I also want to add that my edging sessions (if I went slowly) got to be about 10-15 minutes long. I tried to hold a RK throughout the entirety of the session. But now it’s like I can’t even get a normal erection. Only thing that’d give me one is porn or other sexual images. I feel like I somehow screwed my brain.
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Edging For Premature Ejaculation
Yup, that'd be it, sounds like you have a tense pelvic floor. Right now you should just focus on meditative rk's and stretching. I'd stop edging, I really don't see how it could help since your pf is tight. Checking out the han's protocol should be useful: https://www.pegym.com/forums/penile-...-protocol.html
Does sound like a pelvic floor issue or possibly a head issue .
How is your flexibility through the pelvis.
When you say flexibility through the pelvis, what do you mean? Like what would be a stretch that dictates pelvic flexibility (to help with context)? Generally, I’m a pretty stiff fellow. Can’t touch my toes, etc.
Only major changes that I’ve made since my last “normal” erection:
- Edging routine
- Started a cutting / fat loss phase in my exercise regimen (reduced caloric intake, similar level of intensity with weight lifting exercises).
I suffered from premature ejaculation all my life. Even after 12 years of marriage I still come too fast.
I have applied the edging technique mentioned in this thread and found excellent results in a very short period of time. I had unbelievable pornstar-like stamina. I and my wife had the best sex ever. I enjoyed this for a whole month. With all this improvement I did not stop edging. I wanted to make sure that everything is fixed for good.
Two weeks ago I lost everything. Again I turned into my old habit of coming too soon.
I don't know what happened. I kept on doing the same edging routine. I changed nothing. What made things go bad after they went so good? What should I do?
Hey everyone
Is till fail at point number 1 and need some advice.
Each time when I EDGE and I rub upwards toward my glans it produces a IK.
The IK happens at the top of the BC muscle close to the insertion to the penis.
What is the way to go from there?
Even when I do RK's it doesen't stop the IK reflex.
My Rk's are strong around my anal sphincter and levator but I feel they are weak around the BC. Specially the closer i get to the base of the penis.
I do a regular hindi squat routine and massage with a tennis ball, but I feel this is only contributing to stronger Rk's around the anal area but not more control over the BC.
Can you please give some advice?
Practice practice. When I started out i felt the most stretching in that area as well. Over time enough RKs and stretching allowed for that feeling to be able to be moved more forward. I mean you need to be able to feel the difference but as you stretch out the PF more and practice with belly breathing and RK routines, you will rebuild the natural PF flexibility. Once you are looser in the area and have conditioned yourself a little more on what muscles you are using, you will know how and where to feel the front rk.
Singling out the front is not your only main focus but knowing the feeling should be a good landmark and will help you move away from only the back RKs.
Right now your IK reflex overpowers your RKs and it will for some time. The IK reflex will never really go away but it become much more manageable further along.
Remember the feeling of a RK is to force a piss not a shit. Once you get that feeling correct you will notice if you keep it tightened the whole time or not. After a good amount of work i noticed i was always clenching and now I focus on releasing the clench whenever i notice it. This lead me to say holding a 10% rk all day which is actually just relaxing the clenched muscle.
So in essence you stretch and RK and breath to regain flexibility. Flexibility allows you to understand the muscles and tensions at play. Then the more you work on the interconnected parts you will be able to learn how to relax the area again.My PE Thread
4/5/19: BPEL 6' MEG 4.5'
5/14/19: BPEL 6.45' MEG 4.75'
Goal: BPEL 7.5' MEG 5.5'
My PreE Thread
Sup guys. I know this thread isn’t as active as it used to be, but I just wanted to share my experience on reaching the plateau and hope that it will aid someone else. I would say that my problem was more psychological than physiological. For me, high states of arousal would cause two problems for me. One it would cause me to reach my PONR very quickly and two, it would cause me to involuntary kegal like crazy. In the beginning, the first thing I tried to do was eliminate involuntary kegals by reverse kegaling.
Summary if you don’t feel like reading: The things that helped me reach plateau were
1. Getting used to high states of arousal
2. Edging slowly
3. Decreasing the pressure I used against on my penis
4. Using Lube
5. Starting out with Start and Stop method but eventually moving onto edging slowly at PONR
6. Quitting porn
Edging -
What worked for me while not watching porn in the beginning was the Start and Stop method and getting as close to the PONR but without ejaculating. Before I would start my edging sessions, I tried to relax my whole body as much as possible and while edging, I would try to keep this relaxed state. I would also start edging slowly and started using lube as well. Before this, I would usually edge to porn, with no lube, and start edging very fast in the beginning. I would also get IK kegels that would show up towards the beginning but as I edged more, I found them to decrease. I also noticed that many times when I was about to ejaculate, I would feel a heightened sense of pleasure while edging for maybe less than half a second that would fade very rapidly. So my logic was that maybe if I could somehow extend this feeling to speak, I would be basically entering the plateau. The hardest part about entering the plateau for me was getting used to those intense feelings of pleasure. As my mind and body were not used to the feeling. After using the Start and Stop method, I eventually started reaching the PONR and started edging slowly instead of stopping right away because like ammniote mentioned in his original post, Start and Stopping method isn’t very effective to reaching the plateau. When I started this method, I started to feel intense pleasure around not only my penis but around my whole body for very few seconds while edging very slowly at my PONR. As I practiced more and more, I was able to extend this feeling without going over my PONR. Again, the actual feeling and control of the plateau blew my mind. I couldn’t believe that something could feel this good while also not ejaculating right away to the feeling.
Deathgrip -
One of the things I noticed when I had masturbated to porn quite often is that many times after I was finished, my dick would feel like it had boxed 10 rounds against mike Tyson and would be in a lot of pain. When I edged to porn I did it without lube, very fast and would squeeze very tightly. I would basically feel nothing while edging and didn’t feel pleasure (if any) until I would orgasm. So what while edging was for 1, start using lube, edge slow, and I would decrease the intensity of the pressure I used. As I started to edge in a more relaxed way, I found that my Erection Quality (EQ) had increased by a noticeable amount. I didn’t really notice this until maybe 4-5 weeks in edging in this manner. With the increased EQ also came an increased sensitivity. I could feel more sensations on not only me penis, but occasionally through my body as well.
Kegels -
I can’t really say much about kegels since I haven’t really been consistent with them during this process. I found that the best thing that helped me get rid of involuntary kegels was getting used to those high states of arousal. One thing I did try often in the beginning was that when I was edging and I would get involuntary kegels. I would stop immediately for a few seconds before edging again. Also, In the beginning, the first thing I tried to do was eliminate involuntary kegals by reverse kegaling. I found this to be incredible hard, sometimes cause pain (I think I was pushing to hard) often times I would lose all feelings of pleasure while edging. My IKs naturally reduced in frequency without me trying to reverse kegel every time I masturbated. But as I stated before, this may have been due to the fact that my issue was more psychological than physiological.
Breathing -
This isn’t something I’ve paid too much attention too until recently. When of the things I noticed while while edging was that my breathing was very light and short and mostly with my chest. I found that if I slowed my breath down and breathed through my diaphragm near my PONR, it became easier to stay away from it. In the beginning though when I attempted deep breathing, It was always easy to do at the start of edging but as I got closer to the PONR, I would unconsciously start breathing shallow again. So what I’ve been doing is paying attention to my breathe near my PONR.
Orgasm -
During this process of trying to reach the plateau, I noticed that before this, I would reach my PONR at very low states of arousal. This meant that often time I would feel little to no pleasure during orgasm. As I started training myself to go to higher states of arousal with more control, I have found myself occasionally etting full body orgasms in the process which completely blew my mind since this was not a goal I was trying to reach.
Porn -
When I first started to attempt to reach the plateau in February, I was still watching porn at the time and it was very unsuccessful. I believed that I could reach the plateau while still watching porn at the same time. It wasn’t until 8 weeks ago in the beginning of June where I decided to stop watching porn while also masturbating pretty much every day practicing reaching the plateau that I’ve finally been able to do it. Every time I would get close to the PONR while watching porn, I had little control controlling myself to not go over. Porn seemed to cause me to be unaware of my body and too focused on what I was seeing. As a result, I never got anywhere near the plateau while watching porn. Also one of the things I immediately noticed when I cut off porn is that it took my incredibly longer to reach my PONR. While watching porn, I could reach my PONR in 1-2 minutes. Cutting porn off made the process to the PONR more gradual.
Personally, my recommendation for people with PreE is to staying far enough away from PONR. There's nothing wrong with feeling and overcoming PONR. But PreE get there so fast, an edging session can turn into a whole lot more stopping than going. PreE people tend to rush to escalate good feelings anyway.Premature Ejaculation Pills - https://qualitypillssupplier.com I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great..
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