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Question for those who cured Hard Flaccid/PF dysfunction

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  • Originally posted by Big Al View Post
    If you have a pelvic floor strain whatever the cause, it's likely going to affect you whenever you use the restroom.

    You may need to see a specialist about this.
    what specialist?


    • Originally posted by HelpmeHF View Post
      what specialist?
      A pelvic floor specialist.
      You never slow down, you never grow old!


      • Ye see a pelvic floor specialist also check for any injury to corporaspongiosum, bulbos muscle, and perineum


        • Involuntary kegel to start urine stream

          sometimes i get the urge to urinate but when i try to urinate, as i feel the urine coming I involuntary kegel after which i can pee normally. Basically without the involuntary kegel the urine feels stuck and doesn't come out.

          If i have to urinate really badly this doesn't happen, but when i feel like i kinda have to go than it almost always happens, it's like there's not enough pressure to overcome the muscle tightness. Not sure.

          What can be done to combat this. Is it dangerous to be involuntary kegeling before you urinate? I can't seem to control it consciously no matter how relaxed i try to be.

          Worried this is causing me further damage.


          • Originally posted by alterego888 View Post
            Ye see a pelvic floor specialist also check for any injury to corporaspongiosum, bulbos muscle, and perineum
            How would i know if there's an injury, I never checked these pre-injury so it would be hard to differentiate from normal anatomy and abnormal.


            • Originally posted by HelpmeHF View Post
              what specialist?

              A soft tissue specialist, or (as mentioned above) someone who specializes in dealing with pelvic floor issues.
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              • I would say see a urologist, this is the first time I've seen this from being on the site for a year. Hopefully he can address your physical needs. Good luck!


                • Originally posted by HelpmeHF View Post
                  sometimes i get the urge to urinate but when i try to urinate, as i feel the urine coming I involuntary kegel after which i can pee normally. Basically without the involuntary kegel the urine feels stuck and doesn't come out.

                  If i have to urinate really badly this doesn't happen, but when i feel like i kinda have to go than it almost always happens, it's like there's not enough pressure to overcome the muscle tightness. Not sure.

                  What can be done to combat this. Is it dangerous to be involuntary kegeling before you urinate? I can't seem to control it consciously no matter how relaxed i try to be.

                  Worried this is causing me further damage.
                  Urinary retention, this is usually a symptom of pelvic floor hypertonia. I had it and still do when I am under stress. More info can be found in my signature.
                  My Work



                  • You have pelvic floor hypertonia my friend. A PT or my protocol should help. Give it 6 months and you should see some sort of relief.
                    My Work



                    • Originally posted by HansTwilight View Post
                      You have pelvic floor hypertonia my friend. A PT or my protocol should help. Give it 6 months and you should see some sort of relief.
                      hey man i appreciate your protocol as there isn't much out there for self-help. I tried the hindi squats multiple times a day for almost 2 months and wasn't getting much relief. It helped initially with some urinary symptoms but then completely plateaued I figure might have just been placebo because I usually get relief when i first start doing any kind of treatment. I decided to stop.

                      I've been doing external massaging of the left side(thats where i feel the tension) with finger which seems to have calmed down my involuntary kegels when sleeping and sometimes my testicle hangs lower at times now, which it used to never do basically.

                      When i first started massaging, the area felt like rock hard and has since softened a bit. However I still have fairly bad hard flaccid especially in the mornings.


                      • Originally posted by HelpmeHF View Post
                        hey man i appreciate your protocol as there isn't much out there for self-help. I tried the hindi squats multiple times a day for almost 2 months and wasn't getting much relief. It helped initially with some urinary symptoms but then completely plateaued I figure might have just been placebo because I usually get relief when i first start doing any kind of treatment. I decided to stop.

                        I've been doing external massaging of the left side(thats where i feel the tension) with finger which seems to have calmed down my involuntary kegels when sleeping and sometimes my testicle hangs lower at times now, which it used to never do basically.

                        When i first started massaging, the area felt like rock hard and has since softened a bit. However I still have fairly bad hard flaccid especially in the mornings.
                        You should consider a yoga routine, my protocol has some good poses.
                        To name a few:
                        Knees to chest,
                        frog stretch,
                        happy baby,
                        child's pose,
                        butterfly pose,
                        cat cow
                        seated pelvic tilts
                        pigeon pose,
                        hamstring and calve stretches
                        My Work



                        • permanent pf strain

                          it feels like HF is never going to go away, I know there's others who have tried everything and HF doesn't budge. I think there's gotta be some kind of permanent muscle damage, I have pain from the tightness and it starts when i stand up, gradually worsening throughout the day. My guess is this is probably because the muscle has to work harder while you are standing and results in pain similar to how putting strain on a torn bicep i'm sure would hurt.

                          Anyway i've tried hindi squats, i've tried to ignore it etc. Any improvement is very temporary, as soon as an erection happens everything tightens up again. The muscle is pretty much messed up.

                          i've done belly breathing combos, i've done external massages etc. I think actually the more stuff I do the worse things get because i'm focusing on it. Either way there's probably severities of HF and if yours is treatment resistant you probably did permanent damage to the muscle. It's kind of like a minor strain verse a major one.

                          there's not much left to do that i can think of besides learning to mentally accept that i'll have this annoying pain/discomfort forever and erections are going to be lacking in significant sensation and come at the cost of further tightness/discomfort. Better than torturing yourself with stretches and paying tons of money for treatments that cannot help you.


                          • I see you have tried everything so I have a last hope for you.
                            Try hanging 500 to 1000 grams weight in a position that your ass is on the edge of a soft chair and your legs(90 degrees bent) on an object in the height(same level) of your ass.
                            This position is somewhere in the middle of the hanging positions SD and BTC.
                            Stay in that position for 3X20 mins ( 5 mins breaks) and at the same time let the tension of your mind and body go away ( like meditating).
                            This relaxes my PF big time....10 times more than RKs.
                            Do it every day and report back in 2 weeks....
                            What I just describe you is also healthy for your dick cause its a safe mild stretching.
                            So you have nothing to lose. Only to gain.


                            • Originally posted by TeoDeles View Post
                              I see you have tried everything so I have a last hope for you.
                              Try hanging 500 to 1000 grams weight in a position that your ass is on the edge of a soft chair and your legs(90 degrees bent) on an object in the height(same level) of your ass.
                              This position is somewhere in the middle of the hanging positions SD and BTC.
                              Stay in that position for 3X20 mins ( 5 mins breaks) and at the same time let the tension of your mind and body go away ( like meditating).
                              This relaxes my PF big time....10 times more than RKs.
                              Do it every day and report back in 2 weeks....
                              What I just describe you is also healthy for your dick cause its a safe mild stretching.
                              So you have nothing to lose. Only to gain.

                              My point is if you have a severe muscle strain which implies a bad tear, this stuff isn't going to help you at all since the muscle is permanently compromised. I've been reading muscle tears that heal on their own tend to result in spasms which could explain the HF etc.


                              • I've been hearing lately from specialist that the corpus spongiosom and the caVernosas is the most important part in the erection. Have you damaged those two muscles maybe? Maybe try to focus on that when you see the next surgical urologist. Also tell him nothing works and you're very desperate. Sorry for your situation bro. I can relate because I'm on disability but my doctor did me a turn. He put me on permanent disability so I don't have to freak out about the dick at all. BTW do you mean external or internal massages cause when you go to pelvic floor treatment they put fingers inside. Ya? BTW paying it forward here, if you want Frick in attention from a uro tell him you may have damaged the urethra you think. That in itself could be catastrophic. If he asks you why? Tell him a little white lie that you a slight pinching pain in the urethra. That should get the ball rolling. Never give up! And I'm sorry for your situation.

