of my results in 20% of the time I spent trying other methods to remedy Premature Ejaculation.
I think most of us as a species were born with things in common, including arousal. We see a person we are attracted to and suddenly, when aroused things start to happen. Our heart rate goes up, focus lost, erection poised and ready. We then have sex for a certain length of time and end up ejaculating. No one can deny this.
We all fall in a range of time in what would be considered normal. Be it 2 minutes to 10 minutes. Premature ejaculation is when this process is sped up, to a rate where sex becomes unenjoyable. This could be from before entry up until a few minutes. Bad habits form that creates this thing we can Premature Ejaculation. I believe good habits can also reverse Premature Ejaculation.
P.S. Another thing to remember is that when talking about controlling arousal we have to get rid of the physical variable by assuming the man has a balanced pelvic floor. This way we know the man has a mental arousal problem and not a physical one. This theory assumes that you have the mental condition and that your pelvic floor is balanced already. However if you do have an imbalanced pelvic floor there is plenty of room for you to try this out and possibly get results or at least add information to disprove that this will work for you.
Simply Put:
"If you infrequently masturbate and reach ejaculate slowly to low arousal material overtime, then you will slow the mind's arousal response to stimulation"
It is the general idea that:
"If you frequently masturbate and reach ejaculation rapidly to high arousal material overtime, then you will quicken the mind's arousal response to stimulation."
Cause: Frequently masturbating and reaching ejaculation rapidly to high arousal material overtime.
Effect: Will quicken the mind's arousal response to stimulation.
What I did in those last 4 months was the EXACT opposite:
"If you infrequently masturbate and reach ejaculation slowly to low arousal material overtime, then you will slow the mind's arousal response to stimulation"
Cause: Infrequently masturbate and reach ejaculation slowly to low arousal material overtime,
Effect: Will slow the mind's arousal response to stimulation.
A simple explanation for this theory is as follows: At any given time your average arousal response will be a range of stamina values. Someone with Pre-E has extremely high ranges, 100-70 and someone that is normal has a medium range, 60-40. Someone with Delayed Ejaculation would have a low range, 30-10 (DE may not work with this theory but I would like to still include it in case someone can make connections that this may work for that also). The main part of this theory is to understand that overtime, with less exposure in ALL areas of stimulation (edging, ejaculating, porn, imagination) you body's overall arousal response will decrease, bringing someone with Pre-E to normal within the normal range in about 4-6months.
The one thing that this theory looks at differently is the "frequency" of arousal and stimulation.
Like I said previously a person's Average Overall Arousal (AOA) will determine the stamina of the person. Let us assume for now a man starts at 50-AOA. After many weeks of masturbating quickly to porn he gets to 80-AOA. Then a few weeks later following the same bad habits the person ejaculates even faster at 100-AOA.
To bring this down we currently suggest edging slowly without porn, but to do it often. Many people will edge at least once a day, but I know that even I would often edge more than once a day. This meant that every time we edge, regardless of ejaculating afterwards or not, our arousal goes up during that time, exposing our body to the sensation of arousal again.
So funny thing, many people can edge indefinitely after a while, but still can't last in bed. This could be because in staying constantly exposed to arousal, our AOA never goes down, but rather stays high or maybe declines a little bit from not being exposed to extremely high arousing material.
The AOA theory would explain all of this as far as I can tell. It is my only explanation for how my Pre-E suddenly went away and has no signs of coming back.
After 2 weeks of no porn and little to no edging or ejaculating, my body's arousal turned off. It was hard for me to get an erection or keep one. My body was trying to get me to watch porn again to "show myself" that I could get aroused if I watched highly arousing material. But months pass and my arousal never really got "better" again. I could go a week before needing to masturbate but when I needed to I could get it up and ejaculate. That was when I noticed, "Wow, I feel less aroused by everything, I almost feel weird not feeling aroused all of the time..." it wasn't that my arousal never got better, it actually stabilized. I hadn't had sex for those entire 4 months and every time I have had sex since then I have had incredible stamina, not to mention great EQ.
It was during those 4 months of adopting this theory of “infrequency” to arousal that I got 80% of my results. The only 20% of my results were from steps 1-8 of the Arousal Techniques Program. The average arousal theory explains it, but it is only a theory for now.
I need volunteers at different stages of their road to reversing Pre-E to follow this program and share their results.
CASE 1.) Men who have Premature Ejaculation in bed and also when solo edging.
You don’t really understand much about arousal.
CASE 2.) Men who have control over their arousal when solo edging, but suffer from stamina in bed.
You don’t really understand your arousal very much.
CASE 3.) Men who have control over their arousal when solo edging, but suffer from stamina in bed.
You understand your arousal enough to understand what happens to you when aroused.
CASE 4.) Men with Delayed Ejaculation. The purpose for you would be to see if positive effects can be had from this program.
The reason why I need guys from different steps in their progress is so that I can see where the AOA theory is most effective. It will answer these questions:
1.) Can a man, regardless of knowledge about arousal and also having an imbalanced pelvic floor, regain his stamina without any other techniques?
2.) Can a man who only suffers from premature ejaculation during sex but fixed his pelvic floor imbalance regain his stamina without any further techniques?
3.) Can a man who suffers from premature ejaculation solo and during sex regain stamina without any further techniques?
4.) Does a man have to understand his arousal completely in order for the AOA to work?
For the next 4 to 6 months here is what you need to do:
Start a small journal or log, recording your feelings and body over the next few months. I would recommend weekly or monthly entries. Your journals will be collected afterwards as evidence of progress and bring us one step closer to seeing if this will work.
Stop any kegel or reverse kegel routine you are on.
Stop watching, reading, or engaging in any sexual activity that involves raising your arousal. (Except for sex, if you must it is ok.)
Stop worrying and stressing about Premature Ejaculation and other performance issues.
Only Masturbate 1 or 2 times a week or less. DON'T worry about ejaculating, do it if you want to, but only once or twice a week.
The less the better though.
Ok so post here or PM me so I can know who is going to try this out. This outline is extremely easy to do! There is hardly any work involved for you to do! Let us keep this thread alive too, keep it active.
There is much more revision to do on this. I have to start somewhere
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how I came into my recent state of arousal normality. I believe the answer is surprising simple and possibly counter-intuitive for some people to imagine. Regardless, this worked for me and I am confident after some more research and help from the PEGym community we can formulate a way to remedy everyone’s Premature Ejaculation. This thread can be looked at as an extension of the Arousal Techniques, or a more precise explanation on how to follow through with the final step of the Arousal Techniques. It can also be looked at as the Anti-Arousal Techniques Program, as it is almost the exact opposite of the purpose of the Arousal Techniques program. Instead of techniques to counter arousal this theory takes the opposite approach. Regardless, following this theory gave me 80% of my results in 20% of the time I spent trying other methods to remedy Premature Ejaculation.
I think most of us as a species were born with things in common, including arousal. We see a person we are attracted to and suddenly, when aroused things start to happen. Our heart rate goes up, focus lost, erection poised and ready. We then have sex for a certain length of time and end up ejaculating. No one can deny this.
We all fall in a range of time in what would be considered normal. Be it 2 minutes to 10 minutes. Premature ejaculation is when this process is sped up, to a rate where sex becomes unenjoyable. This could be from before entry up until a few minutes. Bad habits form that creates this thing we can Premature Ejaculation. I believe good habits can also reverse Premature Ejaculation.
P.S. Another thing to remember is that when talking about controlling arousal we have to get rid of the physical variable by assuming the man has a balanced pelvic floor. This way we know the man has a mental arousal problem and not a physical one. This theory assumes that you have the mental condition and that your pelvic floor is balanced already. However if you do have an imbalanced pelvic floor there is plenty of room for you to try this out and possibly get results or at least add information to disprove that this will work for you.
Simply Put:
"If you infrequently masturbate and reach ejaculate slowly to low arousal material overtime, then you will slow the mind's arousal response to stimulation"
It is the general idea that:
"If you frequently masturbate and reach ejaculation rapidly to high arousal material overtime, then you will quicken the mind's arousal response to stimulation."
Cause: Frequently masturbating and reaching ejaculation rapidly to high arousal material overtime.
Effect: Will quicken the mind's arousal response to stimulation.
What I did in those last 4 months was the EXACT opposite:
"If you infrequently masturbate and reach ejaculation slowly to low arousal material overtime, then you will slow the mind's arousal response to stimulation"
Cause: Infrequently masturbate and reach ejaculation slowly to low arousal material overtime,
Effect: Will slow the mind's arousal response to stimulation.
A simple explanation for this theory is as follows: At any given time your average arousal response will be a range of stamina values. Someone with Pre-E has extremely high ranges, 100-70 and someone that is normal has a medium range, 60-40. Someone with Delayed Ejaculation would have a low range, 30-10 (DE may not work with this theory but I would like to still include it in case someone can make connections that this may work for that also). The main part of this theory is to understand that overtime, with less exposure in ALL areas of stimulation (edging, ejaculating, porn, imagination) you body's overall arousal response will decrease, bringing someone with Pre-E to normal within the normal range in about 4-6months.
The one thing that this theory looks at differently is the "frequency" of arousal and stimulation.
Like I said previously a person's Average Overall Arousal (AOA) will determine the stamina of the person. Let us assume for now a man starts at 50-AOA. After many weeks of masturbating quickly to porn he gets to 80-AOA. Then a few weeks later following the same bad habits the person ejaculates even faster at 100-AOA.
To bring this down we currently suggest edging slowly without porn, but to do it often. Many people will edge at least once a day, but I know that even I would often edge more than once a day. This meant that every time we edge, regardless of ejaculating afterwards or not, our arousal goes up during that time, exposing our body to the sensation of arousal again.
So funny thing, many people can edge indefinitely after a while, but still can't last in bed. This could be because in staying constantly exposed to arousal, our AOA never goes down, but rather stays high or maybe declines a little bit from not being exposed to extremely high arousing material.
The AOA theory would explain all of this as far as I can tell. It is my only explanation for how my Pre-E suddenly went away and has no signs of coming back.
After 2 weeks of no porn and little to no edging or ejaculating, my body's arousal turned off. It was hard for me to get an erection or keep one. My body was trying to get me to watch porn again to "show myself" that I could get aroused if I watched highly arousing material. But months pass and my arousal never really got "better" again. I could go a week before needing to masturbate but when I needed to I could get it up and ejaculate. That was when I noticed, "Wow, I feel less aroused by everything, I almost feel weird not feeling aroused all of the time..." it wasn't that my arousal never got better, it actually stabilized. I hadn't had sex for those entire 4 months and every time I have had sex since then I have had incredible stamina, not to mention great EQ.
It was during those 4 months of adopting this theory of “infrequency” to arousal that I got 80% of my results. The only 20% of my results were from steps 1-8 of the Arousal Techniques Program. The average arousal theory explains it, but it is only a theory for now.
I need volunteers at different stages of their road to reversing Pre-E to follow this program and share their results.
CASE 1.) Men who have Premature Ejaculation in bed and also when solo edging.
You don’t really understand much about arousal.
CASE 2.) Men who have control over their arousal when solo edging, but suffer from stamina in bed.
You don’t really understand your arousal very much.
CASE 3.) Men who have control over their arousal when solo edging, but suffer from stamina in bed.
You understand your arousal enough to understand what happens to you when aroused.
CASE 4.) Men with Delayed Ejaculation. The purpose for you would be to see if positive effects can be had from this program.
The reason why I need guys from different steps in their progress is so that I can see where the AOA theory is most effective. It will answer these questions:
1.) Can a man, regardless of knowledge about arousal and also having an imbalanced pelvic floor, regain his stamina without any other techniques?
2.) Can a man who only suffers from premature ejaculation during sex but fixed his pelvic floor imbalance regain his stamina without any further techniques?
3.) Can a man who suffers from premature ejaculation solo and during sex regain stamina without any further techniques?
4.) Does a man have to understand his arousal completely in order for the AOA to work?
For the next 4 to 6 months here is what you need to do:
Start a small journal or log, recording your feelings and body over the next few months. I would recommend weekly or monthly entries. Your journals will be collected afterwards as evidence of progress and bring us one step closer to seeing if this will work.
Stop any kegel or reverse kegel routine you are on.
Stop watching, reading, or engaging in any sexual activity that involves raising your arousal. (Except for sex, if you must it is ok.)
Stop worrying and stressing about Premature Ejaculation and other performance issues.
Only Masturbate 1 or 2 times a week or less. DON'T worry about ejaculating, do it if you want to, but only once or twice a week.
The less the better though.
Ok so post here or PM me so I can know who is going to try this out. This outline is extremely easy to do! There is hardly any work involved for you to do! Let us keep this thread alive too, keep it active.
There is much more revision to do on this. I have to start somewhere