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Anabolic Steroids and Penis Enlargement

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  • #61
    Thank you for making my point . Don't judge good guys by bad guy. Don' t judge people who use anabolic steroids in judicious moderation by the addictive juice heads. I don't judge a person who takes Tylenol for arthritis in the same manner as a person who takes by the handful when 'they don't feel good. I don't judge judicious doctors with the money whores. I bought bottle of 19-norandrostenediol after much reading because of it's very low side effects and it's propensity to do what I need. That was to help increase endurance in order to build muscle. I had been sick, had no appetite, was weak, and had lost weight. My doctor prescribed a drug that gave me an appetite within 30 minutes of taking and last 2 hours. I took 2 of those pills a day and was able to eat. I then took 2 19-norandros before workout every other day. as I got stronger, I could work harder. The appetite was back within a month and the weight was back in less than 3months. I didn't need the andro and stopped taking it. I still had a few pills left. A few years later I wished to recover some strength in my large muscle of my legs. I tried to by the 19-norandrostenediol again, but it was banned by the steroids act of 2004, I believe. Now, either break the law, get direct testosterone, or pay a hyped up 'youth clinic'. This all because addictive sports figures such as Bonds and McQuire got headlines. We don' judge wine afficionados by alley winos. We shouldn't judge the medical profession by 'money whores'. So don't judge me or for that matter Jackxxx by the too well publicized athletic, bobdybuilding, and wrestling juice heads. I agree with you. Do not compare sane thoughtful responsible people with addictive and unscrupulous money oriented people. I won't do that with you; don' do it with me.


    • #62
      I am not judging you at all. I can't tell you how I know the harm they cause on this forum but by my nature I am compelled to try to keep people safe- that's all.
      Jackxx- was written on a cod in an er ( what the person died of) and the actual cause are often two different things, particularly when it's known that most life insurance doesn't pay benefits for survivors under certain "conditions". The exact truth is often not "told" due to concern for the survivors!
      The world's still a toy if you just stay a boy!


      • #64
        Jackxxx I will do anything for you except go to youtube!
        The world's still a toy if you just stay a boy!


        • #65
          Originally posted by CUSP82 View Post
          Jackxxx I will do anything for you except go to youtube!

          LOL why? this is not a youtube the actual movie that somebody posted on youtube.


          • #66
            Originally posted by Jackxxx View Post
            When there is money involved. Those giant bodybuilders take the risk of trading their health using massive amounts of steroids for the chance of becoming a champion and of course make a life off it. Models see the need to improve their bodies to get more gigs and therefore more money. In PE a pornstar would have greater popularity (therefore money) if his penis grow.

            If the risk is worth or not, is up to each situation and/or individual. One thing is for sure, the government has no authority and jurisdiction at all on the personal lives of each citizen. Every American is born free to chose the course of his life and the destiny of his own body. Health is a personal privilege, not an imposed right.
            None of these guys would starve to death without roids. If no one took them, the criteria would be different and the playing field even.

            Actually the government does have a lot authority and jurisdiction on the lives of citizens. For instance they conscript at times , make certain drugs illegal and impose laws in general. This can have a big effect on the course of your life and destiny of your body.
            I would say taking reasonable care of health, is a personal responsibility that many break in a number of ways. Of course, government imposes taxes etc, on things like cigs to push us in a direction, but they can't impose it.


            • #67
              The bad thing about steroids is that most people buy them illegally, reading articles on them and then choosing the ones that back up what they have already chose to believe. Can they be safe, yes in a controlled environment with the supervision and monitoring of a knowledgable professional. Most who use them do them with the advice of the person selling them and rarely is that seller medically qualified.
              One man may suffer no side effects while the next has a heart attack. I know a man who died two years ago, big time juicer, benching over 500 pounds at 26 years of age. A wife and a kid, owned a small electrician company, they found his death attributed directly to steroid use. tell his wife and his child they are safe. Would you be able to say that to her.
              The problem with steroids is that they need to be monitored to be safe. Can they be safe, yes they can. Are they safe, not most of the time because some guy who reads muscle mags all the time doesnt know about medicine, I have lifted for years and have had very impressive lifts in my life for my size and I am proud to say I did it steroid free and some of those I lifetd against were on roids but it didnt matter. I am not saying any one who uses them is stupid, its your body and no one can stop you. It is however irresponsible to tell the masses that they are safe.
              I seem to recall Going411 saying they can make your balls shrink, make you go crazy and get zits. He is correct and it has been documented many times, I have seen roid rage first hand and I know a guy who died from them. Men have grown tits from them, that sounds good.
              As I said before I am not trying to single anyone out but to say they are safe is completely stupid and reckless, it should be reworded to say that for some the risk was out weighed by the benefit and they got lucky.
              Going an inch and 1/2 deeper than before


              • #68
                So many misconceptions here, it's a drug - simple as that! All drugs can be used with minimal sides, but if abused they can have profound and undesirable effects. I personally worry more about people diets then people taking steroids.
                Gunning for GIRTH!!!


                • #69
                  and you got your medical and pharmacological degree where?
                  The world's still a toy if you just stay a boy!


                  • #70
                    It's not the drug that is stupid and senseless. It's the user. But of course we are all In agreement that the government should make these decisions. We all know guns kill people, not the person. so we all agree the government should ban them too. Right?


                    • #71
                      Juice makes your horney as hell , being horney means more blood flow to the Penis trough out the day ,that in correlation with pe.... well do the math


                      • #72
                        There is so much misinformation it is ridiculous - and it is all pushed by the gov't. The mass herds of sheeple just eat it up nom nom nom. I'm surprised we haven't heard the arguments that steroids cause ligament and tendon damage yet on here. In fact, I think the juice may be responsible for hunger, poverty, and the conflict in the Middle East...


                        • #73
                          Oh the conspiricy theory of course.


                          • #74
                            Statistics is all is needed. And statistics show no involvement of steroids at all as cause of death on a daily basis. Yet, it would be almost reasonable to say that "everybody" is using steroids in sports. Millions run steroids every day. Yet, we see no medical data. Why? because nobody is in need of medical attention from steroids. As stated before, any negative change or condition in the body is completely reversible when the drug is stopped. People go to the ER and die every day for multiple reasons but no one from steroid use.

                            More people die from allergy to peanuts than people using steroids...You know what? lets make everything illegal because even smog in the air can kill a person born with asthma! Let's have a communist system like china in which the government decides what you eat and how much of it each day.

                            It is all common sense. Steroids are safe. Period. Otherwise, fellow Americans are more than welcome to prove the opposite.


                            • #75
                              The deaths from steorids are hidden amongst kidney failure ,liver failure or in the case of a friend of mine heart attack. Quite honestly if there is a conspiricy it is the other way. Of course in most western countries, the cost of a lot of medical care goes against the taxpayer. Another issue I hear of, is where the roid users balls shut sown permantly and he has to be given hormones thereafter.

