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"Cyber War" Episode 7

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  • #31
    Captain Malbry saw the puffs of smoke from the Avenger, he heard the screeching of the shell as it passed over the bow of the Shark, he heard the muffled boom, boom of the explosions and the spouts of water.
    He turned to his first officer and said, "Holy Mother of Jesus, what was that?" His first officer was standing speechless, ashen faced and smelled like he had fouled himself. He yelled down to his signal man and said, "Ask Captain Bear if he was hit." He turned back and his first officer had left the bridge.

    Captain Malbry looked through his scope and saw that Captain Bear was signaling that he wasn't damaged, but wanted to know what that was and that he was leaving, now!

    Captain Malbry signaled back, Aye, let's head to safer waters.

    Back aboard the Avenger, King Remek and Sir Calixto were doing high fives and bragging about their clean shots.

    Captain JonPop signaled, congratulations to the Avenger and to prepare to come alongside and be boarded by the officers of the Far Search.

    I've got a Tiger by the tail.


    • #32
      Captain Malbry, signaled the Rooster and Captain Bear that the Shark was going to back off to just over the horizon and to follow.
      He added that they would stay out of sight of the two, what he now considered war ships, until something developed or he could figure out what was their purpose.

      A long boat with King Arthur, Captain JonPop and first officer Sir Bret, tied off at the Avenger.
      The rope ladder was lowered over the side and they climbed aboard.
      They, along with King Remek, Captain Pirate, Sir Big Al and Sir Pegasus, seated themselves at the table.
      King Arthur began:

      We have determined that the two pirate ships, i.e. the Shark and Rooster, are not an immediate threat.
      Sir Vulcan on high watch, observed them trailing with just the tips of their masts visible on the horizon.
      We are not shed of them yet, but we must turn our attention to the task that is of immediate importance, the spammers."

      He was interrupted by Dame Tink, entering the Kings quarters, breathless and apologetic, saying, "I am so sorry my Lords and Captain Pirate, but I must tell you what I have observed and overheard."

      "I had gone below to my room and as I started through the storeroom, I overheard voices coming from behind some stacked crates. Having been taught in sleep training to recognize the spammer language, one person was speaking in this. The other one said, "Stop! You must only speak in English, you will give us away." I heard a third voice say, "Yes, no one must be made aware of our presence."

      I stopped and crouched down behind some boxes to continue listening and their voices dropped to where I couldn't make out any more words. I continued in hiding until I heard them leave and climb the stairs. This is when I decided to interrupt you, rather than wait."
      Retired Sr. Administrator
      PEGym Hero
      Last edited by JonPop; 07-27-2011, 11:08 PM.

      I've got a Tiger by the tail.


      • #33
        Captain Pirate jumped to his feet and said, "If there are spammer spies aboard the Avenger,
        they must be aboard the Search, as well."

        He turned to King Remek and said, "They must be among the soldiers, as every other person aboard both ships is known to us. I was informed by Captain Slanker that a thorough check was made of each soldier.
        Can we summon him to this meeting?"

        Captain JonPop stood and said to Tink, "Have you told anyone else of this?"
        Dame Tink said, "No sir, I came immediately to the Kings quarters."

        "Good. I would also like for Captain Slanker to be summoned."

        King Remek reached into a drawer at the table and pulled out a device. He pressed a button but got no responding beep. He said, "Captain Slanker must be occupied or out of range of the transmitter. We will need to take action on this. Any ideas on how we can Ferret these spies out?"

        Sir Big Al stood and said, "We must isolate the soldiers and any other personal that we don't know.
        This includes the Chef, his assistant and all of the kitchen help. I suggest that the Knights aboard be discreetly informed about what we have learned and start rounding these spammers up."

        King Arthur said, "Good idea. I suggest we return to the Far Search and quietly inform our people as well.
        Then when we have everyone in place on both ships, we sound the general alarm and call All Hands on Deck." Roll call will make sure that everyone is present. When this is determined,the men will be taken below and caged in the bilge."
        Retired Sr. Administrator
        PEGym Hero
        Last edited by JonPop; 07-27-2011, 11:10 PM.

        I've got a Tiger by the tail.


        • #34
          Captain JonPop called Sir Waylander into his quarters and said, "While we were aboard the Avenger, we got some disturbing news. It seems, as reported by Dame Tink, that there are spammer spies among the soldiers on the Avenger.
          We believe that if the Phallic Avenger is infiltrated, the Far Search most likely is.
          Sir Bret is just now, taking aside each Knight to inform them of our plans.
          In co ordination with Captain Pirate, we will at a set signal, lower all sails, and sound a general quarters alarm for all hands on deck. You and Sir Bret will conduct a roll call. When it is determined that all hands are present. I mean, ALL hands, The soldiers, cooks and everyone except the Knights and Dame Batwomen, will be escorted under armed guard to the bilge until we can determine if we are also infested.
          Discretely go to your quarters and get your personnel log. Then return to the top deck and await the order to furl the sails.
          When this is done both here and on the Avenger, the alarm will be sounded. Yourself and Sir Bret are charged with getting every hand accounted for.
          The remainder of the Knights will bear arms and make sure that no one escapes."

          Sir Waylander said, "This is bad news, Captain. I thought that all the soldiers had been screened by Captain Slanker." Captain JonPop said, "Aye, Dan. I did too."
          Retired Sr. Administrator
          PEGym Hero
          Last edited by JonPop; 07-27-2011, 11:12 PM.

          I've got a Tiger by the tail.


          • #35
            King Arthur watched through the telescope as the signal came from the Avenger.
            He turned to Captain JonPop and said, "It is time Captain."

            Captain JonPop yelled down to Sir Bret, to have the sails lowered and the sea anchor deployed.
            As this was being done, Sir Waylander sounded the alarm and called for all hands on deck.
            Everyone came running, expecting a fight to be ensuing, only to be met by broadsword wielding Knights.
            The soldiers were told to get into formation.
            Dame Batwoman overlooking all this said, "The chef and kitchen helpers are not among those on deck, Captain.
            Sir Bret dispatched Sir Jim and Sir Marty to the galley and kitchen to bring the missing men on deck.

            Sir Jim returned with the Chef, who protested that he had several large roasts in the oven and they would be ruined if he couldn't tend to them.
            When Sir Marty returned, he said that the kitchen help was nowhere to be found.
            Captain JonPop shouted down that a thorough search must be mounted and the missing men located.

            All but 3 Knights and Sir Kingpole, set out to search the ship. They went as a group to the bilge and worked their way up.
            Meanwhile, Sir Waylander called roll. All were present with the exception of the three kitchen hands.
            Retired Sr. Administrator
            PEGym Hero
            Last edited by JonPop; 07-27-2011, 11:14 PM.

            I've got a Tiger by the tail.


            • #36
              After the Far Search was swept for the third time, it was decided that the three missing kitchen hands were nowhere on board. The soldiers were taken below to a make-shift brig and placed under heavy guard by Sir Jayhawk, Sir Stud and Sir Marty.

              There was much protesting among the soldiers, proclaiming their innocence and loyalty to King Arthur.
              They were told that this was just a temporary confinement and as soon as a way was found to ascertain that no spammer spies were among them, they would be released to return to duty.

              Captain JonPop, Sir Waylander and Sir Bret, went to the bunks and lockers of the suspected spammers.
              There they discovered three melted lap tops and much more.

              In the lockers, hidden in rolled up socks, they found containers of strychnine.
              A meeting was called with King Arthur and it was surmised that the spammers, having access to the food served to everyone aboard, had planned at some point, to poison everyone.

              This news and the disappearance of the three kitchen hands was relayed to the Phallic Avenger.

              I've got a Tiger by the tail.


              • #37
                Captain Pirate watched as the sails on the Far Search were being lowered in co ordination with his own sails.
                He heard the alarm bell sounded by Sir Waylander even across the distance that separated the two ships.

                Sir Pegasus was sounding their own alarm and men were coming from everywhere, assembling on the main deck below him. When the soldiers were ordered to form into ranks, Sir Big Al begin to call role.
                Everyone was accounted for according to Sir Vulcan who went among the soldiers and physically identified each man by name, except for three of the soldiers and one cooks helper.
                Sir NP and Sir Unit were dispatched to the kitchen and galley to search for the missing kitchen worker.
                Sir Cusp, Dame Tink and Sir Calixto were sent below to locate the missing soldiers.

                A signal came from the Far Search that there were three missing men from roll call and a thorough search was underway.

                Like the Far Search, the men could not be found aboard the Avenger.
                Captain Pirate, Sir Big Al and Sir Pegasus went to the soldiers quarters and begin a search of their possessions. Like the Far Search, they discovered melted lap tops. They also found strychnine concealed in their lockers.

                King Remek, again tried to signal Captain Slanker and this time he responded. He was informed of these developments and said he would go to King Arthurs cabin aboard the Far Search and would then transport the officers and King Remek to join him.
                Retired Sr. Administrator
                PEGym Hero
                Last edited by JonPop; 06-29-2011, 01:00 PM.

                I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                • #38
                  Captain Pirate ordered the Knights to remove the men to the bilge and hold them under guard until everything could be sorted out.
                  He allowed the chef to return to the kitchen to attend to the dinner he had cooking. He complained that he couldn't finish the meal without his helpers.
                  Captain Pirate asked if any of the Knights would volunteer and Dame Tink said, "Sir, I cooked for my six brothers and Dad when my Mum died from a snake bite. I'll take over for the help." She turned to the chef and said, "You just tell me what you need done and I can do anything as good as those lazy workers you have."

                  Captain Pirate turned to Sir Pegasus and said, "We are about to be transported to the Far Search, so I am leaving the Avenger in your hands. Keep a sharp eye out for anything suspicious and signal if there is any, I mean any trouble here.
                  With that, he vanished, along with King Remek and First Officer Big Al.
                  Retired Sr. Administrator
                  PEGym Hero
                  Last edited by JonPop; 06-29-2011, 01:00 PM.

                  I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                  • #39
                    Captain Slanker sat quietly while all the yelling and accusations were being made around him.
                    He finally stood and said,

                    "Yes, somehow spammer spies did slip through the checks we had in place.
                    What you don't know is, that I was only recently informed that seven bodies had been discovered in a shallow grave outside the Kingdom of PEG. I learned of this after the alert had been sounded by Dame Tink.

                    We surmise that the seven men were killed and a great effort was made to assume their identities by spammers that closely resembled the men they were replacing.

                    Those above me, have concluded that at some point in the journey, probably very close to the Transylvania coast, that they would have used the strychnine to kill the entire crew and soldiers. They knew that with the ease of these two ships to sail, that seven men would be enough, with the Avenger in tow with one spammer at the helm, to sail the Far Search to port.
                    We believe that all of the spammers deleted themselves to avoid interrogation. It is my feeling that you should return the men to duty and continue your voyage".
                    Retired Sr. Administrator
                    PEGym Hero
                    Last edited by JonPop; 12-28-2011, 03:07 PM.

                    I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                    • #40
                      King Arthur agreed with Captain Slanker and told Sir Bret to have the soldiers and chef's assistant released back to duty.

                      Dame Batwoman had been filling in for the missing kitchen helpers and between her help and that of the Chef and his assistant, finished preparing a succulent meal of roast beef, potatoes, gravy, assorted vegetables, fresh baked bread and a large salad prepared by Dame Batwoman.
                      Thanks to the refrigeration units on the ships, fresh produce and meats were now available for their voyage.

                      Captain Slanker said, "If it is all right with you King Arthur, I'd love to stay for dinner. In your far distant future, the food we have is much different than what you consume in this age. It has been several years since I have had beef and I try, whenever I get a chance, to partake of this delicious, meat. The smell coming from the kitchen is making me quite hungry".

                      King Arthur said, "Why certainly Captain Slanker, we would be delighted to have you join us. And how about you King Remek and Sir Big Al and Captain Pirate? Care to sample some of our chef's fine cooking?"

                      Captain Pirate said, over the objections of Sir Big Al, "We would like to stay your Highness, but we must get back to the Avenger to supervise the release of our own soldiers and the welfare of the Avenger. Our own chef has our dinner about ready and I want to see how Dame Tink fared in the kitchen".
                      King Arthur laughed at this and said, "I understand. Maybe another time?" Captain Pirate bowed and he, King Remek and Sir Big Al, vanished.
                      Retired Sr. Administrator
                      PEGym Hero
                      Last edited by JonPop; 06-29-2011, 01:01 PM.

                      I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                      • #41
                        As this was a special event, having Captain Slanker as guest for dinner, he was seated at the head of the table.
                        Even King Arthur who usually ate in his cabin with Sir JonPop and the officers of the Far Search, was present.
                        The Knights were in their usual seats with King Arthur at the foot of the long table.
                        Three soldiers that had volunteered to serve were bustling about, bringing plates of succulent roast beef and side dishes to the by now, very hungry Knights who were hardly able to contain themselves.

                        Captain JonPop, seated to King Arthurs right, stood and proposed a toast to, "Dame Batwoman for her efforts to jump in and help save this fine meal".

                        The Chef who was also present raised his glass of fine rum and said, "Aye to that, Captain. Do ya think I could keep her?" Everyone laughed loudly at this.

                        Captain Slanker stood and clinked on his glass and said, "Gentlemen, King and Dame Batwoman, I am so pleased that I have been included in this fine meal. In the much distant future, we have lost some of the simple pleasures that you enjoy here on civilizations home planet of Earth. Even though our technology is far advanced from anything you can imagine, there is not much room on my world to provide for the masses of people, such fresh food as I see before me. Our fare consists mostly of computer generated meals. They are healthy and nutritious and feed an ever expanding population. But, nothing that compares with what I see before me. I have not had salad since I visited 17th century Italy. Cheers to Batwoman for such an offering." He sat down to applause.
                        Retired Sr. Administrator
                        PEGym Hero
                        Last edited by JonPop; 02-08-2011, 03:37 PM.

                        I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                        • #42
                          Hey people, those of you that are reading this story, sorry
                          about the delay. Been a little upset lately and just can't seem to get back in the writing mood.
                          Besides, this story is hard. 2 ships, 2 crews and lots of characters. 2 Kings, 2 Captains, wow if I was a poker player, I'd have a pretty good hand.

                          Anyway, if anyone wants to comment on the story, here, now is the time before I get back into writing. (jP
                          Retired Sr. Administrator
                          PEGym Hero
                          Last edited by JonPop; 02-14-2011, 04:55 PM.

                          I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                          • #43
                            Well I for one have been hanging for the next installment esp these last few days.. but i will wait patiently with my
                            Can't wait to see where you take things!! oh and i can't wait for you to get to the sex parts(YES! i had to say it, please don't send me to isolation again)
                            ~ If.....
                            ~ TTBB big-ginners program for JPopping boobies
                            ~ Lust and Love

                            “It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”


                            • #44
                              Just because Captain Pirate walked in on you when you were naked in the kitchen making Apple Strudel and had to be led away to his quarters and placed in his bunk? Why do you think we would restrain you?
                              I mean the whole of the Phallic Avenger is abuzz with this. I think if you do this kind of thing again, I will have the crew draw lots and to see who gets to go first.
                              Then Dame Tink, lets see how much you can take. (jP
                              Retired Sr. Administrator
                              PEGym Hero
                              Last edited by JonPop; 06-29-2011, 01:03 PM.

                              I've got a Tiger by the tail.


                              • #45
                                I find that it always pays to keep my clothes on when on board a ship full of randy men and pirates. I mean, swordplay is great fun, but there just isn't much room in these cabins....

