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Anabolic Steroids and Penis Enlargement

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  • well thi sthread just gets more amazing as time goes by. Dont use any of it.
    Going an inch and 1/2 deeper than before


    • Steroids build muscle...everywhere. That includes your heart. Having thickened heart walls is NOT a good thing.


      • Originally posted by Jackxxx View Post
        No man. A species cannot survive in this planet with morality, character and compassion. Sure those are beautiful attributes. But in order to survive and thrive as a race, no only the mental sharpness and focus is needed, but also the physical strength and endurance. Jut like a Tiger or a Cheetah does in the wild. I know we are not animals, however, we were created in this planet and we need to go by the rules of this nature. And clearly emotions have no room in this nature when it comes to survival. Emotions are a plus and a virtue that comes after our basic needs are covered.
        There is no more "survival of the fittest" in regards to human beings. Below IQ people have been shown to reproduce more than those who have a higher intelligence. Where does this "mental sharpness" and "strength and endurance" play a role in survival anymore?


        • well i must say i am dissapointed in some of what i read, mainly inexperienced and unknowlegable stereotypes about the use of anabloics! first, simply put, if you have never tried them OR used them correctly, then you don't even bother leaving a comment for those looking for sensible answers from those with a real understanding, no offense, but it really pisses me off (roid rage lol, not) to listen to little pip sqweeky mouths talk about that which they don't even have a clue about... imagine if i came to your job that u have been doing for years and started trying to tell you how to do it better, or that you shouldn't do it that way, that would piss u off indeed... remember somthing here people, there are many different anabolics, and to sit there and paint the whole world of steroid medicine in one brush stroke is very stupid, do you have asthma? well guess what, ventipulin is a steroid stupid, so your dick is gonna fall off? lol stupid! here are the facts plain and simple! i have been on hormone replacment therapy for almost 2 years as of 2009, why, because i use to produce less then white sperm in my early 20's and my lebido was pretty low to average, so i took it upon myself at age 23 to try testosterone... what happend? well my fucking dick turned into Zueses lightning bolt, thats what! 2 months into useing i noticed a very visable increase in size and hardness, at least an inch all around, my gf noticed, i noticed, and not to mention i started cuming alot more (like rediculas amounts), and very white sperm! when i turned 24 to 26 i tried many other anabolics, like deca for instence, and that was not a very good experience, i had trouble with getting erections sometimes, and felt like crap too, unfortunatly i didn't know the importance of useing testosterone while useing 19-norandro anabolics, or dehydrotestosterones at the time, and it led to problems... so yes, depending on what anabolic u use, u can get yourself into trouble! deca is not a testosterone and should never be used by itself, it has an affinety to bind to progesterone receptors and can cause dramatic estrogen spikes, and it will shut u down (all steroids do, but deca shuts u down hard!) and cause u to suffer weeks of low T levels when coming off, no good... anyway, i dropped the deca long ago and came to realize that the only anabolic that is natural to use and safe was simply testosterone and HGH, doctors even prescribe it and recommend it more these days... so from 2009 to now, i have been on a moderate dose of 200mg of test weekly and have had absolutly not one single issue with so called side effects, why? because i do it sensibly and to the same ideals of a medical professional, i use HCG weekly as well to keep natural levels stimulated... yes, indeed if you abuse testosterone you will be prone to side effects, but that goes with all things in life, even if you abuse PE! i get medicals done by my doctor and he knows i use, he thinks i am one of the healthiest people he knows, my body is hard and fit, my lebido is amazing now, i can have sex all day, 7 times in one evening is my record, with cum too! and most of all, the best part is, that since i started doing PE 2 months ago, i have already gained at least half an inch all around, i have comparable shots i can post for all to see, it makes perfect sense that your PE is much more likely to produce greater results when your nitrogen levels are high and your RBC count is better as well, which will occur from high test levels, recovery also speeds up and thus giving faster gains, i haven't hit any platue yet, and it seems every week there is a new gain of some sort... in anycase i highly recomend useing testosterone for those, and only those who think they suffer from low T, if not, then don't use it! and, i would also highly recomend to never use anything other then test or HGH or both together at very little doses, doctors recomend no more then 200mg of circulating test levels weekly and 7iu's of hgh weekly at max, thats right people, this has nothing to do with bodybuilding, if you want to be a bodybuilder, well then, i will have to agree with some of the cynicle responses that side effects and problems may occur, BUT YOUR FUCKIN DICK WON'T FALL OFF... if done at unreasonably high doses u can experience water bloating, high estrogen levels (can counter with nolvadex), acne (counter with accutane), oily skin (not really a bad thing), and if used for 10-15 years at high doses u can be suseptible to male pattern baldness (genetic), increased liver values (not too commen with test), high blood pressure, testicular atrophy (if not used in conjunction with HCG)... there u go, the simple truth from someone who is supervised by a doctor and is sensible in his approach to a better well being!

          my therapy is as fallows...

          100mg injection low ester test monday and one on thursday, and 1000iu injection HCG every saturday morning, done... i look like i'm 22 at age 30 and feel like i'm 18, BF is 10% and i eat what i want!

          happy new year and marry friggen christmas!
          Last edited by killerbeedick; 06-24-2011, 12:26 AM.
          Killerbeedick? That would be even more funny if I had a small dick lol!


          • killerbee, rep has been given.

            Excellent post.


            • somke of us who dont use steroids are far fom being little pipsqueeks, that I can assure you. Not all steroids are the same. Those used for asthma are not anabolic. Those that are anabolic and administered by a doctor are needed and under medical supervision.
              Deca, Winstrol and sustanin are dangerous when used by those without knowledge. They can have harmfull side effects and saying that I can use this but if I have a problem I can just take that and I am fine is not sounding all that great, Just because some one has not used them does not mean they have not studied about them. For some of us that have not used them it may be an educated decision.
              I hope you are not lumping those who are saying not to use them all into one catagory. I know for a fact I gave respect to those who TRULY no waht they are doing. My personal concern is for those who do not have a full understanding of anabolic steroids and then just plunge in.
              Killerbeedick, I understand why you were on steroids and it is required for you to live a normal life, You are under medical supervision as well and a few of the other members who are here on this thread have demnostrated through theye knowledge on thes posts that they know what they are doing.
              I will say that the people that DO NOT know what theye are doing are the ones that would be fools to use them and for those that are well knowledged in them, well then it is theyre choice. I do not conmdemn any one in that catagory for that.
              If any one choose to use them I hope they are in the know about how to use them properly and what can happen if they dont do so.
              sincerely, BIGO
              Going an inch and 1/2 deeper than before


              • A tenet of wisdom is moderation in all things. But with the statutes the way they are now, even those who were thoughtful and moderate would be violators of the law.


                • Originally posted by hsarge View Post
                  A tenet of wisdom is moderation in all things. But with the statutes the way they are now, even those who were thoughtful and moderate would be violators of the law.
                  Absolutely true, I am not in a position to use that argument personally due to my past use of other illegal things, would be like the pot calling the kettle black.
                  I am just saying that the unknowledgable should stay away from them. I do believe that many weight lifting goals can be made without them as well. I have known many that have used them, some could out do me in the gym, most could not. I am not saying I am all that but I can say I know first hand that you can get pretty damn strong without using steroids. To just say in a blanket statement that they are great is not always a wise statement. Also to say they are of no use or benefit is not always a true statement either.
                  As far as being against the law, well that is simply a fact and if some one does not agree with it that doesnt make it ok to use them, other wise it would be ok for me to kill the next dipshit who cuts me off, I mean hell, he cut me off and it made me mad right, guess I can do what I want.
                  People are going to some times do what they want to do regardless. I just hope they do it as itelligently as possible.
                  Going an inch and 1/2 deeper than before


                  • I was once banned for life from a gym because the owner did'nt want the image of steroid users in his gym. Thing is I was absolutely natural at the time and the last 'steroid' I used was oxandrolone 6 years prior.

                    I will admit that I'm an easy gainer and an above bb knowledge compared to the majority of gym rats. I came into the gym in a completely untrained state and by using a simplified classic old school 20 rep squat routine I gained so fast and esthetically that the owners called me on using steroids. They said it is impossible to make the gains you are without steroids. That and I only came into the gym once every 3-4 days and was out the door within 45 minutes. Did'nt do any fancy exercises, just a handfull of the basics.

                    What they did'nt understand was the basics of bodybuilding and strength training and how when applied properly and knowledgeably will produce results that exceed the expectations of most weightlifters.

                    Results comparable to AAS users...well

                    I'm not a big regular user of AAS's. I will take something once in a while when work is getting too demanding to recover from and occasionaly for the edge in muscle enhancement.

                    A couple of years ago I took 8-10 weeks of dianabol @ anywhere from 10-30 mg per day. Only exercise I did was push-ups, chin-ups and some resistance band work for the shoulders. Direct neck work and running my dogs and nothing on a specific workout schedule or program.

                    I gained close to 25 pounds in 6 weeks and had little kids come up and ask me if I was a wrestler and touch my arms LOL!

                    I guess my point here is that knowledge and intelligence can take you further than many realize with natural bodybuilding to the point of being accused of being a steroid user.

                    Anabolic steroids are not necessary by the average person wanting to build some muscle and be buff and look like a tough guy...but I did'nt need that joint I just smoked to be happy and relaxed either....I just enjoy it sometimes.
                    Senior Member
                    Last edited by phallic1; 06-24-2011, 04:59 PM.


                    • I know it sucks to be accused of juicing when your not, When I was in the navy the performed a health and comfort inspection after we pulled out of Jebel-Ali. It was known to some of the higher ups that a few of our shipmates had purcahsed Deca while in port, how the knew is beyond me but the targeted some of the suspected individuals, 3 in our command were busted for posession of the Deca.
                      I was suspected to be using as well and my bunk was ripped apart and searched thoroughly and I was mad to give a sample of my urine. i came out clean as dis several others. I had made very good gains during the first three months of deployment so i guess they thought I was doing it too. It did kind of feel nice that they thought so huighly of my progress that they thought I must be juicing!
                      I have just been fortunate to be able to pump up very quickly, even at 45 I can still go in the gym and lift for a month and look like I never quit. Muscle meory is cool but I think it wont always work as well for me, damn I am getting old!
                      Going an inch and 1/2 deeper than before


                      • hiya mate starting a cycle soon totally agree with you about miss-information about steroids, very true about the media manipulating facts and of course ignorance in society, from what ive researched though mate the penis isn't a muscle like we have in our arms, chest etc anyways dont know the science of it but im pretty sure the gains will be the same with or without the roids! im still looking into it myself as im starting my cycle and pe at similar dates in the near future, hope it all works out 4 ya keep us posted good luck


                        • I Don't care how old this thread is, its so funny how quick people are to bash on things they know NOTHING about because they are ignorant and want to throw in their 2 pennies, cause their opinion is really that important, right?

                          So... any results?
                          I have no problem being with just one woman, but I can't not eat all the donuts.

                          Current: 7.2" x 5.25"
                          Next stop: 7.5" x 5.4"


                          • If you guys want to read about something and keep tabs on something that will likely work. It's FGFs. Fibroblast growth factors. They have an effect on the types of tissue that makes up the penis.
                            They are helpful in similar ways as IGF and HGH and Steroids. but Those things don't affect the tissues of the penis near as much as FGFs do.


                            • I just posted with a similar question and yes, it does not shrink penis size, why would it? The penis is a muscle, hence the steroids for increased muscular size when bodybuilding.


                              • Where are you injecting the steroids are you injecting the glutes, thighs, or are you injecting directly in the penis like using other penile erection injection medications?

