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sexless marriages (dead bedroom) - A perspective

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  • sexless marriages (dead bedroom) - A perspective

    This is a little long but I think very instructive for those of you who are in sexless relationships (as either the refused or the refuser) and struggling with it like me

    For those of you who have followed me on some of the forums may recall some of my ongoing relationship struggles. Basically, I desire to have more sex than my SO does. I won't go into all the details but the long story short is that the relationship has not always been that way, but in the past 5 years, the trend of the bedroom activity has become dismal. This has had huge impact on the relationship obviously and the question of should the marriage continue has come up quite a few times.

    Well enough of that for context. I wanted to share with you a posting from another forum that I frequent that really resonated with me. Now to be clear, there are many causes in relationships where there is no sex or one partner is not satisfied with the frequency of sex. But one commonality is the lack of desire (for whatever that reason may be).
    Below is a very rational perspective on the emotional realities of sexlessness due to lack of desire from one of the parties. It is from the point of view of the refused.

    I hope its helpful for some as it was for me in framing my situation


    Sex isn't difficult to have with people who you want to have sex with. Take yourself, for example. You are in the same marriage as him. You want to have sex - not just in certain quantities as your have described, but within a certain context. When I was in counselling, our councilor said "People focus on the quantity, but ignore the question of quality." Of course, this prompted agreement and then I adapted my demands of her to expand to include the quality and context. I wanted sex that would express her own desire for me. I wanted some heat, rather than tolerance. I wanted sex that she initiated - that she *needed* from me. I wanted to be the object of her desire. I wanted to be used with more frequency than the shower massage. I wanted her to take initiative and find out more about sexual practices and acts that might enrich us, or excite her. I wanted sexual expression to be a genuine priority and exceed my honest expectations of her.

    She despaired, became angry at my unreasonable demands.
    I think this was the goal of the therapist, to lay bare the truth of our situation in such a way that we'd both see it.

    The truth, from her perspective, was that she didn't want sex with me and that she was only enduring it as a way of staying married. Likewise, I was enduring the deficiency of sexual expression as a way of staying married. Thus, asking for more or offering less - while consistent with each of our true inclinations with each other - would provoke disappointment and rage because we were *working hard* at enduring a situation we didn't want or appreciate.

    I recalled her utter despair when, the morning after we had sex, I tried to initiate again and was kicked off her. She broke down, expressing despair and rage at my apparent insatiability for wanting it twice - once at night and once again in the morning. "Wasn't that enough?" she pleaded? "It will never be enough!" I recall her telling me each time she proposed (now I realize she was really telling herself), that she would like to "offer loving sex". She was characterizing the sex, in words out loud, before we had it, in such a way that she could find an onramp to it emotionally. Later on, this got switched to "companionable" sex, in her words. Either she was deliberately trying to take sex and frame it in such a way that it would be undesirable for me, or, more generously, she was engaging in a ritual of framing it for herself so it would be endurable.

    From my side of it, it came down to several points:
    - regardless of how often I was "given" sex, as she put it, how did it make me feel that she clearly DID NOT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ME.
    - I had attributed the quantity of sex toward evidence of her desire (and I was incorrect in this), but what I really wanted was for my partner to desire me in the way I desired her. There was a lot more happening there than once every two weeks.
    - Consistently, the worst disappointments and despair occurred when I thought there might be a chance we might have sex. I began to associate my natural attraction to her with humiliation and anger, and eventually this turned toward my own body. I began to see my own bodily responses as humiliating betrayals of my intentions, and "self love" as a disgusting disappointment. I began to resent my own body, and began delaying "self love" as much as I could, because I would cry - it made me feel lonely. I will admit this avoidance has not completely abated some 3+ years later. This was alleviated somewhat when I deliberately gave up and began sleeping in a different room.
    - Our other therapist "tricked me" into admitting my deepest truth about the marriage when she asked me in an intense moment "Well what would happen if you just quit trying to pull this rope?". I responded without thinking, from the heart, "Then there would be no marriage." I kept turning it over in my mind all day, because it revealed that I was trying to enact a mutual attraction single-handed. All of our efforts were happening because of me. With the destruction of our family and lifestyle at stake, she still wasn't present, and wasn't doing her "homework" from the therapist. I asked her if she still wanted to be married to me. She said, "I don't know." I explained, calmly, that "I don't know," falls well short of even a second date with me, let alone a marriage, and said "We are getting a divorce."

    Sounds like you need to figure out what your boundaries and minimums are too. Rather than fixing on quantities, look farther upstream at the feeling that supplies those quantities and the context, and look farther downstream at how their lack makes you feel about yourself - what it means to you.
    Senior Member
    Last edited by donkeehote; 09-13-2017, 10:20 AM.
    I came here for the EQ, but I stayed for PE

    Dick Stats
    Aug 2016 BPFL 5.5" BPEL 6.5" EG:5.125" EQ:6/10
    Jun 2017 BPFL 6.5" BPEL 7.25" EG:5.50 EQ 6.5/10
    OCT 2018 BPFL BPEL 7.75" EG:5.50 EQ 7/10

  • #2
    Very comforting post as I am in a similar position. Well today I got to know from my wife that my package is small even though the sex is not that bad.
    I have put into a similar position whereas I want the sex to be desired and asked for but at the end it happens with my intiative and less effort from my partner. Our first two years of sex life was amazing and but now being 3 years almost we are having sex like once in two weeks or maybe once a week sometimes.
    I dunno what do about it ???


    • #3
      If you want to get right to the truth of the matter, ask her if she desires you. This is not the same as whether she loves you.

      Assuming she is truthful, you will have to decide whether you can accept to continue in that context.

      Having more sex, or with more frequency in no way reflects her desire for you. It may reflect the extent of her love for you as she tries to acquiesce you. But if you are left unsatisfied by starfish sex, then she will resent you for having tried to make you happy and you are not.

      I have learned this truth the hard way.

      Originally posted by sandylanka12 View Post
      Very comforting post as I am in a similar position. Well today I got to know from my wife that my package is small even though the sex is not that bad.
      I have put into a similar position whereas I want the sex to be desired and asked for but at the end it happens with my intiative and less effort from my partner. Our first two years of sex life was amazing and but now being 3 years almost we are having sex like once in two weeks or maybe once a week sometimes.
      I dunno what do about it ???
      Senior Member
      Last edited by donkeehote; 09-13-2017, 11:22 AM.
      I came here for the EQ, but I stayed for PE

      Dick Stats
      Aug 2016 BPFL 5.5" BPEL 6.5" EG:5.125" EQ:6/10
      Jun 2017 BPFL 6.5" BPEL 7.25" EG:5.50 EQ 6.5/10
      OCT 2018 BPFL BPEL 7.75" EG:5.50 EQ 7/10


      • #4
        Hmm relationships are tough.Dont say this is the case, but I notice a lot of people settle for low at the beginning of a relationship, get comfortable, compromise a lot of things only to find further on, they dont want to

        Hope you guys will be ok


        • #5
          I hate reading things like the above. It stresses me out.

          Makes me think all relationships are doomed very long term.
          Women were created from the rib of man to be beside him, not from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be trampled by him, but from under his arm to be protected by him, near to his heart to be loved by him.


          • #6
            Men twist their perspective with porn, or if they dont watch porn, they still want their women to want what they want.Which is usually lots of sex.Its like an addiction.We have to learn to control that addiction

            On the other hand women twist their perspective with romans, novels...they want the brave man, the adventure, someone who will make her bored life filled with more emotions.Someone who will conquer the world for her.

            See the difference?Its just we are very different, and not accepting that reality will bring only suffering


            • #7
              In the example, we see the man's point of view. While we don't see the woman's point of view, I do feel his pain.

              There are two sides of the story. The questions I would have is:

              • How much quality time do they have that is non-sexual?
              • Does he try to woo his wife everyday? (courtship doesn't end when you put a ring on the wife's finger)
              • What is her love language and is he versed in speaking it?
              • While she may seem like "the bad wife", how has he contributed to her coldness?
              • Has he really listened to her needs at all? (like my Pastor says, "It's not all about you.")
              • What is their current financial situation? (finances play a huge role in marriage and security especially for women)

              I can go on and on because there are many layers to why she is shutting down and I think there is a real injustice if we look at the wife as being the main cause of the problem...there are two people in a marriage and the husband has to honestly look at how he is contributing to the problems as well.
              How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices! ~ Song of Solomon 4:10

              For things to change, you have to change.” - Jim Rohn, The Art of Exceptional Living


              • #8
                To be clear, the cross posting in the original post is a reply to a young lady (29F) who is in an SM. She is high libido, but her SO is not. She cites gaming and pornography on his part as the "distractions" or obstacles to their intimacy. So while he does not have sex with her, he does not take issue with addressing his own needs via pornography.

                She finds herself negotiating frequency of sex that is acceptable to both. The advice suggested to her, is to look beyond the frequency of sex as a measure of desire, towards the context of which that frequency is being offered. In other words, will she accept duty sex (in whatever frequency) in order to keep the marriage going. A very personal choice indeed.

                Originally posted by Ujjayi View Post
                In the example, we see the man's point of view. While we don't see the woman's point of view, I do feel his pain.

                There are two sides of the story. The questions I would have is:

                • How much quality time do they have that is non-sexual?
                • Does he try to woo his wife everyday? (courtship doesn't end when you put a ring on the wife's finger)
                • What is her love language and is he versed in speaking it?
                • While she may seem like "the bad wife", how has he contributed to her coldness?
                • Has he really listened to her needs at all? (like my Pastor says, "It's not all about you.")
                • What is their current financial situation? (finances play a huge role in marriage and security especially for women)

                I can go on and on because there are many layers to why she is shutting down and I think there is a real injustice if we look at the wife as being the main cause of the problem...there are two people in a marriage and the husband has to honestly look at how he is contributing to the problems as well.
                I came here for the EQ, but I stayed for PE

                Dick Stats
                Aug 2016 BPFL 5.5" BPEL 6.5" EG:5.125" EQ:6/10
                Jun 2017 BPFL 6.5" BPEL 7.25" EG:5.50 EQ 6.5/10
                OCT 2018 BPFL BPEL 7.75" EG:5.50 EQ 7/10


                • #9
                  I don't know about doomed. Maybe just run their course.
                  I had a good almost 20 year run. Not sure yet on next steps. But when I do figure it out, I do want to be the best me that I can be.

                  Originally posted by Tara123 View Post
                  I hate reading things like the above. It stresses me out.

                  Makes me think all relationships are doomed very long term.
                  I came here for the EQ, but I stayed for PE

                  Dick Stats
                  Aug 2016 BPFL 5.5" BPEL 6.5" EG:5.125" EQ:6/10
                  Jun 2017 BPFL 6.5" BPEL 7.25" EG:5.50 EQ 6.5/10
                  OCT 2018 BPFL BPEL 7.75" EG:5.50 EQ 7/10


                  • #10
                    Just start being spontaneous, show her you still love her,WITHOUT the sex,women love that romance shit dude,and if she's not changing,it's her fault because you tried,women and men are wired differently,and she's not going to be able to want what you want unless you can show you want what she wants,there has to be a level of compromise, on BOTH sides.


                    • #11
                      Does it matter who's fault it is. If one person is trying and the other person is not than what for. That's where I was at, I did everything, and got nothing to show for it, so I stopped, it's easy to say there are two people, but if you are doing your best and that's not good enough, than why try. I'm on autopilot for the next couple years until it either gets better or I move on. When one person is happy and the other is miserable than how is it fair for the happy person to put any blame on the miserable one. That's retarded, by the way I'm totally happy I have everything I want, but I didn't like the way you cleaned the house last week, and I'm alittle tired from watching TV all day, so maybe we can mess around when this headache goes away in like 2 months, get serious. I hate when we start talking like some how the love language and this person's book are going to help, if he or she wants to have sex they would but they don't, mean while the other person is feeling lonely, and unwanted and helpless. If my wife came to me and said we need more sex and she was unhappy, I'd do anything I could, spend the money, but would she do that for me no, would other pples spouses do that no that's why there's sexless marriage and relationships, because the other ppl suck, you could read a library of books and go to 10 years of counseling, if they say sorry I have a headache or I don't feel good or whatever it's not going to happen.


                      • #12
                        One of my biggest lessons from my first marriage is that sex CAN BE a good barometer of overall relationship health.

                        This isn't to say that the couple having sex 5x a week is happier than the couple having it 2x a week (all things are relative), but I think that less than two times per week is when you start entering the danger zone. All things are relative but there are still some hard boundaries.

                        It's a good lesson to the rest of us to pay attention to it and not let the slippery slope slide into a sexless marriage. When quantity or quality start to decrease, take a hard look at what's going on in the marriage and try some stuff to correct it. Don't let it keep sliding until it's too little too late.
                        Start (Jan 1st 2017): 7.0" BPEL x 5.1" MEG (17.8cm x 13cm) w/ 1" fat pad
                        Now (Oct 9th 2017): 7.5" BPEL x 5.43" MEG (18.5cm x 13.7cm) w/ .7" fat pad
                        Goal (Revised): 7.5" BPEL x 5.75" MEG (19.7cm x 14.7cm) w/ almost zero fat pad


                        • #13
                          Over the decades there are always things that can take your mind from a loving sexual relationship with your partner. ie. careers, children, illness, etc. The problem is not the sexual part, is the feeling of coming second to whatever else is the distractor/s is/are.
                          Nowadays the bigggest distractor for many is the internet or cells, I see this everyday and it is so sad. Not only does it hurt marriages, it hurts families too. We as human beings need to cognitively prioritize people and human interaction. This is specially true with couples, once one stop caring there is no much the other can do.
                          Retired Super Moderator
                          Member of the Month Feb 2013
                          PEGym Hero
                          Last edited by MrsLooking4more; 09-13-2017, 08:38 PM.
                          ​Mrs. L4M
                          BDSM Safe, Sane & Consensual
                          Hubby's Routine

                          BPEL 6.5 +1.5 ~>8.0 02/2013
                          MEG. 4.7 +1.3 ~>6.0 03/2013


                          • #14
                            I'm personally trying to get to where akga80 is at. Autopilot mode. I'm starting to divert my sexual energy to other things. Improving myself primarily, but also my kids. Being as present as I can for them (even though I'm mostly there already) My objective is to leave this fog without feeling resentment or anger towards W because maintaining our family unit in a non-toxic environment means everything to us, even if we are both not happy with the relationship.. I don't know if this reason alone will be sufficient to sustain the relationship. But I feel strongly that I owe it to my children to try. And not for unselfish reasons either. I admit that I need them as much as they need me.

                            Like AKGA80, I quit trying for intimacy in any form . When the desire is gone it's gone. Holding hands, hugs, cuddles and kisses are fine forms of intimacy, nothing wrong with that. But at least right now, to me, it's a painful reminder and/or substitute of the sex I can't have, and of the constant rejection for the past half decade. Once in awhile, I can tell she'll want to have sex. But Ive learned that it's not because she desires me, more likely she needs to scratch an itch or she feels that it's been too long and that it's time for a reset. When it arises, I can tell that it is an authentic offering of love on her part. The absence of desire however is a difficult pill to swallow. This type of sex while satisfactory in the moment leaves me feeling hollow when it's over. There is no after glow. I've had opportunities to have sex outside of marriage, which was an interesting option I felt ready to explore without feeling guilt. But I find myself unable to go through with it because of a lacking connection. Not love per se, but a connection of some sort that brings people together beyond the physical.

                            So its been a transformative year for me. In many ways, I'm detaching from my wife and the relationship we had. I feel she has already detached. We currently remain in the same household and will likely continue to do so with civility but the old rules no longer apply. And so we both find ourselves navigating new territory. At the same time I'm trying to heal from the loss of a relationship that in my heart I desired would last a lifetime. When the transforming is done I have faith that the new me will be a happy, well adjusted human being, who harbours no resentment, but is grateful to have shared that part of the journey with someone special, and grateful for the beautiful family that has come of it. But from a sentimental perspective, I will have closed the books on that chapter and look forward to the next one.

                            If you have read this far, I am thankful for your interest. Perhaps you will indulge me a little longer as I share with the forum a couple of songs from a cherished artist, Freddy Mercury and Queen, that I feel closely reflect the the two chapters of my life that I face. The one I'm closing and the one that comes next. For as Freddy sang, the show must go on.

                            Senior Member
                            Last edited by donkeehote; 09-13-2017, 10:17 PM.
                            I came here for the EQ, but I stayed for PE

                            Dick Stats
                            Aug 2016 BPFL 5.5" BPEL 6.5" EG:5.125" EQ:6/10
                            Jun 2017 BPFL 6.5" BPEL 7.25" EG:5.50 EQ 6.5/10
                            OCT 2018 BPFL BPEL 7.75" EG:5.50 EQ 7/10


                            • #15
                              The second song I referenced above...

                              I came here for the EQ, but I stayed for PE

                              Dick Stats
                              Aug 2016 BPFL 5.5" BPEL 6.5" EG:5.125" EQ:6/10
                              Jun 2017 BPFL 6.5" BPEL 7.25" EG:5.50 EQ 6.5/10
                              OCT 2018 BPFL BPEL 7.75" EG:5.50 EQ 7/10

