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Minuteman's Kegel Master List

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  • Minuteman's Kegel Master List

    Minuteman's Kegel Master List

    Male urogenital system:
    Male pelvic floor anatomy:

    : By reading this guide, you and you alone bear the responsibility for attempting exercises, techniques and methods that are described or mentioned in this guide, so you attempt all this at your own risk, you have been warned.

    This is an updated version of the kegel master list posted here.

    I decided to update it and place it in a separate topic in order to provide easier access. Note that this isn't a pelvic floor routine topic, but the topic that documents different pelvic floor exercises, its uses and effects. You can view it as the building blocks of the pelvic floor routine you wish to create if you are not satisfied with the routines posted on this forum since it also has some hints on which other exercises you should use with it.

    Also, even trough this topic covers more than kegels I decided to keep the "kegel master list" name. Also note that many of the exercises have a quite peculiar names, that is because for some of them I really had a hard time coming with a fitting name since this is kinda a new field, but I still needed something to identify them by, so I am aware that some exercises names sound quite silly, so if you come up with a better name for certain exercises feel free to PM me and if I like the suggestion I will change it.

    The list will contain several parts.

    First part will be made in a similar format to premE FAQ, where I will list the exercises name and their search codes so that you can quickly go to the exercise description you are interested in.

    Second part will be the definition of the four basic movements and positions and a guide how to preform them, if you are new to pelvic floor exercises you should check this.

    Third part will be the exercises themselves.


    -[K0] Legend <- See this in order to understand what all those entries within the exercise mean.
    -[K1] Kegel clench
    -[K2] Root Lock clench
    -[K3] Kegel whisper
    -[K4] Kegel flex
    -[K5] Wave clenches
    -[K6] Kegel Hold
    -[K7] Half-Kegel Hold
    -[K8] Tri-Point Kegel Hold
    -[K9] Tri-Step Kegel Hold
    -[K10] Towel Raise
    -[K11] Reverse Kegel Stretch
    -[K12] Training wheels Reverse Kegel stretch
    -[K13] Reverse Root Lock Stretch
    -[K14] Reverse Kegel relaxation
    -[K15] Reverse Kegel Hold
    -[K16] Reverse kegel Breathing
    -[K17] Tri-Point Reverse Kegel Hold
    -[K18] Sine Hold
    -[K19] Bunker Hold (and Flush Hold)
    -[K20] Full House
    -[K21] Full House Hold

    Member of the Month March 2013.
    Last edited by Minuteman; 03-23-2013, 10:09 AM.
    premE FAQ

  • #2

    Before you jump in the exercises it might be a good idea to check the four basic pelvic floor movements just so that we are on the same page. Those basic movements are the core of every exercise described here. The variations described here can be used for any of the exercises and will provide different effects. You will notice that you are able to some of the exercises much easier with different positional variations. At the beginning concentrate doing them in those positions, however your goal is to be able to do them in most variations with little problem. If a certain position is causing you discomfort you should avoid that position fully.



    1.Kegel movement

    Kegel is movement done by clenching and then relaxing the muscles just behind testicles and between the testicles and anus. While clenching anus muscles should move as little as possible or (at the lather stages) not at all.

    How to perform:
    While urinating you should try and stop the urine midstream, that will help you to identify the muscles needed to preform a kegel movement. The other way you can learn to do it is to get an erection and then try to bob your penis. Do note that the kegel exercises itself are not preformed while urinating, that is just to help identify the muscles needed for the kegel movement.


    2.Reverse kegel movement

    Reverse kegel is movement which is meant to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and make them more flexible. It is done by relaxing, expanding or inflating the lower belly/abs, and the area between the testicles and anus. While performing this movement anus muscles should move as little as possible or (at the lather stages) not at all.

    How to perform:
    While urinating you should try and speed up the flow of the urine, that is the reverse kegel movement. Do note that the reverse kegel exercises itself should not be performed while urinating, this is just to identify the muscles that need to move.


    3.Root lock (back kegel) movement

    A root lock is a movement done by clenching and then relaxing the muscles around the anus (external anal sphincter muscle). When preforming this movement all other pelvic floor muscles and lower abs should move as little as possible.

    How to perform:
    While defecating you should try and stop the process by tightening your anal muscles. Do note that the root lock exercises itself should not be performed while defecating, this is just to identify the muscles that need to move.


    4.Reverse root lock (reverse back kegel) movement

    Reverse root lock is an movement which is meant to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and make then more flexible. It is done by relaxing, expanding or inflating the muscles around the anus (external anal sphincter muscle). While performing this exercise other pelvic floor muscles and lower belly/abs should move as little as possible.

    How to perform:
    You are performing it every time you go to defecate and try to push the feces out. Do note that the reverse root lock exercises itself should not be performed while defecating, this is just to identify the muscles that need to move.



    And usual position when doing pelvic floor exercises. However some have hard time performing some of the exercises in this position (while other report easier time).

    Supine (
    The recommended position, however bend your knees to aprox 45 degree angle this will decrease the preasure on your pelvic floor. Usually this position carries the least pressure.

    Usually not recommended, but it might help some people with reverse movements. For less pressure lift your knees so that the area between your testicles and your anus is not under much pressure.

    More or less, experimental variation that can test how your exercises behave in a more stressed environment. Might help improve the quality of some exercises.

    Pelvic Lift Variation
    (credits to smallpackageRay and his wife for this one, original topic here):
    This variation can help preform many of the described exercises here with a greater degree of isolation. So it is very convenient for those that have big problem with isolation. How ever the variation is a little bit advanced so be sure not to overwork.

    Step 1 - Lay on floor on your back (non-prone position) with knees bent. Hands should be on floor next to your hips.
    Step 2 - Tighten abdominal as you raise hips from floor until back is straight from shoulder blades to knees. Hold this position. If need be use hands to support hips.
    Step 3 - Preform an exercise.
    Step 4 - Lower hips back to floor before doing another set.

    *You can do any kegel/root lock exercise here, flacid, erect and full erect variations, also you can do the reverse kegels and its variations

    The good thing about this practice is that is isolates the pelvic floor muscles quite naturally and forces you to engage them only. The other good ting about it is that you can do any of the exercises.
    Member of the Month March 2013.
    Last edited by Minuteman; 03-22-2013, 11:09 AM.
    premE FAQ


    • #3


      [K0] Legend - name of the exercise

      Denotes which of the four basic movements does the exercise uses, and the attributes such as:
      -Strengthening <- Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles
      -Stretching <- Stretching the pelvic floor muscles
      -Technique <- Increases the quality of a certain muscle movement
      -Sensation <- Aimed mostly at increasing the sensations of pleasure
      -Flexibility <- Aimed at increasing the flexibility of a certain muscle movement
      -Control <- Aimed at increasing the control of a certain muscle movement
      -Isolation <- Aimed at increasing the degree of isolation between muscle movements
      -Relaxation <- Aimed at the relaxation the pelvic floor muscles
      Which can be helpful when searching for a specific types of exercises

      Entry level:
      Denoted at which level is it safe to start using this exercise with little to no problems most of the times in the brackets will be the list of allowed states for that level, it is always recommended to view yourself as an beginner, while you might lose time with some exercises none of that (if done right) will be a problem in the long run.

      - Beginner: Less then a month of actively working on pelvic floor balance, feels at home with terminology. Has no isolation skills and struggles with basic movements such as reverse kegel.

      - Intermediate: Can isolate pretty well but not perfectly. Is able to preform a long kegel hold, has done some sort of beginner routine. Pelvic floor is better balanced than that of a beginner but there is still much work to be done.

      - Advanced : Pretty much at home with isolation, the pelvic floor is conditioned but not fully balanced, strength of the pelvic floor is decent had done some sort of intermediate routine.

      Uses of this exercises a more detailed explanation of type. Usually used as a quick reference.

      Max recommended reps: Usually it is a number of reps but it can also be duration in some cases. This is the point where doing more will actually bring diminishing returns.

      Describes how to do the exercise and covers part such as:
      Speed (from very slow to very fast) - How fast should a single rep be done, it is a good practice to avoid doing exercises too fast
      Pace (from slow, moderate to fast) - How much time should pass between the reps, usually for the harder ones you should pause more.
      Strength (low,medium,strong) - How strong should a clench, hold or inflate be, medium-to-strong means somewhere in between.

      Describes how I got the idea for the exercise and what is the general idea or point of the exercise, and other interesting stuff for the exercise

      Describes how should you progress trough reps till you reach what I see as optimal for that exercise.

      State effects:
      Describes different states your penis is in and the effect this exercise has on those state, it also notes in which states you should and shouldn't do to the exercise. If for example it is stated that "it has no effects" that usually means that other than the effect intended by the exercise (strengthening, stretching etc) it has no other effect.

      -Near PONR
      -MMO this used for describing the effects of the exercise viewed mostly trough pleasure, wave orgasms and dry orgasms.

      -Post ejaculation

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K1] Kegel clench

      : Kegel, Strengthening exercise.
      Entry level:Beginner (flaccid, post ejaculation), Intermediate (flaccid, post ejaculation), Advanced (erect, other)
      Uses: Rising EQ, Strengthening and balancing the pelvic floor.
      Max recommended reps: 50. Rather than doing more than 50, one should switch to a higher level exercise.

      This is a basic kegel exercise. It is done by clenching for 1-2 seconds (so you clench, 1,2, release) and then relaxing the muscles just behind your testicles, the point of focus should be that spot even if another stuff (like anus or lower abs) move. They should be done not to strong (medium-to-strong) but not too weak, and at a medium pace.


      The idea behind this practice is building a regular strength in pelvic floor area, rising awareness of that muscle group so that one can notice when it is tensed during the sessions (or when you are having involuntary kegels), and for better control. Also doing this exercise will increase your erection quality. This exercise should not be done without doing a reverse kegel type exercise in the routine in order to prevent pelvic floor dis-balance.

      At first do just five of those, then the next day or when you feel confident increase the reps by five. Do so until you reach 50. After that it is redundant to increase reps. Don't worry much if the area between your testicle and your anus starts feeling sore, but make sure to give it a day or two pause. At the beginning feel free to separate kegel reps into series (so rather than doing 50 in one go, do 10 reps of 5 series).

      In the beginning isolation will probably be hard and you will do both kegel and root lock at once. Don't worry, as long as you are able to do the kegel movement at least a little bit stronger than the root lock movement in time you will gain better isolation skills. If you notice that your belly abs/belly is moving while doing those exercises before doing them rapidly flex your abs for a while and then do kegel exercises, because the muscle gets tired it will not move much less, in time you wont need to do this too.

      State effects

      -Flaccid: Will have no effect other than the movement itself. In case one is highly aroused it might provoke an erection.

      -Erect: Will rise the EQ level to some point, also will cause your penis to bob. Doing kegel clenches during this state is not recommended, since it might lead to developing a bad habit.

      -Near PONR:
      Will bring you even closer to the PONR.

      -MMO: Doing a kegel clench might at a certain timing might cause perfect DO (for more see the DO guide). During soft wave orgasms a body will automatically preform a kegel clench with each thrust or hand movement.

      Just doing one kegel clench will cause your sperm to collect and in most cases shot out further. Repeating the clench as you shot will make each shot to go further (of course with some training). While doing this do not attempt to preform a kegel hold since it will most likely end up in retrograde ejaculation.

      -Post ejaculation:
      For some (depending on many factors) doing kegel clenches will provoke an erection you should not do them rapidly but spaced in intervals.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K2] Root lock clench (back kegel clench)

      Type: root lock, strengthening exercise.
      Entry level: Beginner (flaccid, post ejaculation), Intermediate (Other)
      Uses: Strengthening and balancing the pelvic floor.
      Max recommended reps: 50. Rather than doing more than 50, one should switch to a higher level exercise.

      In the next kegel exercises a root lock will be included as a variation since the execution is the same but it is a different point (for the kegels the area behind the testicles, and for root locks the anal muscles), and the differences will be pointed out where needed. So for every kegel exercise there is a root lock variation (bar the towel raise), only the specific differences will be noted.

      This is a basic root lock exercise. It is done by clenching for 1-2 seconds (so you clench, 1,2, release) and then relaxing the anal muscles and, the point of focus should be that spot even if another stuff (like lower abs) move. They should be done not to strong (medium-to-strong) but not too weak, and at a medium pace.


      While not as popular as the kegel, root lock contributes in more ways than you might think. First of all the most important one is that it recovers the balance between the front and the back portion of the pelvic floor, for people that actually have those in more severe dis-balance it may also cause involuntary kegels. The other reason for doing them is that they help in isolating the kegel movement, since by doing them you will know what should not move when you are doing kegels. The final is that it makes the whole pevic floor balanced and not just the front part, this insures further flexibility and conditioning when attempting more demanding feats such as performing a DO.

      At first do just five of those, then the next day or when you feel confident increase the reps by five. Do so until you reach 50. After that it is redundant to increase reps. Don't worry much if the area between your testicle and your anus starts feeling sore, but make sure to give it a day or two pause. At the beginning feel free to separate root lock reps into series (so rather than doing 50 in one go, do 10 reps of 5 series).
      The isolation of root lock is much easer than isolation of the kegel, so you wont have as nearly as hard time with it.

      State effects

      -Flaccid: Will have no effect other than the movement itself.

      -Erect: You can check how well is your isolation by doing root locks, the less your penis moves the better, also while aroused the movement will cause pleasurable sensations because of the nerve endings. It might also cause your kegel to unclench if it is clenched. You should generally test it out during all the states and see its effects.

      -Near PONR:
      Will not affect the PONR much but the closer you are to ponr the more pleasurable effect you will have.

      -MMO: Root locks have a nice little niche when it comes to MMO, since when doing them it mostly gets pleasurable sensations this can be used to further increase the overall pleasure.

      -Ejaculation: Doing a root lock clench might not effect the process much, but since during that stressful phase the control of the muscles is limited, it might not be a good idea to do them then.

      -Post ejaculation:
      Mostly for spreading out the pleasure, but they might cause you to get erect again.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K3] Kegel whisper (kegel pulse, whisper kegel)

      : Kegel, Flexibility and sensation exercise.
      Entry level: Intermediate (All states)
      Uses: Situational, fine tuning the movements, might help in isolation, mostly for pleasure and MMO, should not be a part of a routine.
      Max recommended reps:
      Due to the nature of this exercise there is no exact number of reps one should do.

      This is a intermediate flexibility and sensation exercise with specific uses. It is done by clenching and releasing the area just behind the testacles and it might encompass the area between the testicles and anus for more sensations at a medium pace but with minimum of strength, just enough that you can actually feel the movement, like a pulse.


      The idea behind this exercise is to amplify the sensations you feel close to PONR or after the ejaculation or DO. It is one of the instrumental techniques that might trigger soft wave orgasms.

      There is no progression in a way of that these are done mostly for the pleasure. However, never do them to fast, doing them as slow and as sensual as possible is always recommended, also be sure no to do them always during a session since it might in some cases provoke involuntary kegels especially if your pelvic floor is seriously dis-balanced.

      State effects:

      -Flaccid: If highly aroused it might provoke erection.

      -Erect: It won't affect the eqection quality negatively, but it might provoke IKs if overdone. On the other hand it will also bring your focus to your pelvic floor and help you easily spot IKs.

      -Near PONR:
      Will bring you close to PONR but it will also give you the ilusion of more control (which might actually be more control) if done to close to PONR with to much strength it might cause ejaculation.

      -MMO: Whisper kegels are mostly done in order to increase the pleasure and the sensations, just don't do too much. After a DO that causes a flacid it might recover the erection.

      Doing them here might mess up the ejaculation process and cause stuff from dribbling, partial ejaculation to retrograde ejaculation, so avoid it.

      -Post ejaculation:
      the gentle clenches here will prolong the orgasmic pleasure and it might provoke another erection.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K4] Kegel flex

      : kegel, flexibility and control exercise.
      Entry level: Intermediate (flaccid), Advanced (Other)
      Uses: Situational, tiers out the muscle. should not be used as a part of an routine.
      Max recommended reps:
      20. It isn't recommended doing more then 20, doing more and doing them frequently might cause involuntary kegels, or develop bad habits.

      This is a intermediate flexibility exercise with specific uses. It is done by rapidly (less then second) clenching the muscles just behind your testicles. they should be of weak-to-medium strength and done a fast-to-very fast pace.


      The idea behind this exercise rages from tiring out the muscle so that you could preform root lock type exercises more easily, to tiring out the muscle so that involuntary kegels stop occurring so frequently although this changes from person to person. It might seem that this exercises makes you better in performing kegels and balancing the pelvic floor, but it isn't the case. This exercise should be done when the situation occurs, or course you should practice it if you plan to use it just don't make it a habit, since it can be a quite annoying habit to rid off. Also for the sake of shutting down there are better exercises.

      At first do just ten of those, then progress to maximum of 20. Don't go over 20 because what ever you need to do with them can most usually be done with just 20 or even less.

      Root lock variation: doing root lock flex don't carry much problems as the kegel flex does, but it is mostly for mmo. Also it can tire out the anal muscles so that the kegel clench can be performed with better isolation.

      State effects

      -Flaccid: Will have no effect other than the movement itself. In case one is highly aroused it might provoke an erection.

      -Erect: Will rise the EQ level to some point, however for both beginners and intermediate users this might cause some potential injuries or even erectile dysfunction if over used. Using them once or twice per session is more than enough.

      -Near PONR:
      Will bring you even closer to the PONR, in most cases even over the PONR.

      -MMO: Flexes find little use in MMO, whisper and wave kegels usually are much better.

      Doing them here might mess up the ejaculation process and cause stuff from dribbling, partial ejaculation to retrograde ejaculation .

      -Post ejaculation:
      Some might find that this will make them erect again, however kegel clenches would be better here.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K5] Wave clenches

      : combined (k,rl), sorf wave inducing.
      Entry level: intermediate (all states)
      Uses: situational, not for pelvic floor routine, mostly for inducing a soft wave orgasm.
      Max recommended reps: Due to the nature of this exercise there is no exact number of reps one should do.

      The concept is simple the execution can be complicated. What you need to do is to a kegel then after than a root lock then kegel again and so on with little or no stop, what is important is no to do it too fast and to get the rhythm down so that you slide from one movement to another. Since this is almost always done while erected and while edging it just gets more complicated, yet simple.


      One of exercises that helped me have my first soft wave orgasm is simply started doing this by instinct, however at some point I decided to include root locks and instead of creating a wave between to kegels I did between kegel and root lock, the result was amazing. The only problem is that this isn't something I can pull whenever I want, I need to be in a specific state to get it right, but it is worth it. Once you actually go into soft wave orgasms you can stop doing them and the body will take over with perfectly timed kegel clenches.

      There is no defined progression just attempt it while edging, just be sure you are at least on intermediate level before attempting this because it can tire out the pelvic floor considerably.

      Reverse Variation: People with more proficiency with reverse kegels and reverse root lock can try out that variant, it can be as effective if

      State effects:

      -Flaccid: A nice pelvic floor massage, might provoke erection.

      -Erect: It will mostly be sensual and will slowly go towards the PONR.

      -Near PONR:
      Somewhere is the entry point for the soft wave orgasms, however it is up to you to find your own.

      -MMO: Generally the best exercise when it comes to MMO it opens up a bunch of new doors for progress.

      Should avoid when ejaculating.

      -Post ejaculation:
      A nice pelvic floor massage, might provoke erection.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K6] Kegel hold

      : kegel, strengthening exercise.
      Entry level: Intermediate (flaccid, erect but only a 3 second kegel hold), Advanced (Other)
      Uses: rising EQ, strengthening and balancing the pelvic floor, nullifying involuntary kegels.
      Max recommended reps: 10. It isn't recommended doing more then 10, doing more usually tiers out the pelvic floor muscles to fast so other exercises are done at less efficiency. Instead aim at increasing hold time to max of 30 seconds. (Minute hold should only be attempted if you are doing it as a part of a DO routine).

      This is a intermediate strengthening exercise, basically a level up from the kegel clench . It is done by clenching the muscles just behind your testicles for a minimum of 5 seconds (clench, count to 5, release). They should be of medium-to-strong strength and done a slow pace. The specific 3 second kegel holds are uses whenever (during edging) a involuntary kegel happens, effectively turning that kegel clench into a hold and making it a conscious movement, this helps to break involuntary kegels that are caused by bad habits rather than unbalanced pelvic floor muscles.

      This should be done erect for intermediate only as a 3 second kegel hold as a technique to overcome IKs. The idea behind the technique is to anticipate your involuntary kegel and as it starts turn in into a 3 second kegel hold and then release. The strength of the kegel hold should be medium. That way you are turning unconscious movement into conscious. An alternative to this is performing a reverse kegel or reverse kegel hold to conteract the movement, another alternative is the Half-Kegel Hold described below.


      This is the exercise that should be included in every kegel routine at some point. It is an level up from the kegel clench since it aims at improving the quality of your exercises rather than the reps. 5-to-10 second holds will benefit your EQ, while 10-30 seconds will increase the strength of your pelvic floor at much better rate than the kegel clench.

      You should always aim to do 10 of kegel holds, so instead of increasing the reps focus on increasing the time. 5 second holds will be not that much different from the kegel clenches you have used. You should increase the duration of the hold by 5 seconds when you feel comfortable with the current duration, up to the maximum of 30 seconds. Beyond that for most pelvic floor routines it is pointless to increase. A special attention should be made that your kegel hold stays on the same intensity for whole of the duration. Another thing is that you should be able to breathe freely when doing a kegel hold, if you are holding your breath or it is constantly interrupted you are doing it wrong. Try tiering out the lower abs/belly by rapidly flexing it and then performing a kegel hold, in time your body will get used to it and you will have no problem.

      State effects

      -Flaccid: Will have no effect other than the hold itself. In case one is highly aroused it might provoke an erection.

      -Erect: Will rise the EQ level to some point, however for intermediate users this might cause some potential injuries if over used. It is recommended that you first do them while flaccid. Also holding a kegel for more than approx 20 seconds will cause your erection to drop.

      -Near PONR:
      Will bring you even closer to the PONR, if it is to strong it will make you ejaculate. When very close to PONR in some situations it might cause a perfect DO.

      -MMO: A staple exercise and technique needed for successful DO. Mastering this exercise in both timing, strength and techique aspects will allow you to preform clean DOs with no problem.

      Done at the right time will cause a clean or perfect DO, done with a bad timing, or as an incomplete hold will cause either partial ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation.

      -Post ejaculation:
      Rhythmic kegel hold with 4-5 second durations might bring the erction back.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K7] Half-Kegel hold (Kegel Whisper hold) by sgrrsh26

      Type: kegel, control exercise
      Entry level: Beginner (all phases)
      Uses: situational, increasing the control over involuntary kegels, not used in pelvic floor routines.
      Max recommended reps:
      Due to the nature of this exercise there is no exact number of reps one should do.

      This is a beginner control exercise almost always used while edging. It is done by performing a kegel hold but with very-weak-to-weak strength for as long as once can. However, be very careful not to slip into doing a kegel clench or hold with medium or higher strength since that will just worsen progression or even injure you.

      The idea behind this exercise is to be able to notice far better of even nullify (in some cases) the appearance of involuntary kegels, since by a weak kegel hold you can better notice the involuntary kegels and in some situations just by holding a slight kegel hold you might just stop involuntary kegels from happening. This can be combined with 3 second kegel hold for more effectiveness.

      There is no defined progression , you should try and hold this during edging as long as you can. You should try it out a few times and if it works keep doing it, if it doesn't find another solution, since it doesn't work for everybody.

      Root Lock Variation: While not as useful as the kegel variation, half-root lock hold can bring some interesting pleasurable sensations during the sessions.

      State effects:

      -Flaccid: Has no effects.

      -Erect: Will tense the pelvic floor just enough so you can feel the involuntary kegels much better, or even stop them.

      -Near PONR:
      The closer you are to PONR the stronger will the involuntary kegels be, depending on a person this exercise might help more or not at all.

      -MMO: Not much use in the MMO aspect.

      Doing them here might mess up the ejaculation process and cause stuff from dribbling, partial ejaculation to retrograde ejaculation .

      -Post ejaculation:
      Has no effects.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K8] Tri-Point (Trinagle) Kegel hold

      : kegel, strength and control exercise
      Entry level: Intermediate (flaccid), Advanced (other)
      Uses: strengthening and fine-tuning kegel movement, balancing the pelvic floor.
      Max recommended reps:
      15 5-seconds tri-point holds.

      This is a intermediate strength and control exercise used in pelvic floor routines. It is done by having a clench, hold and de-clench phases all last for a same duration of time (so clench for 3 seconds, then hold for 3 seconds, then release for 3 seconds). They should be done at a slow pace, with medium-to-strong strength.


      The idea behind this exercise is to further level up the control of your pelvic floor movements by making you spend time in all tree phases of the hold (clench, hold, release), it is in a way harder than a kegel hold and should be done only after you feel comfortable doing them.

      You should start of with five 3-second tri-point holds, first incease the reps up to 15, then after you feel comfortable with it you can increase it from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. Be sure that you are breathing with no problem during this exercise, also pay special attention when you de-clench (release) the hold, it should be done slowly trough the 3 or 5 second duration, at the last second your pelvic floor should be at neutral.

      State effects:

      -Flaccid: If highly aroused it might provoke erection.

      -Erect: Will cause pleasurable sensations but not that noticeable. Be sure not to have this as habit when erected.

      -Near PONR:
      The closer you are to PONR the better the sensations will it be, with a decent chance that it might trigger soft wave orgasms.

      -MMO: Triangle kegel holds, when done in a higly aroused state will deepen the sensations if done with a medium strength.

      Doing them here might mess up the ejaculation process and cause stuff from dribbling, partial ejaculation to retrograde ejaculation .

      -Post ejaculation:
      it might cause one to become erected again.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K9] Tri-Step Kegel hold

      Type: Kegel, Strength exercise
      Entry level: Advanced (all states)
      Uses: Strengthening, Balancing the pelvic floor, Better EQ.
      Max recommended reps: 15 5-seconds tri-step holds.

      This is a advanced strength exercise used in pelvic floor routines. It is usually done a the point there the pelvic floor is conditioned and introducing stronger kegel exercises affects the balance little or not at all. It is done as a tree strep exercise, where first one does a kegel hold of 5 seconds duration with medium-to-strong strength, then instead of releasing the strength of the hold is increased to strong, after 5 seconds the strength is finally increased to very strong for 5 seconds and then the hold is released. Do not attempt this exercise on a beginner or intermediate level, this should be only done on advanced levels. And when at an advanced level you should do this flacid and only later on try it erect (but not near PONR).

      The idea behind this exercise is to further level up your kegel strength, this makes erections much stronger, and is a good conditioning for a dry orgasm if one decides to go there. The reason this is advanced is because at lower level it will cause disbalance, but as the pelvic floor becomes overall stronger (in both kegels, reverse kegels, root locks and reverse locks) it will be much less affected.

      The time should aways be 15 seconds for the full exercises (so 5 each). You should start from 5 reps then increase by 5 till 15 reps, more than than will only cause disbalance.

      Root lock variation: Tri-Step Root Locks might stimulate the prostate in a similar (but not the same way) as the prostate milking. Also doing them will not be as problematic as tri-step kegel hold in the therms of balance.

      State effects:

      -Flaccid: If highly aroused it might provoke erection.

      -Erect: Will cause pleasurable sensations but not that noticeable. However it will move to PONR quite fast

      -Near PONR: One of the certain ways to actually provoke ejaculation when near PONR.

      -MMO: Mostly used for affecting when the PONR will show up, by speeding up the provess.

      -Ejaculation: Doing them here might mess up the ejaculation process and cause stuff from dribbling, partial ejaculation to retrograde ejaculation .

      -Post ejaculation: it might cause one to become erected again.

      ================================================== ==================================

      [K10] Towel raise

      : kegel, strengthening and technique exercise.
      Entry level: Advanced (for all states).
      Uses: strengthening and balancing the pelvic floor, making the kegel hold more complete, for EQ.

      Max recommended reps:
      20. It isn't recommended doing more then 20, doing more usually tiers out the pelvic floor muscles too fast so other exercises are done at less efficiency. So start with 5 towel raises and increase it by 5 till 20 after that aim at increasing the duration from 5 seconds to 10 second, and after that increase the wight of the towel (picking a slightly bigger tower, or wetting the current etc).

      This is a advanced strengthening and technique exercise. It is done by clenching the muscles just behind your testicles for a minimum of 5 seconds (clench, count to 5, release) so that your penis is lifted with the towel hanged on it, of course you must be fully erect in order to do this.


      This is the exercise that should be included in every kegel routine that for it aim has a Dry Orgasm mastery. It is an level up from the kegel hold since it aims at improving the quality of your hold. Since by raising the towel you must engage your muscles in a specific way, it is also a great tutor on how a kegel hold should be done to get the most out of it. Also it will teach you how to preform a kegel hold necessary for a clean DO. It is advanced before you need a good erection hard erection in order to perform even one rep.

      Start with five 5 seconds towel raises with the some smaller towel that is enugh that you can feel the wight, don't start with some huge towel. First start increasing the reps by 5 till 20, after that start increasing the duration to 10 seconds, after that try with a heavier towel. You should not try the 10 second towel raises if your can keep the 5 second towel up. At first you will have to stimulate yourself to a full erection after every rep, after that you will find that you can hold your erection for the longer durations. Even thought this exercise is one of the best exercises for a very strong and lasting erection, even in order to do it properly you have to have a decent erection quality. Also be very very careful not to over do those exercises, it is better to maybe keep it a 5 seconds with 10 reps and a medium towel always then progress up. At any sign of even a minor soreness or pain in either the pelvic floor or the penis itself stop doing the exercises for at least a week.

      State effects:

      -Flaccid: You wont be able to even do them in this state.

      -Erect: Remember not to attempt them with a weak erection or you will lose EQ rapidly.

      -Near PONR: This is the one of the best states to do this exercises in since the EQ is quite high and it doesn't drop as easally, just be careful not to do it to close to ponr.

      -MMO: A staple exercise and technique needed for successful DO. Mastering this will bring your technique aspect of the kegel hold to the optimum.

      Do NOT do them when too near PONR or when you are ejaculating because the pressure from the towel and the ejaculation spasms might do some damage and cause a serious injury.

      -Post ejaculation:
      It might be some feat but it hasn't got much uses other than showing off.

      ================================================== ==================================
      Member of the Month March 2013.
      Last edited by Minuteman; 05-01-2015, 02:31 AM.
      premE FAQ


      • #4
        PART III - KEGEL MASTER LIST (continuation.....)

        [K11] Reverse Kegel stretch (or just reverse kegel)

        Type: reverse kegel , stretching exercise
        Entry level: Beginner (all phases)
        Uses: staple pelvic floor exercise, countering involuntary kegels, relaxing the pelvic floor, moving away from PONR
        Max recommended reps:
        50. Rather than doing more than 50, one should switch to a higher level exercise.

        This is a beginner stretching and relaxation exercise. It is done by performing a reverse movement than the kegel movement in other words inflating or expanding the area between testicles and anus and to some point the lower belly for 1-2 seconds at a medium pace and medium strength. So inflate/expand, 1,2, release.


        This is probably one of the most important pelvic floor exercises that you will have in your routine (sometimes even the only one). Since it has been noticed that most people who suffer from premature ejaculation have a unbalanced pelvic floor muscles and overly tensed pelvic floor muscles, the reverse kegel is one of the most important beginner exercises that will bring back the balance. In that light reverse kegel might cause problem in execution for many people in the beginning. Also it is one of the most popular way of shutting down involuntary kegels for many of the members here on the spot (for others, such as me, the 3 second kegel hold solution work better).

        You should start at 5 or 10 reps, and increase by 5 till 50 when comfortable. Remember that the reverse kegel is not an strengthening exercise as much as it is a stretching exercise, there for do not preform it with too much strength.

        State effects

        -Flaccid: Has no effects.

        -Erect: Will relax the pelvic floor, for those with too tensed pelvic floor doing a reverse kegel might actually improve erections. It will move you away from PONR if you are not to close to it.

        -Near PONR:
        The closer you are to PONR the stronger will the involuntary kegels be and that might cause you to ejaculate, however for most people doing reverse kegels here will move them away from PONR.

        -MMO: A reverse kegel is a good way to spread the arousal and pleasurable build up form your pelvic floor trough you body, while it requires training to do it is quite pleasurable. Also there are cases where people can DO with reverse kegel however it is quite rare.

        Doing this during ejaculation at a certain timings will make you shoot out more sperm in one shot. Attempting a kegel hold here might cause problems while ejaculating

        -Post ejaculation:
        Can relax the pelvic floor muscles after a strong ejaculation and prevent soreness to some point.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K12] Training wheels Reverse Kegel stretch

        Type: reverse kegel , stretching exercise
        Entry level: Beginner (all phases)
        Uses: staple pelvic floor exercise, countering involuntary kegels, relaxing the pelvic floor, moving away from PONR
        Max recommended reps:
        50. Rather than doing more than 50, one should switch to a higher level exercise.

        This is virtually the same as the Reverse Kegel stretch entry, the reason I posted it as a different exercises is because it has helped me allot when I was trying to master reverse kegels so I gave it its own entry.

        This is a beginner stretching and relaxation exercise. It is done by performing a slight kegel then instead of de-clenching you should inflate or expand the area between testicles and anus and to some point the lower belly for 1-2 seconds at a medium pace and medium strength. So kegel, as releasing inflate/expand, 1,2, release.


        This is one of the popular ways of training for reverse kegel stretch. Some people have great trouble when doing a reverse kegel stretch so this alternative is a helpful for that. The basic idea is to do a kegel clench then a reverse kegel stretch, while at the beginning the kegel clench will be stronger as you progress you should lower the strength of the kegel clench to the point it is simply a pulse that you will turn into a reverse kegel. The training wheel reference here is the kegel that you do in order to assist the execution of the reverse kegel.

        You should start at 5 or 10 reps, and increase by 5 till 50 when comfortable. Remember that the reverse kegel is not an strengthening exercise as much as it is a stretching exercise, there for do not preform it with too much strength. Also the kegel you preform should be of diminishing strength as you get better, then simply switch to reverse kegel stretch exercise.

        Reverse Root lock variation: This can also be done with root locks and reverse root locks if you are having trouble performing reverse root locks

        State effects
        See reverse kegel stretch.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K13] Reverse Root Lock stretch (or just Reverse root lock, reverse back kegel)

        Type: Reverse root lock , stretching exercise
        Entry level: beginner (all phases)
        Uses: relaxing the pelvic floor, pelvic floor balance
        Max recommended reps:
        50. Rather than doing more than 50, one should switch to a higher level exercise.

        Note: Since the reverse root lock is basically the same as the reverse kegel only different area is stretched, instead of having a separate entry for reverse root locks any important differences will be noted within its reverse kegel entry.

        This is a beginner stretching and relaxation exercise. It is done by performing a reverse movement than the root lock movement in other words inflating or expanding the anus and to some point the lower belly for 1-2 seconds at a medium pace and medium strength. So inflate/expand, 1,2, release.


        Same as the root lock and kegel, the reverse root lock is not as notable as the reverse kegel, but it has its benefits. First of all it stretches the back part of the pelvic floor muscles, and although the back part isn't naturally as tensed and the front part if you are doing root locks not doing reverse root locks to balance it out is a bad idea.

        You should start at 5 or 10 reps, and increase by 5 till 50 when comfortable. Remember that the reverse kegel is not an strengthening exercise as much as it is a stretching exercise, there for do not preform it with too much strength.

        State effects

        -Flaccid: Has no effects.

        -Erect: Will relax the pelvic floor.

        -Near PONR: Not much effect in the manipulating PONR however it will bring some slight pleasurable sensations.

        -MMO: Not much on its own, however with other similar exercise it can make interesting sensations, that might deepen the pleasure.

        Doing this during ejaculation might not affect much, however it should be avoided.

        -Post ejaculation:
        Can relax the pelvic floor muscles after a strong ejaculation and prevent soreness to some point, but much less than the reverse kegels.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K14] From-To Exercises

        : combined (k,rk,rl,rrl) isolation exercises
        Entry level: beginner (flaccid, post ejaculation), intermediate (erected), advanced(other)
        Uses: Isolation and flexibility, used in pelvic floor routine.
        Max recommended reps: 10 of each combination.

        This is a beginner isolation exercise. It practices isolation by making the person focus on different places on the pelvic floor (namely front and back) and different movements (clench and inflate/stretch). It combines kegel and root lock clench, and reverse kegel and reverse root lock stretch.

        Between "From" and "To" there is no pause, in other words you go from one straight to another. For example you preform a kegel clench and instead of bringing the pelvic floor to neutral you go straight to reverse kegel. Or in case of kegel-to-root lock, the moment you go to the neutral from a kegel clench you start doing the root lock clench etc. However after doing one rep there should be a short pause. All should be performed with medium strength.

        kegel-to-reverse kegel
        kegel-to-root lock
        kegel-to-reverse root lock

        reverse kegel-to-kegel
        reverse kegel-to-reverse root lock
        reverse kegel-to-root lock

        root lock-to-kegel
        root lock-to-reverse-root lock
        root lock-to-reverse kegel

        reverse root lock-to-root lock
        reverse root lock-to-reverse kegel
        reverse root lock-to-kegel


        By consciously truing to engage different areas and movements of the pelvic floor you will have easier time for isolation, it might not be obvious at first but it works.

        Start with 5 of each combination, then increase to 10. Remember that the point of this exercise is isolation and not strength.

        State effects: Mostly dependent on the individual exercise. Beginners should avoid doing erected states until some time.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K15] Reverse Kegel relaxation (pelvic floor relaxation)

        Type: reverse kegel , relaxation exercise
        Entry level: Intermediate (all phases)
        Uses: situational, countering involuntary kegels, relaxing the pelvic floor, moving away from PONR, not for use in the routine.
        Max recommended reps:
        Due to the nature of this exercise there is no exact number of reps one should do.

        This is done by simply relaxing the area around your penis and the area between the testicles. The best way to actually feel how this feels is to be in a stranding position and imagine like your pelvic floor has dropped or sagged down just try to relax that area. You will notice that it is quite different than the stretch since it does not include any type of actual stretching and very little inflating.


        This is actually not even an exercise, as much as it is a normal state for people that don't have a tensed pelvic floor. For people with premature ejaculation this entry requires attention. The problem is that a certain number of people with premature ejaculation are simply unable to relax the pelvic floor naturally, so they must do them via the pelvic floor stretches, and they tend to use reverse kegel stretches even during sex. Once they balance the pelvic floor and return it to the natural state they still keep doing reverse kegels when they should simply relax the pelvic floor area. It is normal that during the erection the pelvic floor gets tense (but not too much), being able to actually preform a pelvic floor relaxation is a sign that your pelvic floor is not to tensed.

        If you find that you are simply unable to feel the pelvic floor relaxation you should concentrate more on reverse kegel stretches, later on it will be your second nature to be able to simply relax the pelvic floor.

        Reverse Root Lock Variation: If you are doing a 4way balance routine you should relax both of root lock and reverse kegel at the same time.

        State effects:

        -Flaccid: Has no effects.

        -Erect: Will relax the pelvic floor and also move away from PONR

        -Near PONR:
        It will diminish the driving-to-PONR sensations for a quite a degree

        -MMO: One of the best way to allow the build up pressure and pleasure to be released from your pelvic floor to the rest of your body.

        relaxing a pelvic floor during the ejaculation will mostly let the process to move on as normal.

        -Post ejaculation:
        Can relax the pelvic floor muscles after a strong ejaculation and prevent soreness to some point.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K16] Reverse Kegel Hold

        Type: reverse kegel , stretching exercise
        Entry level: intermediate (all phases)
        Uses: countering involuntary kegels, relaxing the pelvic floor, moving away from PONR
        Max recommended reps:
        10. It isn't recommended doing more then 10, doing more usually tiers out the pelvic floor muscles to fast so other exercises are done at less efficiency. Instead aim at increasing hold time to max of 30 seconds.

        This is a intermediate stretching and relaxation exercise. It is done by performing a reverse movement than the kegel movement in other words inflating or expanding the area between testicles and anus and to some point the lower belly for 5 seconds at a medium pace and medium strength. So inflate/expand, count to five, release. Holding a reverse kegel of an unspecified amount of time with very-low-to-low strength is a half-kegel hold variation (half-reverse kegel hold) that is for some is able to do what a half-kegel hold can't do, so keep that in mind.


        A natural next step from the reverse kegel stretch. With hold you are able to apply a reverse exercise to a kegel hold, do a stretch of higher quality than the reverse kegel stretch, and by prolonging the duration you can actually get used to the relaxed pelvic floor faster. In the MMO/DO waters the reverse kegel hold is a great tool for getting the timing aspect of DO down to when to actually preform a kegel hold and have a clean dry orgasm. This is done by holding a reverse kegel just as you are nearing the PONR while continuing to stimulate yourself and are about to ejaculate. The moment you feel that the kegel spasm is overpowering your reverse kegel hold, instead of surrendering to it, turn your reverse kegel hold into a kegel hold.

        You should start with 10 reps of 5 seconds reverse kegel hold but increase the duration as your progress from 30 seconds in 5 second iterations. Remember that even though it has some of it uses in strengthening it is mostly a stretching exercise and there for it should not be done with high intensity, instead focus on the quality of the hold for its duration.

        State effects:

        -Flaccid: Has no effects. However when erection starts it might speed up the process.

        -Erect: Will drive away from PONR much more effectively than the reverse kegel hold.

        -Near PONR:
        It will diminish the driving-to-PONR sensations for a quite a degree, how ever if you preform a reverse kegel to strongly it will make you ejaculate.

        -MMO: For those that are yet unable to simply relax the pelvic floor this is a good alternative. Some people are able to have a DO with a reverse kegel hold, although rare.

        It might interfere with ejaculation process and cause drible, partial ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation.

        -Post ejaculation:
        Can relax the pelvic floor muscles after a strong ejaculation and prevent soreness to some point.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K17] Reverse Kegel Breathing (Meditative Reverse Kegels) by imac.

        : reverse kegel, stretch and relaxation exercise.
        Entry level: beginner (all states)
        Uses: situational, stretching and relaxing, further progress to pelvic floor relaxation.
        Max recommended reps: 15 minutes.

        This is a beginner stretch and relaxation exercise. It is one of the best exercises used before the potentially stressful routine or session, it does the best to relax the pelvic floor and properly stretch it while not over working the pelvic floor.
        First find a good position (lying down or sitting and crossing your legs works best) you should now move during the execution of the routine much. Once you have find a good position begin slow deep breaths by first inflating your lower belly then the rest of the lungs hold for a second or two and slowly exale emptying first the upper part of the lungs and then the lower parts. After a few breaths after you have got the rhythm when ever you INHALE do a reverse kegel hold of a weak-to-medium strength slowly, then as you EXHALE release the reverse kegel hold, then again inhale and so on.
        A variation of this a like to do is instead of just reverse kegel i engage reverse root lock also, since with a good pelvic floor relaxation both need to be properly relaxed. If you focus mostly kegels and reverse kegels, you can do the usual variant, for those that are into 4-way balance doing both at the same time is a much better idea.


        The idea behind this exercise is to mix two aspects that most people with premature ejaculation have as a problem, meditation and good reverse kegel execution. The reason this works well together is that during the meditation most of the time you need something to focus on, instead of focusing on breathing you can focus on your pelvic floor movement, not only will this teach you how to properly relax it will also have good meditative effects. Because the reverse kegel isn't forceful you will build a good relaxing habit so that when during sex you actually get a deep breath you will also do a reverse kegel of a good kind. The thirds benefit this has it that it prepares you for a session or a routine by insuring that you are as relaxed as you can be. You really can't go wrong with this one.

        Start with a 5 minute meditations, then increase the durations by 5 minutes until you reach 15 minutes. Be sure to use an alarm or something so that you don't do it to short or to long. This once can be performed by beginners, but its mastery will probably require time.

        Reverse Root Lock Variation: Using both reverse kegel and reverse root lock will relax your pelvic floor much better, just be careful not to do it to forcibly.

        State effects:

        -Flaccid: Total relaxation of the pelvic floor

        -Erect: Doing this while edging can have some curious results however they can vary greatly even from session to session let alone from person to person

        -Near PONR:
        See above.

        -MMO: With enough experience in MMO edging while doing meditative reverse kegels (or in fact any kegel variation while meditating and edging) can help increasing the pleasure felt over all of the body. This will be as tantric and mystical it can get in this master list.

        Not recommended doing while ejaculating.

        -Post ejaculation:
        If the session was good this can help increase the positive feelings after ejaculation, mentally it means that you won't find ejaculation as a bad thing and will just motivate one to enjoy in the moment.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K18] Tri-Point (Trinagle) Reverse Kegel hold

        : reverse kegel, stretch, control and relaxation exercise.
        Entry level: intermediate (all states)
        Uses: stretching, control, strength.
        Max recommended reps:
        15 5-seconds tri-point holds.

        This is a intermediate stretch, control and relaxation exercise used in pelvic floor routines. It is done by having a expand/inflate, hold and release phases all last for a same duration of time (so inflate/expand for 3 seconds, then hold for 3 seconds, then release the reverse kegel hold for 3 seconds). They should be done at a slow pace, with medium strength.


        The idea behind this exercise is to further level up the control of your pelvic floor movements by making you spend time in all tree phases of the hold it is in a way harder than a reverse kegel hold and should be done only after you feel comfortable doing them. The other point is that forces a person to focus more on the movements for the reverse kegel hold therefore improving the quality of the hold. Strength vise for reverse kegels this is a strong as you should go, because even though it has strengthening aspects the primary focus of reverse kegels is stretching and relaxing.

        You should start of with five 3-second tri-point holds, first incease the reps up to 15, then after you feel comfortable with it you can increase it from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. Be sure that you are breathing with no problem during this exercise, also pay special attention when you the release part the hold, it should be done slowly trough the 3 or 5 second duration, at the last second your pelvic floor should be at neutral. As a bonus you can increase the strength of the clench but that is up to you.

        State effects:

        -Flaccid: Has no effects. How ever when erection starts it might speed up the process.

        -Erect: Will drive away from PONR much more effectively than the reverse kegel hold.

        -Near PONR:
        It will diminish the driving-to-PONR sensations for a quite a degree, how ever if you preform a reverse kegel to strongly it will make you ejaculate.

        -MMO: For those that are yet unable to simply relax the pelvic floor this is a good alternative. Some people are able to have a DO with a reverse kegel hold, although rare. The focus on the phases will positively effect the sensations you feel.

        It might interfere with ejaculation process and cause drible, partial ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation.

        -Post ejaculation:
        Can relax the pelvic floor muscles after a strong ejaculation and prevent soreness to some point.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K19] Sine Hold

        : combined (k,rk or rl,rrl) isolation and strengthening exercises
        Entry level: advanced (all states)
        Uses: strength, isolation, balancing, used in the pelvic floor routines.
        Max recommended reps: 10 5-second holds and movements.

        This is an advanced exercise, that combines a tri-point kegel hold and tri-point reverse kegel hold.
        In other words it is done by clenching the kegel for five seconds then holding it for five seconds, then releasing for 5 seconds, at the 5th second of releasing turn it into an stretching/inflation part of an reverse kegel for 5 seconds, then hold it for five seconds and finaly slowly release the stretch for five seconds. (total of 30 seconds). The strength of the clench should be strong, the strength of the inflate/expand part should be medium, with medium pauses between reps.

        Back sine hold variation: the same as the sine hold just instead of kegel and reverse kegel, root lock and reverse root lock are used. If you have root locks and reverse root lock in your routine this variation should also be done.

        Reverse sine hold variation: just do the reverse kegel first instead of the kegel. This has it uses when trying to get the timing aspect down for a kegel hold when attempting DO (more about that in the DO guide). It was this variation that helped me in explaining the technique needed for the timing aspect in DO guide, since I have done it near ponr and ended up starting the ejaculation, but because I switched to kegel I ended up with a clean DO.


        After I started doing tri-point kegel holds it seemed as a natural extension. It allows you to both increase the strength while at the same time stretching it so that is is in a way self-contained balance exercise.

        For starters, just do 5 reps with 5-second movements and hold. Increase to 10 when you feel confident.

        State effects:

        -Flaccid: A nice pelvic floor massage, might provoke erection.

        -Erect: It will mostly be sensual and will slowly go towards the PONR.

        -Near PONR: Because if the strong kegel hold it might provoke ejaculation

        -MMO: When the reverse sine hold variation is done a PONR it might lead into DO however this is not that much recommended, since it should be a training exercise, but if it happens it happens, just don't do it often.

        Should avoid when ejaculating.

        -Post ejaculation:
        A nice pelvic floor massage, might provoke erection.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K20] Bunker hold

        : combined (k,rl or rk,rrl), bracing exercises
        Entry level:
        beginner (flaccid medium holds, no addition), intermediate (all states, medium holds with addition), advanced (all states, stronger holds with adition)
        Uses: strength, bracing.
        Max recommended reps: 10 5-second movements and holds.

        This is a bracing exercise that mostly has it uses with DOs, but can be used as a part of the pelvic floor routines. Bracing means that the kegel hold uses the help of the root lock to increase its strength. So first you do a 5 second kegel clench, then hold for 5 seconds at the 5th second you start clenching root lock slowly for 5 seconds, then you hold the both for 5 seconds and then release. As an addition you can release the root lock for 5 seconds while still holding the kegel then release the kegel hold slowly for 5 seconds.

        Flush hold variation: Instead of doing kegel and root lock do reverse kegel and reverse root lock. The strength of the holds and inflates should always be medium.This exercise should be done as a reverse to the bunker hold in order to prevent dis-balance.

        I firstly got this idea from Pegasus upon his suggestion that a dry orgasm should be assisted with other muscles such as abs, legs etc. While in the long term this isn't a good idea I came to the idea to use root locks instead, since I would still retain the ability to thrust while having a DO. But is has to be noted that at the end you want your dry orgasms to be preformed with a kegel hold only.

        This exercise in general work out both root lock and kegel with a slight accent to a kegel, if person feels that that is favoring the kegel to much he can also do the root lock first then the kegel.

        For starters, just do 5 reps with 3-second movements and hold. Increase to 10 when you feel confident, after that increase the holds and movements to 5 seconds.

        State effects:

        -Flaccid: No important effect.

        -Erect: It might rush you to ponr it might also cause your erection to drop

        -Near PONR: Because if the strong kegel hold it might provoke ejaculation how ever because of the bracing effect you might end up with a DO, however it might be a bad DO (partial ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation) rather than clean DO.

        -MMO: For DO attempts when a person is lacking in strength this is a good exercise , however a more traditional kegel hold to DO is preferred.

        Should avoid when ejaculating since it might cause retrograde ejaculation if done with bad timing.

        -Post ejaculation:
        No important effect.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K21] Full House

        : combined (k,rk,rl,rrl) isolation exercises
        Entry level: beginner (flaccid, post ejaculation), intermediate (erected), advanced(other)
        Uses: isolation and flexibility, used in pelvic floor routine.
        Max recommended reps: 40 of two combinations.

        This is a beginner isolation exercise that further tackles the isolation. It practices isolation by making the person focus on different places on the pelvic floor (namely front and back) and different movements (clench and inflate/stretch). It combines kegel and root lock clench, and reverse kegel and reverse root lock stretch.

        During the execution of the four part of the exercise there is no pause, there is a short pause between each exercise.

        Recommended Combinations:

        kegel-to-reverse kegel-to-root lock-to-reverse root lock

        reverse root lock-to-root lock-to-reverse kegel-to-kegel


        Like the From-To exercise this is based on the observation that the isolation gets better the more parts you engage as separately as possible.

        Start with 20 of two combinations you chose, then increase by 10 reps to 40 reps. It is not recommended to have more than two combinations in order to avoid to much stress on the pelvic floor since the goal of this exercise is isolation first.

        State effects: Mostly dependent on the individual exercise. It is recommended that the flaccid be the state of choice at least for the beginners.

        ================================================== ==================================

        [K22] Full House Hold

        : combined (k,rk,rl,rrl), isolation exercises
        Entry level: advanced (all states)
        Uses: benchmarking, strength, full conditioning, isolation, balancing, cementing.
        Max recommended reps: 10 10-second holds of one combination.

        This is an advanced exercise, one of probably the hardest exercise to pull of perfectly, it will test all you have learned and in return it will benefit you more.
        During the execution of the four part of the exercise there is no pause, there is a moderate pause between each rep. Basically it is a front and back sine hold back to back, it might seem easy but in order to pull this off consistently you need to truly master isolation, control and have a conditioned enough pelvic floor to actually go trough it without tension especially at more reps. Even now, for me the reverse portions of this exercise are the very hard to pull out properly.

        I also find it to be one of the best cementing routine exercises (but have avoided putting it in the pelvic floor routine in the DO guide because it may seem far too much).

        Recommended Combinations:

        Kegel hold-to-reverse kegel hold-to-root lock hold-to-reverse root lock hold.

        So, first you for ten seconds slowly clench the kegel so that at the 10th second your hold is of strong strength, next for 10 seconds do a hold, at the 10th second slowly release the clench for 10 seconds and without stopping go to stretching/inflating part of the reverse kegel for 10 seconds, at the 10th second hold that reverse kegel for 10 seconds, then and then for 10 second slowly release the stretch and as you go to neutral clench your root lock for 10 seconds, hold it for 10 seconds, relase it for 10 seconds, inflate the reverse root lock for 10 seconds, hold for 10 seconds, release the reverse root lock for 10 seconds.

        In total one optimal rep lasts for 120 seconds.


        After I started doing sine holds it seemed as a natural extension, however I didn't even know how hard it was until I started doing it and started appreciated it more and more as I progressed.

        For starters, just do 5 reps with 5-second movements and hold. First increase the reps to 10 then increase the time to 10 seconds. You can try out other combinations but I found that for me the recommended combination is the best.

        State effects: Mostly dependent on the individual exercise ordering. It is recommended that you are in flaccid state when doing this exercise.
        Member of the Month March 2013.
        Last edited by Minuteman; 03-22-2013, 11:13 AM.
        premE FAQ


        • #5
          UPDATE LOG

          - Posted the thread
          - Added kegel master list index
          - Added movements and variations
          - Added the kegel master list
          - Added reference pictures

          v1.1 - 2015-05-01
          - Added additional descriptions and pointers for [K01] to [K10]
          - Cleared up some typos and tried to make it more clear
          Member of the Month March 2013.
          Last edited by Minuteman; 05-01-2015, 02:35 AM.
          premE FAQ


          • #6
            Thank you MM! I have to say the reverse kegel is very tough for me to be consistent with. Very frustrating.


            • #7
              OMG MM, you're "I can't find the word"!

              Your articles, knowledge, help, work for this community is just awesome.

              Just want to congrats you! ... You should write a book! Probably the best book for PE, PRE-EJ, DO, MMO ...



              • #8
                Originally posted by Tibet View Post
                Thank you MM! I have to say the reverse kegel is very tough for me to be consistent with. Very frustrating.

                Indeed, at the beginning reverse kegels really posed a problem to me insight from imac and some of my ideas really helped me there, however even now I sometimes have problem with them.

                Originally posted by searching View Post
                OMG MM, you're "I can't find the word"!

                Your articles, knowledge, help, work for this community is just awesome.

                Just want to congrats you! ... You should write a book! Probably the best book for PE, PRE-EJ, DO, MMO ...

                Thank you for your kind words.
                premE FAQ


                • #9
                  This post is just amazing Minuteman.

                  About the Reverse Kegels, I found that the reason why many men can't understand if they are doing them properly is because they don't realize what muscle they're actually stretching.

                  For me it was difficult at the beginning to accept the idea that stretching the BC muscle (reverse kegel) should feel like pushing out at the base of the penis.


                  Because I thought the pelvic floor muscles were only at the bottom of the pelvic floor and there were no muscles around the penis.

                  I've read a lot of threads on this wonderful forum and hope to not say something has already been said but as far as I know the little "pushing out" movement at the base of the penis (just where it connects to the body) is the stretching of the ischiocavernosus muscle, which in turn takes the BC muscle with it and feels like inflating between scrotum and anus as well.

                  I think it might be useful for some guys here to have a look at how the pelvic floor muscles wrap around the base of the penis. I'm not a doctor, but I've found a clear 3D anatomy model of the pelvic floor muscles on a medical website (which I am not related with at all) and I've done a screen shot from my computer just now.

                  It might help visualize the muscles so that you know why it feels like pushing out when you do a reverse kegel and can learn better the anatomy of your pelvic floor (which I think is useful anyways for people who prefer visual learning).

                  pelvic floor upper part.jpg

                  I haven't found a name for the Ischiocavernosus on the forum, but I would call it IS muscle if it's ok for you guys.
                  X Black
                  Senior Member
                  Last edited by X Black; 03-30-2013, 06:17 AM.
                  My premature ejaculation blog


                  • #10
                    EDIT: attachment is fixed, it loads properly.

                    I am unable to load the attachment you just posted. I would like to see that model, or send me a link to that website via the PM.

                    Thank you also for reminding me to put the refrence pictures in the topic.

                    IS as the shorthand of Ischiocavernosus is ok since we already have IC for iliococcygeus.

                    As you might have noticed I almost always avoid using the notations such as PC,BS, IC and other because I wish to avoid the confusion about them, if we can get using a single set of terms it might be better. That is why at the first place I used movements as the basic units rather than the muscles. In the future as I gain more medical knowledge I might include to which muscles the four basic movements refer to exactly.

                    The reason for this is that not one muscle is used in any of the four basic movements (perhaps the root lock ) but is usually a combination of several muscles, and that creates confusion to some point (at least it does for me).

                    On a side note, due to the scope of this list I might have made some mistakes while copy pasting and such, and if you or anybody else notice them feel free to point them out. Also if you or anybody else has a better description of the exercises done here (for example my reverse kegel stretch exercise might be a little lacking), please feel free post them. I will then review them and if I find them fitting I will update the list, rep and cred.
                    Member of the Month March 2013.
                    Last edited by Minuteman; 03-23-2013, 10:48 AM.
                    premE FAQ


                    • #11
                      Hi MM,

                      do you think think routine is good for 3x per week ... My question is below.

                      For "warm-up":

                      Then continue with:
                      10x5s Full house combos

                      The duration is aprox. 15 mins (my drive to work).
                      I choose this exercise, because it contains Tri-Point exercise as strength/control and Sine Hold exercise ad strength/isolation.
                      So this 3x per week program is based on strength with a little bit control and isolation ... Also stretching and relaxing because of the reverse series.
                      I will be also doing 2x per week (between the strength exercises) Reverse Kegel Breathing by imac for the sake of ratio - more reverse kegels (combating spasms).

                      Do you find this program good, or do you recommend doing these exercises one by one: clenches, holds, tri-step/point exercises, alternating exercises ... ?

                      Thank you very much and kind regards.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by searching View Post
                        Hi MM,

                        do you think think routine is good for 3x per week ... My question is below.

                        For "warm-up":

                        Then continue with:
                        10x5s Full house combos

                        The duration is aprox. 15 mins (my drive to work).
                        I choose this exercise, because it contains Tri-Point exercise as strength/control and Sine Hold exercise ad strength/isolation.
                        So this 3x per week program is based on strength with a little bit control and isolation ... Also stretching and relaxing because of the reverse series.
                        I will be also doing 2x per week (between the strength exercises) Reverse Kegel Breathing by imac for the sake of ratio - more reverse kegels (combating spasms).

                        Do you find this program good, or do you recommend doing these exercises one by one: clenches, holds, tri-step/point exercises, alternating exercises ... ?

                        Thank you very much and kind regards.
                        At first I would recommend doing them at home with full focus, one you are confident you should do them in transport.

                        As for reverse kegel breathing I think it is a good idea to do them everyday so that it will make your pelvic floor nice and relaxed.

                        I think that your routine is decent for now, however you should actively observe your PIs and see how it works ot for you.

                        Full house is not a bad idea, how ever from-to are maybe a better beginner alternative.

                        If you are however reffering to the Full House Hold I would leave that one out for now and concentrate on tri-point first. If your pevlic floor is not conditioned enough it might just slow down the progress.

                        But then again you should experiment and see for yourself, since none of these exercises are that bad for you if done "out of order".
                        premE FAQ


                        • #13
                          Hey , I started doing kegels and reverse kegels last year but stopped for whatever reason (I don't even have one), and decided to start again.

                          I can isolate pretty well, although not perfectly, both of the kegels clenches, reverse root lock kegels (if you have hemorrhoids problems you should avoid them in my opinion), but , as many members I find reverse kegels to be trickier.

                          I mean when I am erect I can feel the push and know I'm doing a proper reverse kegel, but when I'm flaccid it seems much more difficult to feel whether or not I'm doing them properly, and whether or not they're useful. I know my reverse kegels are too weak at the moment, but I'm just wondering if it is relevant to do them when flaccid.
                          Since they're a relaxation of tense muscles can we talk about strentgh of reverse kegels, or simply proper isolation ?
                          Senior Member
                          Member of the Month Nov 2014
                          Last edited by popol5169; 04-01-2013, 05:38 AM.

                          Quality jelqs / Moving squeezes

                          Off to the real world.


                          • #14
                            Minuteman what sort of routine would you recommend if you need to balance your pelvic floor?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by popol5169 View Post
                              Hey , I started doing kegels and reverse kegels last year but stopped for whatever reason (I don't even have one), and decided to start again.

                              I can isolate pretty well, although not perfectly, both of the kegels clenches, reverse root lock kegels (if you have hemorrhoids problems you should avoid them in my opinion), but , as many members I find reverse kegels to be trickier.

                              I mean when I am erect I can feel the push and know I'm doing a proper reverse kegel, but when I'm flaccid it seems much more difficult to feel whether or not I'm doing them properly, and whether or not they're useful. I know my reverse kegels are too weak at the moment, but I'm just wondering if it is relevant to do them when flaccid.
                              Since they're a relaxation of tense muscles can we talk about strentgh of reverse kegels, or simply proper isolation ?
                              It is, but it takes time to master them so for now pick a routine and stick with it in time you fill find it much easier to preform even while flaccid.

                              Originally posted by Newboy View Post
                              Minuteman what sort of routine would you recommend if you need to balance your pelvic floor?
                              The answer to that question you should seek in the premE FAQ (link in my signature).
                              premE FAQ

