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My PreE is 100% Physical. However, Still Need Some Help

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  • #46
    Im thinking the same! Maybe we need to take 2-3 day of resting from workout before having sex. I have been working out everyday and yesterday I had alot of IK just by her slightly touch my penis. We didn't have sex because she had period.
    5/2019 Start: 5,2" NBPEL X 4,35" MEG
    10/2019 Bundled stretch: 5,6" NBPEL X 4,35"MEG
    10/2019 - 2/2020 Girth Exersices: on/off and no gains
    7/2020 Erect stretch: 6,25" NBPEL X 4,35" MEG

    Short term goal: 7" NBPEL X 5,5" MEG
    Long term goal: 8" NBPEL X 6,2" MEG


    • #47
      Pretty solid things to report here. Took a good break from since I last posted until now in regards to lifting. Had sex a total of 4 times. The first 3 were amazing. She came and I lasted until she was done and at that point I forced myself to. On the third one, I lasted for like an hour. That was insane. There was alcohol involved, but alcohol hasn't even been helping in the past so I consider that a success. The fourth time I had just came back from a bunch of travel and sitting and therefore only went for about a minute or two. Which hurt for sure but I was coming off of a 4 day drinking binge and usually when that happens I cum fairly instant. So overall not too bad.

      I definitely feel unhealthy and out of whack right now. Did not take care of myself at all the past 4 days but oh well. Time to get back to grinding. Oh, and when I had sex last night (the 4th time) that muscle near my anus was certainly tense. Unlike the other times where it felt sore but completely relaxed.

      I feel like rolling my glutes 4-5 days ago made me cum quick. I don't know if that would make sense so if anyone has anything to contribute to that chime in. It was my first time using a massage ball on my glutes and then I came quick.


      • #48
        I feel like rolling my glutes 4-5 days ago made me cum quick. I don't know if that would make sense so if anyone has anything to contribute to that chime in. It was my first time using a massage ball on my glutes and then I came quick.
        Probably just an accident as one time massage doesn't do anything to a muscle. But if you think you don't have tightness in your glutes, then it would be unnecessary to massage it. Not every muscle needs releasing.
        When I realized I had no APT and stopped screwing my hip flexors in just a few weeks I experienced a huge jump in my results as well.
        Also for sure hangover makes me loose my 100% erection as well, however by time and progressing the PreE due it will be less relevant. Make the positive changes permanent and let your body owns it.
        That forced myself to is the normal thing, when you want to cum, you start contracting PF and automatically your breathing changes as well and ejac happens. This is what is normal.
        Happy for you, good path )


        • #49
          Originally posted by Anthony_gerio View Post
          Probably just an accident as one time massage doesn't do anything to a muscle. But if you think you don't have tightness in your glutes, then it would be unnecessary to massage it. Not every muscle needs releasing.
          When I realized I had no APT and stopped screwing my hip flexors in just a few weeks I experienced a huge jump in my results as well.
          Also for sure hangover makes me loose my 100% erection as well, however by time and progressing the PreE due it will be less relevant. Make the positive changes permanent and let your body owns it.
          That forced myself to is the normal thing, when you want to cum, you start contracting PF and automatically your breathing changes as well and ejac happens. This is what is normal.
          Happy for you, good path )
          Gotcha. Yeah I just felt a ton of arousal that night. Out of the three blowjobs the first one went well but maybe because I was sitting. I feel like I can last longer when I'm sitting usually so maybe it was that. It's just odd how that night specifically I had super high arousal + came within like 10 seconds on the last two blowjobs.

          I'm probably going to just stick with the pigeon pose and oblique work after my workouts then. And just ride with that + have a good diet. What I'm going to be focusing on is that that natural RK feeling is present from now on


          • #50
            side note: anyone have any daily stretches/exercises I can do for forward neck? I'm going to start tucking my chin on all my exercises from now on too


            • #51
              Yesterday edged and had a pretty solid session. One thing I noticed yesterday is that my libido has been noticeably higher and more natural. Even looking at a girls picture had me starting to get a boner. Usually that doesn't happen/hasn't happened in a long time. My edging session was to some porn and a few pictures. I made sure to keep my lower abs engaged and around the 10 minute mark is when I came. I don't think I hit the PONR once and I barely used any lotion. For me, dry masturbation has always caused me to cum quicker so that was a bonus.

              As for today, I did upper body and pretty much directly after the gym I edged. Did not go as well as yesterday. I really want to get to the point where I'm holding that natural RK when laying on my back. I've felt it only a handful of times and I think that's my key. That natural RK feeling is almost automatic when I'm standing up. But when laying down no. I have to engage my lower abs. I could feel the PONR coming on around the 2.30min mark. I was able to make it through to 10 mins but that muscle near my anus was not as relaxed.

              I will say, this was directly after the gym and I worked a lot on my core. My lower back hurts a tad bit today as it sometimes does after core day. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. I know that natural RK feeling is key to curing this.


              • #52
                Can I ask what sensation you get when you hindi squat?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
                  Can I ask what sensation you get when you hindi squat?
                  I can feel that my TFLs are tight. Used to be way worse. Definitely can feel the limited hip mobility. I used to Hindi squat a lot and it did help for a bit but then my results plateaued or just erased completely. Instead to improve hip mobility now Im doing stuff like camporini step back, army crawls, split squats w closing the hip, etc. There are more but that's just to give you an idea.

                  And then I also feel that natural RK feeling as well with that muscle in my anus.


                  • #54
                    This is an interesting thread for me and I am learning a lot by reading through it, thank you.

                    You mentioned that you find sitting cross legged difficult? I don't find this to be an issue and sit a lot of the day cross legged. I guess we all have different bodies with different imbalances to address... this makes it complicated!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Rapid_Fire View Post
                      You mentioned that you find sitting cross legged difficult? I don't find this to be an issue and sit a lot of the day cross legged. I guess we all have different bodies with different imbalances to address... this makes it complicated!
                      Yeah man sitting cross legged was really difficult. Still is! But is definitely better now as I keep improving my hip mobility. And yep that's the hard part of this whole thing: everyone has different imbalances. Its super complicated which is why this whole thing is an issue in the first place. People with one type of imbalance will have delayed ejaculation/last a super long time while people with another will last a short time.

                      I'm starting to even think that these muscular imbalances contribute to the amount of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in our brain, which also affect ejaculation.

                      I really stress that everyone in this forum start posting posture pictures. I'm positive a lot of peoples issues will be solved a lot quicker if they do that.


                      • #56
                        Now my main issue is that if I stand for a while then that natural RK is so strong that it starts to make that muscle near my anus hurt/sore. Maybe it's stretching it out and it's going to take time? If im sitting/laying down it doesn't happen. After the gym: doesn't happen. Just feels like nothing down there. It's like an intense pressure. I'm thinking something is tight just not sure what it is.


                        • #57
                          What does the pelvic floor physio say?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
                            What does the pelvic floor physio say?
                            At this time I'm not going to go see a pelvic floor physio unless the problem persists for another month or two. I know what muscular imbalances I need to address and I'm going to work hard and hopefully continue to see results. That feeling in my anus does go away at times but it is a bit annoying. I'm hoping with some research I can figure it out. I'm thinking it could be that my abs are too tight or becoming too powerful. I've been trying to look for an upper abs stretch but all I've seen are ones that stretch the hip flexors.

                            Only reason I'm not is because it's expensive as hell where i am
                            Senior Member
                            Last edited by skyisthelimitpe; 01-13-2021, 07:56 PM. Reason: reason


                            • #59
                              I felt ab stretch with roman chair .


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Pegasus View Post
                                I felt ab stretch with roman chair .
                                I’ll check it out. I’m careful with what to stretch nowadays. I know external obliques need to definitely be stretched as well as my glutes.

                                Going to toss a heating pad on my ass to see if that loosens the muscles up temporarily. Maybe that’ll fix the problem. Not sure

